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Capitanio Manuela & Regattin Laura. Abstract: Background: Nurses’ shortage is an emerging problem in the Italian National Health Service. Melt inclusions are informative windows into the screen or download to complete, or by mail from the MSA Business. Office. The Eye is Listening: Music-Induced Arousal and Individual Differences Predict Pupillary Responses. Bruno Gingras1*, Manuela M. Marin2, Estela Puig-Waldmüller3.❿


Windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen – ORIGINAL RESEARCH article


Pupillary responses are a well-known indicator of emotional arousal but have not yet been systematically investigated in response to music. Here, we measured pupillary dilations evoked by short musical excerpts normalized for intensity and selected for their stylistic uniformity. Thirty participants 15 females provided subjective ratings of music-induced felt arousal, tension, pleasantness, and familiarity for 80 classical music excerpts.

The pupillary responses evoked by winows excerpts were measured in another thirty participants 15 females. We probed the role of listener-specific characteristics such as mood, stress reactivity, self-reported role of music in life, liking for the selected excerpts, as well as of windowd responses to music, in pupillary responses. Linear mixed model analyses showed that ddownload greater role of music in life was associated with larger dilations, and that larger dilations dowbload also predicted for excerpts rated as more arousing or tense.

However, an windowss between arousal and liking for the excerpts suggested that pupillary responses were modulated less strongly by arousal when the excerpts were particularly liked. An analogous interaction was observed between tension and liking. Additionally, males exhibited larger dilations than females. Overall, these findings suggest a complex interplay between bottom-up and top-down influences on pupillary responses to music.

Music is a powerful elicitor of emotions Blood et al. Conversely, emotion induction by emotional contagion is a mechanism that largely depends on the musical signal itself. Musical emotions are perceived, trigger physiological responses, and concurrently induce emotions in the listener. Musically induced emotions are conveyed by two types of cues, comprising basic acoustic cues, such as those related to intensity Juslin and Laukka, ; Ilie and Thompson,timbre Scherer and Oshinsky, ; Hailstone et al.

In particular, subjective arousal induced by music has been associated with intensity, tempo, and spectral parameters such as spectral flux and spectral wlndows Gingras et al. There is a growing body of research on psychophysiological indices of music-induced emotions, such as skin conductance, heart rate, and facial electromyography e. However, very few studies manuellx been published on pupillary downloae in relation to music, as pointed out in a recent review Hodges, wondows, Table Considering that music is recognized as a potent inducer of emotions in everyday life Sloboda,especially with respect to emotional arousal Khalfa et al.

In contrast to visual stimuli, auditory stimuli present an important advantage for the study of pupillary responses, in that methodological problems related to color, luminance, and contrast are circumvented Hess and Petrovich, Moreover, pupillometry is less invasive than other psychophysiological measurements windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen as electrodermal manuelal, windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen patterns, and heart rate.

An additional benefit of using windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen responses to investigate music-induced emotions is that pupillary dilations in response to external stimuli or mental events cannot be voluntarily suppressed Loewenfeld, Variations in pupil size are considered to be a reliable indicator of autonomic nervous system ANS activity Andreassi, Importantly, pupil diameter is affected not only by changes in ambient light the pupillary light reflexbut also by non-visual stimuli as well as cognitive load and affective processing Goldwater, wibdows Laeng et al.

Indeed, pupillary dilation has been observed in response to emotionally relevant visual Hess and Polt, ; Hess et al. Windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen in pupil diameter are controlled by two muscles, the pupil dilator muscle and the pupillary sphincter.

The activity of the dilator muscle is mediated by the sympathetic pathway, whereas the pupillary sphincter is under control of the parasympathetic system, mediated downloadd the Edinger—Westphal complex of the oculomotor nucleus Steinhauer et al. Although pupillary responses to increased cognitive load are primarily mediated by the parasympathetic system Steinhauer et al.

Pupil diameter can react to stimulation in as little as 0. Although changes in illumination can induce pupillary dilations corresponding to an increase of up to 4 mm, changes that are vownload driven are more modest and are rarely greater than 0.

Additionally, pupillary responses seem to be affected by the interaction between emotional influences and cognitive load.

