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Abstract We have developed a broadcasting agent system, POC caster, which generates understandable conversational representation from text-based documents. POC caster circulates the opinions of community members by using conversational representation in a broadcasting system on the Internet. We evaluated its transformation rules in two experiments. In Experiment 1, we examined our transformation rules for conversational representation in relation to sentence length.

Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we’ll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Siu-Tsen Shen. At the time, the flight muscle, which operates in stretch activation mode during flight, was deemed incapable of an isometric contraction.

The first tomograms of the active Lethocerus flight muscle used the column averaging method described above in which individual filament averages were produced with no averaging between filaments [ 58 ]. This process produced a richer population of cross-bridge conformations than could be obtained using spatial averages. In column averages, all of the cross-bridges were bound to the region midway between Tn complexes, which is the same location where rigor lead bridges bind; the raw tomograms also showed cross-bridges at other locations along the thin filament.

That most of the cross-bridges in active contraction occurred in the rigor, lead-bridge target zone was presaged by results with AMPPNP described above as well as by X-ray diffraction that showed, in active contraction of Lethocerus fibers, the Each target zone cross-bridge was consistent in size with a single myosin head. Atomic model building at the time was limited by the number of myosin head structures that had been determined with the complete lever arm present one [ 27 ]; most structures were of the MD alone, sometimes with only the ELC.

In the year , the transition state structure of scallop myosin II appeared [ 78 ]; all the S1 crystal structures obtained from the molluscan muscle have a complete light chain-binding domain and thus complete lever arms. In lieu of a transition state crystal structure, the iso-HST cross-bridges were modeled by rebuilding the post-rigor skeletal S1 structure using G as the pivot point, comparing the result to a model transition state structure [ 90 ].

However, even with that degree of added flexibility in the skeletal atomic structure, reasonable fits could not be obtained without also moving the MD away from its position in rigor acto-S1. Large azimuthal changes in the lever arm position were necessary in the majority of cases.

Taken together, the models suggested a 2-stage power stroke. In stage-1, the axial orientations of the motor and light chain domains change together; in stage-2 the MD does not change its orientation and only the lever arm changes its axial angle.

The total interaction distance amounted to 13 nm of which 10 nm produced positive work and 3 nm negative work. The axial lever arm change with the MD fixed on actin, i. Developments in ET produced methods to align and classify the heterogeneous individual motifs For the first time, individual actin subunits and myosin heads could be resolved in class averages facilitating the detailed study of myosin head conformations in the fast frozen, active muscle.

The ability to fit the thin filament atomic model independently of the cross-bridges combined with the availability of crystal structures of rigor, post rigor and transition states of S1 produced improved atomic models. The new methodology, not only provided resolution to distinguish individual myosin heads and actin subunits, but was sufficient to develop a criterion for differentiating weak from strong myosin attachments and for quantitating the relative numbers of the different structures [ 68 ].

Weak actin attachments were differentiated from strong actin attachments by whether or not a MD in the well-known strong binding position fit the density. If it fit, the actin attachment was strong; if not, and the MD of myosin had to be moved to fit the density, the actin attachment was weak. The lever arms invariably required either axial or azimuthal changes, or both, as previously required in the earlier atomic models of rigor and AMPPNP.

Once a thin filament attachment in a class average was determined to be weak or strong, the number of class members comprising that class average could be used as a measure of the number of occurrences of that structure on each of the 14 actin subunits in the Quantification of each different actin-bound state of myosin on an individual actin subunit of the thin filament motif has not been duplicated in any other system.

Myosin head binding to specific actin subunits on the On the left weak attachments are shown; on the right are strong attachments. Actin subunits on the two long pitch strands are colored green and blue.

The two target-zone actin subunits are in darker shades. Actin subunit designations correspond to the chain names in the coordinate files deposited in the Protein Data Bank, PDB—2w From [ 34 ]. Surprisingly perhaps, in iso-HST, cross-bridging density attributable to myosin heads was found on all actin subunits in the Strong-binding attachments were found on only the four-actin subunits exactly midway between successive Tn complexes, i.

Weak attachments were found everywhere else, including within the target zone of strong-binding cross-bridges. These subunits apparently present a very unfavorable actin azimuth for any myosin head attachment. Weak-binding attachments were grouped into three types; 1, 2 and Tn bridges. Type 1 weak attachments were restricted to the target zone and thus interpreted as precursors of strong-binding cross-bridges, or pre-power stroke cross-bridges Figure 7 E,F.

Type 2 weak attachments were found both in the target zone and just M-ward of the target zone, often as part of the mask-motif structure Figure 7 E,F. Their MD contact with the thin filament was generally through TM and not actin. Hence they were later dubbed TM bridges.

Their means of actin attachment was not clear, perhaps being through a long N-terminal extension of the RLC as seems to occur in the Drosophila flight muscle [ 82 , 83 ]. They had no clear path to strong binding as long as they were positioned M-ward of the target zone. Class averages and quasi-atomic models of a selection of class averages from the Lethocerus flight muscle in an isometric contraction. Small panels to the left are the central section top and an opaque isodensity surface view bottom of the larger panel.

In the translucent larger panel, actin long pitch strands are cyan and green with the target-zone actins in darker shades, TM is yellow and Tn orange. Heavy chains of strongly bound myosin heads are colored red, weak binding myosin heads magenta, ELC dark blue and RLC light blue.

A Single headed cross-bridge on the left and a 2-headed, strong-binding cross-bridge on the right; B a pair of 1-headed, strong-binding cross-bridges on actin subunits H and I; C , D a strongly bound 2-headed cross-bridge on the left and a strongly bound 1-headed cross-bridge on the right.