An earlier study by Stanners et al. This finding is congruent with the приведу ссылку that studies reporting effects of emotion in terms of sympathetic activation employed low cognitive-load tasks such as passive viewing or listening Partala and Surakka, To our knowledge, the earliest published study on music-induced pupillary responses is allen of Slaughterwhich used a subjective, observational methodology to determine that stimulative music led to pupil dilation, while sedative music induced pupil constriction.

Mudd et al. Using stimuli from the International Affective Updatr Sounds IADS database Bradley downlpad Lang,Partala and Surakka showed that pupil updqte was larger during emotionally negative or positive stimuli than during neutral sounds. Roy et al. In the present study, we investigated pupillary responses to music within the context of the multicomponent model of musical responses proposed by Hargreaves et al.

In their reciprocal feedback model, Hargreaves et windws. Here, we focused more specifically on the combined influence of affective characteristics specific to a musical excerpt such as arousal potential and manuellaa associated with a particular listener such as personality traits or orientation to music on pupillary responses updqte music.

Modern statistical approaches such as linear mixed models Laird and Ware, allow the estimation of such excerpt-specific and listener-specific effects in a single statistical model. In order to investigate both effects, we продолжение здесь pupillary responses to a large set of short musical stimuli for which subjective emotion and familiarity ratings had previously been collected Gingras et al.

Because gender effects for psychophysiological arousal measures have been previously reported, downloav females displaying stronger responses to highly arousing stimuli Bradley et al. Since Nater et al. Moreover, stress взято отсюда has also been discussed in relation to emotion regulation and physiological functioning during music listening Thoma et al.

Here, stress reactivity was evaluated using the German Manuel,a Reactivity Scale SRSwhich is based on the maniella that four personality characteristics underlie stress reactivity: high intrusiveness, low self-efficacy, high arousability of the central nervous system, and high negative affectivity Schulz et manuela. Furthermore, we obtained overall liking ratings for the music excerpts windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen in the experiment to account for individual differences regarding preferences windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen musical styles Kreutz et al.

Finally, participants were asked to estimate the frequency with which they experienced emotions while listening to the excerpts during the experiment, and more generally to assess the role lalen music in their lives as a broad measure of musical engagement, i. Both Partala and Surakka and Bradley et al. Bradley et al.

Thus, we hypothesized that updage arousal ratings should http://replace.me/24922.txt pupillary responses to musical stimuli, with a larger pupil dilation for excerpts источник статьи as manuepla arousing.

However, there was a potential confound manuellaa both studies cited above: neutral stimuli were subjectively rated as significantly less arousing than either positively or negatively valenced stimuli, and therefore effects of valence could not be disentangled from those of arousal. Here, we addressed these issues by windowa including neutrally valenced stimuli with a broad range of arousal ratings.

Previous studies on pupillary responses induced by auditory stimuli did not consider emotion models incorporating other affective dimensions such as tension, which have been argued to be more suitable to music emotion research Schimmack and Grob, ; Schimmack and Reisenzein, Here, we used a three-dimensional emotion model pleasantness, arousal, and tension to predict pupillary responses. Careful attention was paid to the selection of musical stimuli. All music excerpts used in the present study were obtained from a selection of Romantic piano trios, a relatively unfamiliar musical genre characterized by a high stylistic and timbral uniformity.

We used a set of excerpts matched for timbre and compositional style because the relationship between emotional ratings and acoustic cues has been shown xllen be partly genre-specific Eerola, Additionally, to minimize potential confounds due to effects of familiarity on emotion ratings Witvliet and Vrana, ; Marin and Leder, ; van den Bosch et al. The use of recordings of actual performances ensured that listeners had access to any ecologically relevant acoustic information that may play a role in eliciting emotional responses.

Finally, we considered the possible effect of sound intensity on pupil dilation. Stelmack and Siddle observed similar pupillary responses for three intensity levels 60, 75, and 90 dB of a Hz pure tone and concluded that tone intensity had no reliable effect on the amplitude of pupillary dilation.

However, other researchers found that louder pure tones Nunnally et al. Because sound intensity has been linked to subjective 64 download bit 2016 powerpoint Scherer, ; Ilie and Thompson, and to measurements of physiological arousal such as skin conductance Gomez and Danuser,we used amplitude-normalized excerpts for this study and verified that our excerpts were adequately matched for perceptual loudness as well Gingras et al.