E , F are mask motifs with Tn-bridges. Tn-bridges have not been fit with a myosin head; E the right, M-ward side, cross-bridge is a weak binding Type 2 bridge outside of the target zone contacting TM near actin subunit F, while on the left is a Type 1 weak-binding cross-bridge within the target zone on actin subunit I. F On the M-ward left side is a Type 2 weak-binding, cross-bridge contacting TM outside the target zone near actin subunit G, while the Type 1, weak-binding cross-bridge on the right is contacting target-zone actin subunit H.

Tn bridges formed a highly heterogeneous set of attachments on either Tn or the actin subunits in the same location Figure 7 E,F. They approach this region of the thin filament from a wide variety of thick filament origins as did cross-bridges in the same axial position when AMPPNP was present. Their contacts on the thin filament are at least as variable as those found in other non-target zone locations.

Because of their heterogeneity, they were not investigated further. However, they may play a yet-to-be-determined role in stretch activation. The positions of Type 1 weak binding myosin heads showed slightly variable axial positions and orientations, but highly variable azimuthal positions, biased almost exclusively to the anticlockwise direction from the strong binding position relative to the thin filament center Figure 8 A. The alterations to the lever arm relative to the MD of all weak binding bridges Figure 8 B were much smaller than those for strong-binding cross-bridges Figure 8 C.

The small axial variations in the MD of pre-powerstroke cross-bridges were distributed on both sides of the strong binding MD position and thus did not indicate a concerted motion that could contribute to the power stroke. Thus, the pre-powerstroke attachments suggested that the weak to strong transition involved mostly the azimuthal movement of the MD across actin subdomain 1 and towards TM in a clockwise direction before actin binding cleft closure. The changes needed to fit the lever arm of pre-powerstroke cross-bridges were smaller than the azimuthal changes, but biased in the anticlockwise direction relative to the starting crystal structure.

Range of lever arm positions for strongly and weakly bound cross-bridges in isometrically contracting Lethocerus flight muscle. Ribbon diagrams of actin subunits are colored blue and green. Ribbon diagrams are shown for only the heavy chains of myosin.

A All weak binding cross-bridges superimposed on actin subunit I see Figure 6. This view illustrates the variations in MD position when referred to a single actin subunit. Chain traces of Type 1 bridges are shown in gray and Type 2 bridges in yellow. The single post-rigor conformation found is colored light brown. Note the relatively small axial dispersion of the Type 1 MDs compared to the broad dispersion of the Type 2 MDs; B all weak-binding cross-bridges aligned on the scallop transition state MD to illustrate lever arm variations compared with the starting scallop S1 structure.

Coloring scheme is the same as for panel A; C rebuilt models of strong-binding cross-bridges are colored gold superimposed on both starting myosin head structures red and magenta as docked onto actin in the strong binding configuration. Adapted from [ 34 ]. Strong-binding cross-bridges consisted of both single- and double-headed actin attachments and had axial lever arm orientations that covered a range of Axial changes in the MD as previously interpreted for strong-binding attachments [ 58 ] were visible only on Type 1 weak-binding cross-bridges because the criterion for identifying strong-binding bridges precluded it.

Based on the crystal structures available to Wu et al. The overwhelming majority of in situ cross-bridges originated on the anticlockwise side giving the strong-binding cross-bridges a straightened appearance relative to the two crystal structures used as references. This observation was presaged by the earlier work on flight muscle in rigor, particularly the rear bridges of rigor muscle and the lead bridges of aqueous AMPPNP.

Wu et al. These models differed in whether the S2 domain or the myosin lever arm were compliant. In one model, myosin heads are non-compliant and must find an appropriate actin subunit by rapidly attaching and detaching until they contact an actin subunit in an orientation that facilitates strong binding through closure of the actin binding cleft.

If the heads are assumed to be non-compliant, their ability to find an appropriate actin subunit depends on flexibility of the S2 whose origin must be on the clockwise side of the inter-filament axis. To make the cross-bridge origin appear as if it comes from the anticlockwise side, as observed, requires an azimuthal swing of the lever arm during the power stroke. The other model involved an azimuthal movement of the MD across Subdomain 1 of actin as described above.

In this case, the myosin origin was anticlockwise of the inter-filament axis. When the power stroke ensues, the S2 aligns with the filament axis, further bending the lever arm azimuthally if necessary. An azimuthal component of the power stroke is not necessary to position the S1—S2 junction in the observed region of the thick filament, i.

An axial force transmitted through S2 would be sufficient, provided the myosin head originated from the positions observed in iso-HST. Studies of the rigor Lethocerus flight muscle have characterized the physical dimensions of the S2 as a tether of myosin heads better than for any other striated muscle.

The ET of rigor fibers swollen in low ionic strength buffer pulled the S2 tether free of the filament backbone, but revealed only 11 nm of S2 [ 70 ]. If the ionic strength was lowered even further, whole ribbons of myosin rods referred to as subfilaments at the time, but now known to be ribbons were pulled free of the filament backbone. The 11 nm length of the S2 tether was later confirmed by the high resolution structure of the relaxed thick filament [ 6 ].

The length of the S2 that functions as a tether for active myosin heads searching for actin subunits and its consequences for muscle contraction have not been examined in detail, even in Lethocerus where the structure is well defined. The axial lever arm changes were within expectations, but the implied thick filament origins and the azimuthal variations were novel, implying an aspect of the power stroke not considered in models current at the time or since.

Because rigor lead bridges bind to the same target zone as strong-binding cross-bridges in active contraction, their origins could be investigated from transverse sections of rigor fibers swollen in low ionic strength buffer. Arakelian et al. This location would be anticlockwise of the inter-filament axis with the thin filament as the center of reference.

The distribution was consistent with the hypothesis that the myosin MD moved azimuthally across its actin-binding site towards the strong binding position, bending either the lever arm or the S2 connection or both in the process. The presence of azimuthal movements of myosin across its actin-binding site during the weak to strong transition, implied that a force produced by purely axial lever arm movements might produce a torque on either the thick filament, the thin filament or both.

X-ray diffraction of muscle fibers are clear on this issue; changes in the helical pitch of the thin filament are not observed, although the axial repeat is altered by a small amount in response to applied tension [ 93 , 94 ]. In vitro motility assays have observed azimuthal movements of actin filaments produced by myosin, referred to as twirling [ 95 ].

If changes in actin filament pitch occur in situ in muscle, they are either 1 local and compensated by changes in the opposite direction in order to maintain the For the thick filament, particularly that from the Lethocerus flight muscle, helical changes observed during active contraction are also observed when the relaxed muscle is stretched [ 96 ] and thus cannot be attributed to the myosin power stroke. The length changes in Lethocerus thick filaments are only 0.

An azimuthal component to the power stroke could dissipate any torque produced by an azimuthal movement of S2 as the myosin head moves across an actin subunit. Alternatively, compliance of the lever arm and S2 might dissipate any torque because they are much smaller physically than the filaments themselves. After characterizing the head distribution in iso-HST, Wu et al. Length transients were completed within 2. The elapsed time, though fast for this type of specimen preparation, was too slow to capture the length transient itself, or the immediate structural response.

Changes observed in the structure of strong-binding cross-bridges were smaller than expected in the lever arm angle, but larger changes were observed in the distribution of cross-bridge types, both weak and strong.

Class averages of both str- and rls-HST showed a large reduction in the numbers of pre-powerstroke cross-bridges, Type 1, within the target zone. The disappearance of pre-powerstroke weak-binding cross-bridges was explained by a recent kinetic model for actomyosin interactions in the muscle [ 98 ]. The number of strong-binding cross-bridges was largely unchanged, although there were fewer following the release as might have been predicted from the lower tension developed at the point of freezing.

After the length transient, when 2-headed cross-bridges were observed, both heads were strongly bound; in iso-HST some 2-headed cross-bridges had a weakly bound head. The number of 2-headed, strong-binding cross-bridges increased following the stretch and decreased following the release. An increase in 2-headed strong-binding cross-bridges had previously been proposed as an explanation for changes in the X-ray diagram of the vertebrate striated muscle following a stretch [ 99 ].

Outside of the target zone, changes were less dramatic. Changes in TM bridges were small. Comparatively more TM bridges are found after a stretch, and fewer after a release. The other type of weak-binding cross-bridge, the Tn bridges, are more frequent after a release and less frequent after a stretch. Following a stretch, one strong-binding class average was found just outside of the target zone on the M-ward side, but it represented a small fraction of all strong-binding heads.

Changes in TM and Tn bridges, though small, are consistent with a role in an active contraction. A stretch would be equivalent to a change toward an earlier stage of shortening, where more cross-bridges need be positioned to bind the target zone and move it M-ward thus shortening the sarcomere length.

A release would be equivalent to a change toward later in the contraction where further shortening is small. If Tn bridges play a role in stretch-activation, an increase in their number would be expected toward the end of the shortening cycle. Changes in the lever arm axial angles of strong-binding cross-bridges were more towards rigor following a release and more towards anti-rigor following a stretch, but the differences were not large, probably reflecting the elapsed time following the length transient.

Azimuthally, strong-binding cross-bridges following a length transient reflected the same highly biased lever arm distribution described above for iso-HST. Asynchronous flight muscles like those in Lethocerus are designed to oscillate rapidly so that the amount of shortening per half sarcomere is small. The muscles generally have very short I-bands consistent with a small amount of shortening. With a half sarcomere length of 1. Examined from the standpoint of a single thin filament, the shortening of 39 nm would require that a target zone be relayed between two or more successive crowns on the thick filament [ 97 ].

The relay mechanism implied by the presence of TM bridges binding M-wards of the target zone would be consistent with such a mechanism. The precise filament geometry and arrangement in the Lethocerus flight muscle was key to controlling the tension increase and subsequent decrease as the thick and thin filaments slide past each other. The high-resolution reconstruction from Lethocerus thick filaments [ 6 ] showed myosin heads arranged in an IHM oriented perpendicular to the thick filament axis rather than roughly tangential to it as found in other striated muscles Figure 2.

The blocked head was comparatively poorly ordered, but visible in the reconstruction. The helical angle of A subsequent reconstruction from filaments with poorly ordered heads showed a 0. These results impact models for contracting the Lethocerus muscle in several ways. This idea has yet to be tested against the rich X-ray diffraction pattern of contracting Lethocerus flight muscle. The orientation of the IHM in the Lethocerus flight muscle and the filament separation means that large radial movements of blocked heads are not necessary to contact the target zone or the Tn complex [ , ].

Azimuthal movements may be more important. We note that in the work described above, azimuthal changes in the lever arm are consistently required to fit myosin head crystal structures into 3D images of actin-myosin interactions in situ. If IHMs reform after each contraction, free head rebinding to the thick filament backbone could highly restrict blocked head rebinding to the thin filament thereby contributing to shortening deactivation.

Several differences between the vertebrate muscle and Lethocerus flight muscle are worth keeping in mind. The filament arrangement in the vertebrate striated muscle is much less favorable for thin section EM, particularly for viewing of longitudinal sections. The filament arrangement in flight muscle places the thin filament between two thick filaments, i.

The most favorable orientation for cross-bridge viewing in the vertebrate muscle is a section cut parallel to the planes of the hexagonal lattice Figure 1 B , which places two thin filaments between successive thick filaments, but the arrangement permits cross-bridges to approach and bind the thin filament from both the front and back sides of the section.