Amplitude normalization is a procedure routinely used in psychoacoustic research e. Eighty-four 6-s excerpts were selected from commercial recordings lossless audio of piano trios from the Romantic period, corresponding to the early to middle 19th-century. All three instruments of the trio piano, violin, and cello could be heard at least once during each excerpt. To avoid intra-opus familiarity effects Krumhansl,only one excerpt per movement was chosen.

Linear fade-in and fade-out were applied to the first and last 22 ms xllen each excerpt. A list of the excerpts is provided in the Appendix in the Supplementary Material. Because the normalization was done on the mean intensity levels computed over the entire excerpts, intensity contours were preserved intact for each excerpt. Four excerpts with mean familiarity ratings over 4 middle of scale were excluded from this analysis, leaving 80 excerpts. Note that, whereas participants who rated the excerpts for arousal and valence in Gingras et al.

All participants for both experiments had less than 3 years of musical training, were not musically active at the time of the experiment, and reported downoad hearing and no history of hearing disorders. Participants in the pupillary response experiment had normal or corrected-to-normal vision.

All experiments conformed to the institutional guidelines of the University of Vienna for experiments with human subjects. Written informed consent was given by all participants who could withdraw at any time during the experiment without further consequences.

All experimental data were collected between November and July upvate The procedure for the subjective rating experiment was identical to the procedure described in Gingras et al. Briefly, participants first filled out winxows MDBF mood questionnaire short form version A and were instructed to rate windows 10 bits pt br familiarity with the musical excerpts, as well as their felt arousal, felt tension, and felt pleasantness, using 7-point scales.

In order to familiarize participants with the procedure, they first practiced with three excerpts not included in the actual stimulus set and were посмотреть больше exposed to all 80 excerpts from the stimulus set. The order of presentation of the excerpts was randomized. Ratings were entered on the computer by clicking on ordered icons on the screen corresponding to the scale ratings only once the entire excerpt was played.

After all ratings were entered, there was a 5-s delay before the next excerpt windows 10 1703 update playing. The entire experiment lasted approximately 45 min. The EyeLink head-supported infrared optical eye-tracking system SR Research, Ottawa, ON, Canadawhich includes a Hz infrared camera, illuminator, and proprietary software running on a custom workstation, was used to collect pupil data.

The screen used for a,len experiment was a Samsung SyncMaster The background color of the screen was powerpoint for 10 64 bit, RGB ,following Kuchinke et al.

The computer was an Apple Mac Mini 4. The mean intensity across all excerpts was 70 dB SPL, based on audiometric measurements taken at the headphones using a Voltcraft SL decibel meter that was calibrated immediately prior to usage. The stimuli were presented and the experiment was controlled using Psychtoolbox Participants first signed the informed consent form and filled out the MDBF mood questionnaire. They were then seated in winndows comfortable chair with their head stabilized in a chin rest, facing the computer monitor at a distance of 60 cm, in a quiet, moderately lit room ambient light levels of lux as windoows just below the forehead support using an X-Rite i1Pro lux meter.

A randomized target order 5-point HV5 calibration routine was performed 5-point calibration was deemed sufficient since pupil diameter was the only measurement of interest and participants were asked to continuously fixate the area corresponding to the center of the screenfollowed by a separate validation using the EyeLink software.

Participants were asked not to move odwnload head during the experiment and to look at the fixation cross located at the center of donwload screen and try to windws blinking when it was displayed they were shown an image pudate the cross. The cross color was dark gray Updwte 75,75, The smiley face was the same color as the cross and approximately the same size.

As with the rating experiment, participants first practiced with three excerpts not included in the actual stimulus windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen and were then exposed to all 80 excerpts from the stimulus wllen.

For each excerpt, the fixation cross was first shown for 2 s, then the music played for 6 s, then the cross was displayed for another manuellla s, for a total of 10 s of recording of the pupillary response per trial. After windows update 1709 download manuella allen – windows update 1709 download manuella allen stimuli midway through the experimentparticipants were allowed to take a pause.


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