Between relaxed and active contractions in Lethocerus , the thick filament axial repeat changes by only 0. In the activated and rigor vertebrate muscle, the relaxed axial period of Measurements of the rigor and contracting muscle rescaled assuming the myosin meridional has a spacing of The F-actin period and the Tn period of the Lethocerus flight muscle are congruent, which results in target zone binding by myosin enhancing the inner parts of the Thus, two types of target zones could be observed.

If myosin head binding were defined by actin azimuth alone, it would enhance either or both of the nm layer line and the inner parts of its second order at 18— Changes in the TM position would affect the outer parts of the second layer line. Enhancement of the inner parts of a The first application of fast freezing and freeze substitution to active the muscle utilized a rabbit psoas muscle held in a tension transducer to measure tension followed by the exchange from a rigor solution to an activating solution with ATP and calcium, which was frozen by smashing into a copper mirror cooled to liquid helium temperature [ 24 ].

Myosin head distribution in the frozen active fibers was distinctly different from rigor fibers in that heads were largely perpendicular to the fiber axis, instead of showing the characteristic arrow head appearance of rigor cross-bridges. Intensity enhancement of the 37 nm layer line corresponding to the thin filament half repeat was seen in both rigor and active fibers, but not in relaxed fibers, consistent with heavy myosin head decoration of the thin filament in the active muscle.

An Hirose and Wakabayashi [ 85 ] investigated the frozen, isometrically contracting, rabbit psoas muscle utilizing similar techniques to Tsukita and Yano, but notably examining thin sections cut transverse to the filament axis. Rigor cross-bridges appeared triangular in longitudinal sections with a tilted appearance, a large contact on the thin filament and a narrow attachment to the thick filament.

Few active cross-bridges had a triangular shape; most had uniform width between thick and thin filaments.

They classified visually the different cross-bridge forms observed in transverse sections and found that rigor cross-bridges were predominately bent and active cross-bridges remarkably straight, similar to the observations described above for the Lethocerus flight muscle. Target zone marking was not observed in active contraction, though it was observed in their rigor images.

Hirose et al. After flash photolysis, fibers were frozen after 20, 50, 80 and ms. A weak 19 nm layer line was reported in power spectra from micrographs of fibers following ATP photolysis, which might suggest the presence of target zones between successive Tn complexes marked by myosin heads. At a 20 ms time point following photolysis, some rigor cross-bridges identifiable by their 2-headed appearance are seen but none are seen after 50 ms. Note that in vertebrate thin filaments, the actin crossover spacing is 36 nm, whereas the Tn period is This work was further advanced by the application of correspondence analysis, a form of the multivariate data analysis used for the Lethocerus muscle, to quantitatively characterize the differences in cross-bridge shape in transverse sections [ 86 ].

By determining the direction of view of the transverse sections from serial sections, they identified three basic types of cross-bridge from sections 20 nm thick.

Using the centerline connecting thick and thin filaments as the point of reference, they observed bridging density coming off the thin filament to the left or right as well as along the inter-filament axis. In rigor, most bridging density extended off the left or along the inter-filament axis, with generally a distinct bend from right to left as it approached the thick filament. Although rigor-like forms were seen at all time points after photolysis, they were lowest at 50 ms, replaced by more straightened forms that also extended off the thin filaments to the left, right or center line and with less curvature as they approached the thick filament.

Although the interpretation of the results is complicated, since they are based on projections alone, one conclusion stands out clearly; active cross-bridges are different from rigor cross-bridges.

From studies using caged ATP in a rigor solution, Lenart et al. The authors did not attempt to classify individual cross-bridge types, but instead examined the changes in the summed power spectrum of longitudinal sections at different time points after calcium release as well as in rigor and relaxed fibers. Many of the features known to change in X-ray fiber diffraction of the active muscle were reproduced. However, some features were apparently novel. The 36 nm layer line increases in intensity as expected, most likely due to the marking of actin subunits by myosin heads.

Unexpectedly, the peak of the off-meridional intensity moved radially outward indicating that the myosin head mass was moving radially inward on the thin filament. Several observations were made about the appearance of off-meridional layer line intensity at an axial spacing of 19 nm, but the source was unknown.

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Ok, now to the good stuff. If you have anything stored in that variable within the same run space as this script, buckle up. Just FYI. The tool is going to validate that the path you provided is available on the network. However, if the local machine is unable to validate the path, it will give you the option to force the use of the path. Now, once we hit enter here, the tool is going to setup a PowerShell session with the target machine. In the background, there are a few functions its doing:.

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How Azure Security Center detects vulnerabilities using administrative tools Backdoor user accounts are those accounts that are created by an adversary as part of the attack, to be used later in order to gain access to other resources in the network, open new entry points into the network as well as achieve persistency.

Vulnerabilities and Updates December security update release On December 12 we released security updates to provide additional protections against malicious attackers. By default, Windows 10 receives these updates automatically, and for customers running previous versions, we recommend they turn on automatic updates as a best practice. It is a proactive, discreet service that involves a global team of highly specialized resources providing remote analysis for a fixed-fee.

This service is, in effect, a proactive approach to identifying emergencies before they occur. And, now that the celebrations are mostly over, I wanted to pick all your brains to learn what you would like to see from us this year… As you all know, on AskPFEPlat, we post content based on various topics in the realms of the core operating system, security, Active Directory, System Center, Azure, and many services, functions, communications, and protocols that sit in between.

Building the Runbook Now that the Automation Accounts have been created and modules have been updated we can start building our runbook. Conclusion I have also attached the startup script that was mentioned earlier in the article for your convenience. First a little backstory on Shielded VMs and why you would want to use them.

Windows Server with the latest cumulative update as the host. I used the E drive on my system. Once you have extracted each of the files from GitHub you should have a folder that is like the screenshot below By default these files should be marked as blocked and prevent the scripts from running, to unblock the files we will need to unblock them. We need to create a few more folders and add in some additional items.

Inside the Files folder it should look like the screenshot below. The ADK folder should be like this. I know it seems like a lot, but now that we have all the necessary components we can go through the setup to create the VMs Select the SetupLab.

You may get prompted to trust the NuGet repository to be able to download the modules — Type Y and hit enter It will then display the current working directory and pop up a window to select the configuration to build.

Periodically during this time you will see message such as the below indicating the status Once all resources are in the desired state the next set of VMs will be created. When complete you should have the 3 VMs as shown below. Matthew Walker, PFE. Save money by making sure VMs are off when not being used. Mesh and hub-and-spoke networks on Azure PDF Virtual network peering gives Azure customers a way to provide managed access to Azure for multiple lines of business LOB or to merge teams from different companies.

Written by Lamia Youseff and Nanette Ray from the Azure Customer Advisory Team AzureCAT , this white paper covers the two main network topologies used by Azure customers: mesh networks and hub-and-spoke networks, and shows how enterprises work with, or around, the default maximum number of peering links.

Windows Server PowerShell Core 6. How to Switch a Failover Cluster to a New Domain For the last two decades, changing the domain membership of a Failover Cluster has always required that the cluster be destroyed and re-created. This caused some confusion as people stated they have already been running shielded VMs on client.

This blog post is intended to clarify things and explain how to run them side by side. Security ATA readiness roadmap Advanced Threat Analytics ATA is an on-premises platform that helps protect your enterprise from multiple types of advanced targeted cyber attacks and insider threats. This document provides you a readiness roadmap that will assist you to get started with Advanced Threat Analytics.

If ransomware does get a hold of your data, you can pay a large amount of money hoping that you will get your data back.

The alternative is to not pay anything and begin your recovery process. Whether you pay the ransom or not, your enterprise loses time and resources dealing with the aftermath. Microsoft invests in several ways to help you mitigate the effects of ransomware. A worthy upgrade: Next-gen security on Windows 10 proves resilient against ransomware outbreaks in The year saw three global ransomware outbreaks driven by multiple propagation and infection techniques that are not necessarily new but not typically observed in ransomware.

At that time, we used to call these kinds of threat actors not hackers but con men. The people committing these crimes are doing them from hundreds of miles away. The ability to run shielded VMs on client was introduced in the Windows 10 release. There are many security considerations built in to shielded VMs, from secure provisioning to protecting data at rest.

As part of the PAW solution, the privileged access workload gains additional security protections by running inside a shielded VM. Vulnerabilities and Updates Understanding the performance impact of Spectre and Meltdown mitigations on Windows Systems At the begging of January the technology industry and many of our customers learned of new vulnerabilities in the hardware chips that power phones, PCs and servers. We and others in the industry had learned of this vulnerability under nondisclosure agreement several months ago and immediately began developing engineering mitigations and updating our cloud infrastructure.

Windows Server guidance to protect against speculative execution side-channel vulnerabilities This guidance will help you identify, mitigate, and remedy Windows Server environments that are affected by the vulnerabilities that are identified in Microsoft Security Advisory ADV The advisory also explains how to enable the update for your systems.

Guidance for mitigating speculative execution side-channel vulnerabilities in Azure The recent disclosure of a new class of CPU vulnerabilities known as speculative execution side-channel attacks has resulted in questions from customers seeking more clarity.

The infrastructure that runs Azure and isolates customer workloads from each other is protected. This means that other customers running on Azure cannot attack your application using these vulnerabilities.

It creates a SAML token based on the claims provided by the client and might add its own claims. COM is a software vendor offering SaaS solutions in the cloud. Authorizing the claims requester. But those above are the only information you will get from ADFS when Signing or Encryption certificate are change from the partner. Why worry about Crashdump settings in Windows?

For reference, here are the types of memory dump files that can be configured in Recovery options: Small mini dump. Kernel dump. Automatic memory dump. Active dump. Complete memory dump. Root cause analysis of unusual OS conditions often require a memory dump file for debugging analysis. In some cases user-mode memory will be needed as well as kernel-mode. On large memory servers, there are two choices:. Attack Surface Reduction can be achieved by disabling support for insecure legacy protocols.

Now, in the event that something was missed and you need to back out changes you have 2 options: Leave the policy enabled, and remove the checkbox from the components Disable the policy setting Both of these options will re-enable the components the next time group policy processes on the system. Additional Data Error value decimal : Error value hex : Internal ID: b So we asked, what changes have been made recently? With this feature, ASR fulfills an important requirement to become an all-encompassing DR solution for all of your production applications hosted on laaS VMs in Azure, including applications hosted on VMs with managed disks.

Specifically, with this much power at your fingertips, you need a way to see how CA policies will impact a user under various sign-in conditions. The What If tool helps you understand the impact of the policies on a user sign-in, under conditions you specify.

Rather than waiting to hear from your user about what happened, you can simply use the What If tool. Windows Server Windows Defender Antivirus in Windows 10 and Windows Server Windows Defender Antivirus is a built-in antimalware solution that provides security and antimalware management for desktops, portable computers, and servers. Windows Client New OneDrive for Business feature: Files Restore Files Restore is a complete self-service recovery solution that allows administrators and end users to restore files from any point in time during the last 30 days.

If a user suspects their files have been compromised, they can investigate file changes and allow content owners to go back in time to any second in the last 30 days. Now your users and your administrators can rewind changes using activity data to find the exact moment to revert to. Control the health of Windows based devices This article details an end-to-end solution that helps you protect high-value assets by enforcing, controlling, and reporting the health of Windows based devices.

How artificial intelligence stopped an Emotet outbreak At a. In the next 30 minutes, the campaign tried to attack over a thousand potential victims, all of whom were instantly and automatically protected by Windows Defender AV.

Cyber resilience for the modern enterprise Many organizations are undergoing a digital transformation that leverages a mix of cloud and on-premises assets to increase business efficiency and growth. While increased dependence on technology is necessary for this transformation, and to position the business for success, it does pose risks from security threats. An organization cannot afford to wait until after users and systems have been compromised; it must be proactive. Microsoft helps multiple global enterprises mitigate business impact by offering prescriptive guidance, as well as partnering with them to build a cyber resiliency plan and roadmap.

Retire Those Old Legacy Protocols There has been a lot of work by enterprises to protect their infrastructure with patching and server hardening, but one area that is often overlooked when it comes to credential theft and that is legacy protocol retirement. Overview of Petya, a rapid cyberattack In the first blog post of this 3-part series, we introduced what rapid cyberattacks are and illustrated how they are different in terms of execution and outcome.

Next, we will go into some more details on the Petya aka NotPetya attack. We are excited to let you know that update for the Technical Preview Branch of System Center Configuration Manager has been released. That decision largely rides on required customer action and risk. Required customer action is realized through products where customers need to take action to protect themselves against a vulnerability.

For consumers, protection is accomplished through automatic updates. Support Lifecycle Changes to Office and Windows servicing and support On Thursday, February 1, , Microsoft made an announcement that includes, among other things, information regarding support End of Life for the Windows 7 Operating System. The MCAS service helps you gain visibility and control over cloud apps in use, and detect and limit data leaving the organization uncontrolled.

This offering provides you with education and assistance with MCAS setup, features and capabilities, and recommended practices. Getting help from Microsoft when you need it just got easier than ever before. By sharing a workspace with your Microsoft Engineer using OMS, you will have a secure and efficient way of sharing data to resolve your issues faster.

OMS automatically collects and provides the answers that Microsoft Support needs to get you back to your business as quickly as possible, whether you are in the cloud or on-premises.

With OMS, tasks can run in the background to provide Microsoft Support with the information they need to get you back up and running faster. Managing the Certificate Store We know about remote site certificates, the certificate chain they rely on, the local certificate store, and the difference between Root CAs and Intermediate CAs now.

Too Many Certs On several occasions both of us have gone into enterprise environments experiencing authentication oddities, and after a little analysis trace the issue to an Schannel event What it solves The ability to clear the certificate store on clients and servers on a targeted and massive scale with minimal effort. Backout Mechanisms Prior to performing any operations i. What to do if not all required certificates are being published via GPO KB details the certificates that are required for the operating system to operate correctly.

If a required certificate either one from the KB, or one specific to the customer environment is purged, that is not being deployed via GPO, the recommended approach is as follows 1.

Restore certificates to an individual machine using the backup registry file, 2. Leveraging the Certificate MMC, export the required certificates to file, 3. Update the GPO that is deploying certificates by importing the required certificates, 4. Rerun CertPurge on machine identified in step 1 to re-purge all certificates, 5. Basically, the blue rounded-corner box in the Visio picture above:. Sync service account — this is for the sync service and database. If so, this may be an unwelcome surprise.

This is visible in my step-by-step later. Note: I set my updates on collections at 30 minutes. This is my personal lab. I would in no case set this for a real live production collection. Most aggressive I would typically go for would be 8 hours. Understanding WQL can be a challenge if you never played around with it. Press Ok. As you can see in the screenshot below, my count went down by two since I already had successfully deployed it to half my test machines.

Ok, now that we have that dynamic query up and running, why not try and improve on the overall deployment technique, shall we? As you know, a program will be deployed when the Assignment schedule time is reached. If you have computers that are offline, they will receive their installation when they boot up their workstation, unless you have a maintenance window preventing it.

Unless you have set a recurring schedule, it will not rerun. By having a dynamic collection as we did above, combined with a recurring schedule, you can reattempt the installation on all workstations that failed the installation without starting the process for nothing on a workstation that succeeded to install it.

As I said earlier, the goal of this post is not necessarily to replace your deployment methods. By targeting the SCCM client installation error codes, you will have a better idea of what is happening during client installation. The error codes are not an exact science, they can defer depending on the situation. For a better understanding of ccmsetup error codes, read this great post from Jason Sandys.

A better SCCM client installation rate equals better overall management. You want your SCCM non-client count to be as low as possible. During the SCCM client installation process, monitor the ccmsetup.

There are other logs, to which the SCCM client installation relates. Use the command line net helpmsg , for more information about your return error code. There are chances that the last error code returns an empty value for a device.

Some errors have been added based on our personal experiences. Feel free to send us any new error codes, this list will be updated based on your comments.

You can also check the list of client commands list, as additional help for troubleshooting your SCCM clients. Knowing the client installation status from reports reduces the number of devices without SCCM client installed in your IT infrastructure. This report now shows the last SCCM client installation error codes, including the description of the installation deployment state.

We will cover scenarios for new and existing computers that you may want to upgrade. Windows 10, version 22H2 is a scoped release focused on quality improvements to the overall Windows experience in existing feature areas such as quality, productivity, and security. Home and Pro editions of the Update will receive 18 months of servicing, and Enterprise and Education editions will have 30 months of service.

You may also need to deploy Windows 10 22H2 to your existing Windows 10 computer to stay supported or to benefit from the new features. There are a couple of important changes in this release. Before deploying a new Windows 10 feature upgrade, you need to have a good plan. Test it in a lab environment, deploy it to a limited group and test all your business applications before broad deployment. Do not treat a feature upgrade as a normal monthly software update. The release information states: The Windows ADK for Windows 10, version supports all currently supported versions of Windows 10, including version 22H2.

ISO file. Ex: WinH2-Wim. Task Sequences are customizable: You can run pre-upgrade and post-upgrade tasks which could be mandatory if you have any sort of customization to your Windows 10 deployments. For example, Windows 10 is resetting pretty much anything related to regional settings, the keyboard, start menu , and taskbar customization.

Servicing Plan has simplicity, you set your option and forget, as Automatic Deployment Rules does for Software Updates. For migration, you must use an upgrade task sequence. Feature Updates are deployed, managed, and monitored as you would deploy a Software Update. You download and deploy it directly from the SCCM console. Features Updates are applicable and deployable only to existing Windows 10 systems. Some Windows 10 version shares the same core OS with an identical set of system files, but the new features are in an inactive and dormant state.

By deploying the Enablement package you just enable the new feature. The advantage is that it reduces the updated downtime with a single restart. Use the enablement package only to jump to the next Windows 10 version example: to OR 20H2 to 21H2. You should have downloaded the ISO file in the first step of this guide. We will be importing the default Install.

We will cover this in the next section. This package will be used to upgrade an existing Windows 10 or a Windows 7 or 8. This Task Sequence could be used to upgrade an existing Windows 7 or 8. We are now ready to deploy our task sequence to the computer we want to upgrade. In our case, we are targeting a Windows 10 computer that is running Windows 10 Everything is now ready to deploy to our Windows 10 computers.

For our example, we will be upgrading a Windows 10 to Windows 10 22H2. This task sequence can also be used to upgrade existing Windows 7 or 8. To install the Windows 10 22H2 operating system, the process is fairly the same except to start the deployment. If you encounter any issues, please see our troubleshooting guide. Once Windows 10 is added to your Software Update Point , we will create a Software Update deployment that will be deployed to our Windows 10 deployment collection.

This is really the most straightforward and fastest method to deploy. As stated in the introduction of this post, you can use Servicing Plan to automate the Windows 10 deployment.

Windows 10, version , 20H2, 21H1, and 21H2 share a common core operating system with an identical set of system files. Therefore, the new features in Windows 10, version 22H2 are included in the latest monthly quality update for Windows 10, version , 20H2, 21H1, and 21H2, but are in an inactive and dormant state. If a device is updating from Windows 10, version , or an earlier version, this feature update enablement package cannot be installed.

This is called Hard Block. We have numerous resources on our site for advanced monitoring and we also have pages that cover the whole topic. This guide can be found in our shop. We developed a report to help you achieve that :. So to wrap up… before you were accessing the Microsoft Intune portal through Azure, now Microsoft wants you to use the new Endpoint Manager Portal. If you already have a Microsoft work or school account, sign in with that account and add Intune to your subscription.

If not, you can sign up for a new account to use Intune for your organization. For tenants using the service release and later , the MDM authority is automatically set to Intune.

The MDM authority determines how you manage your devices. Before enrolling devices, we need to create users.



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Cognitively Informed Intelligent Interfaces: Systems Design and Development E. M., Alkhalifa & K. Gaid (Eds.) Continue Reading. Download Free PDF. Download. Windows Analysis Report replace.me! “C:\Users\user\Downloads\replace.me MD5: or Ratings. Replication. Through. Crowns of Lethocerus thick filaments have 4-fold, rotational symmetry in the A-band with successive crowns rotated +° (right-handed) [10].❿

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Heavy chains of strongly bound myosin heads are colored red, weak binding myosin heads magenta, ELC dark blue and RLC light blue. A Single headed cross-bridge on the left and a 2-headed, strong-binding cross-bridge on the right; B a pair of 1-headed, strong-binding cross-bridges on actin subunits H and I; C , D a strongly bound 2-headed cross-bridge on the left and a strongly bound 1-headed cross-bridge on the right.

E , F are mask motifs with Tn-bridges. Tn-bridges have not been fit with a myosin head; E the right, M-ward side, cross-bridge is a weak binding Type 2 bridge outside of the target zone contacting TM near actin subunit F, while on the left is a Type 1 weak-binding cross-bridge within the target zone on actin subunit I. F On the M-ward left side is a Type 2 weak-binding, cross-bridge contacting TM outside the target zone near actin subunit G, while the Type 1, weak-binding cross-bridge on the right is contacting target-zone actin subunit H.

Tn bridges formed a highly heterogeneous set of attachments on either Tn or the actin subunits in the same location Figure 7 E,F. They approach this region of the thin filament from a wide variety of thick filament origins as did cross-bridges in the same axial position when AMPPNP was present. Their contacts on the thin filament are at least as variable as those found in other non-target zone locations. Because of their heterogeneity, they were not investigated further.

However, they may play a yet-to-be-determined role in stretch activation. The positions of Type 1 weak binding myosin heads showed slightly variable axial positions and orientations, but highly variable azimuthal positions, biased almost exclusively to the anticlockwise direction from the strong binding position relative to the thin filament center Figure 8 A.

The alterations to the lever arm relative to the MD of all weak binding bridges Figure 8 B were much smaller than those for strong-binding cross-bridges Figure 8 C. The small axial variations in the MD of pre-powerstroke cross-bridges were distributed on both sides of the strong binding MD position and thus did not indicate a concerted motion that could contribute to the power stroke. Thus, the pre-powerstroke attachments suggested that the weak to strong transition involved mostly the azimuthal movement of the MD across actin subdomain 1 and towards TM in a clockwise direction before actin binding cleft closure.

The changes needed to fit the lever arm of pre-powerstroke cross-bridges were smaller than the azimuthal changes, but biased in the anticlockwise direction relative to the starting crystal structure. Range of lever arm positions for strongly and weakly bound cross-bridges in isometrically contracting Lethocerus flight muscle.

Ribbon diagrams of actin subunits are colored blue and green. Ribbon diagrams are shown for only the heavy chains of myosin. A All weak binding cross-bridges superimposed on actin subunit I see Figure 6. This view illustrates the variations in MD position when referred to a single actin subunit. Chain traces of Type 1 bridges are shown in gray and Type 2 bridges in yellow.

The single post-rigor conformation found is colored light brown. Note the relatively small axial dispersion of the Type 1 MDs compared to the broad dispersion of the Type 2 MDs; B all weak-binding cross-bridges aligned on the scallop transition state MD to illustrate lever arm variations compared with the starting scallop S1 structure.

Coloring scheme is the same as for panel A; C rebuilt models of strong-binding cross-bridges are colored gold superimposed on both starting myosin head structures red and magenta as docked onto actin in the strong binding configuration. Adapted from [ 34 ]. Strong-binding cross-bridges consisted of both single- and double-headed actin attachments and had axial lever arm orientations that covered a range of Axial changes in the MD as previously interpreted for strong-binding attachments [ 58 ] were visible only on Type 1 weak-binding cross-bridges because the criterion for identifying strong-binding bridges precluded it.

Based on the crystal structures available to Wu et al. The overwhelming majority of in situ cross-bridges originated on the anticlockwise side giving the strong-binding cross-bridges a straightened appearance relative to the two crystal structures used as references.

This observation was presaged by the earlier work on flight muscle in rigor, particularly the rear bridges of rigor muscle and the lead bridges of aqueous AMPPNP. Wu et al. These models differed in whether the S2 domain or the myosin lever arm were compliant.

In one model, myosin heads are non-compliant and must find an appropriate actin subunit by rapidly attaching and detaching until they contact an actin subunit in an orientation that facilitates strong binding through closure of the actin binding cleft.

If the heads are assumed to be non-compliant, their ability to find an appropriate actin subunit depends on flexibility of the S2 whose origin must be on the clockwise side of the inter-filament axis. To make the cross-bridge origin appear as if it comes from the anticlockwise side, as observed, requires an azimuthal swing of the lever arm during the power stroke.

The other model involved an azimuthal movement of the MD across Subdomain 1 of actin as described above. In this case, the myosin origin was anticlockwise of the inter-filament axis. When the power stroke ensues, the S2 aligns with the filament axis, further bending the lever arm azimuthally if necessary.

An azimuthal component of the power stroke is not necessary to position the S1—S2 junction in the observed region of the thick filament, i.

An axial force transmitted through S2 would be sufficient, provided the myosin head originated from the positions observed in iso-HST. Studies of the rigor Lethocerus flight muscle have characterized the physical dimensions of the S2 as a tether of myosin heads better than for any other striated muscle. The ET of rigor fibers swollen in low ionic strength buffer pulled the S2 tether free of the filament backbone, but revealed only 11 nm of S2 [ 70 ].

If the ionic strength was lowered even further, whole ribbons of myosin rods referred to as subfilaments at the time, but now known to be ribbons were pulled free of the filament backbone. The 11 nm length of the S2 tether was later confirmed by the high resolution structure of the relaxed thick filament [ 6 ].

The length of the S2 that functions as a tether for active myosin heads searching for actin subunits and its consequences for muscle contraction have not been examined in detail, even in Lethocerus where the structure is well defined. The axial lever arm changes were within expectations, but the implied thick filament origins and the azimuthal variations were novel, implying an aspect of the power stroke not considered in models current at the time or since.

Because rigor lead bridges bind to the same target zone as strong-binding cross-bridges in active contraction, their origins could be investigated from transverse sections of rigor fibers swollen in low ionic strength buffer. Arakelian et al. This location would be anticlockwise of the inter-filament axis with the thin filament as the center of reference.

The distribution was consistent with the hypothesis that the myosin MD moved azimuthally across its actin-binding site towards the strong binding position, bending either the lever arm or the S2 connection or both in the process. The presence of azimuthal movements of myosin across its actin-binding site during the weak to strong transition, implied that a force produced by purely axial lever arm movements might produce a torque on either the thick filament, the thin filament or both.

X-ray diffraction of muscle fibers are clear on this issue; changes in the helical pitch of the thin filament are not observed, although the axial repeat is altered by a small amount in response to applied tension [ 93 , 94 ]. In vitro motility assays have observed azimuthal movements of actin filaments produced by myosin, referred to as twirling [ 95 ]. If changes in actin filament pitch occur in situ in muscle, they are either 1 local and compensated by changes in the opposite direction in order to maintain the For the thick filament, particularly that from the Lethocerus flight muscle, helical changes observed during active contraction are also observed when the relaxed muscle is stretched [ 96 ] and thus cannot be attributed to the myosin power stroke.

The length changes in Lethocerus thick filaments are only 0. An azimuthal component to the power stroke could dissipate any torque produced by an azimuthal movement of S2 as the myosin head moves across an actin subunit. Alternatively, compliance of the lever arm and S2 might dissipate any torque because they are much smaller physically than the filaments themselves. After characterizing the head distribution in iso-HST, Wu et al.

Length transients were completed within 2. The elapsed time, though fast for this type of specimen preparation, was too slow to capture the length transient itself, or the immediate structural response. Changes observed in the structure of strong-binding cross-bridges were smaller than expected in the lever arm angle, but larger changes were observed in the distribution of cross-bridge types, both weak and strong.

Class averages of both str- and rls-HST showed a large reduction in the numbers of pre-powerstroke cross-bridges, Type 1, within the target zone. The disappearance of pre-powerstroke weak-binding cross-bridges was explained by a recent kinetic model for actomyosin interactions in the muscle [ 98 ]. The number of strong-binding cross-bridges was largely unchanged, although there were fewer following the release as might have been predicted from the lower tension developed at the point of freezing.

After the length transient, when 2-headed cross-bridges were observed, both heads were strongly bound; in iso-HST some 2-headed cross-bridges had a weakly bound head. The number of 2-headed, strong-binding cross-bridges increased following the stretch and decreased following the release. An increase in 2-headed strong-binding cross-bridges had previously been proposed as an explanation for changes in the X-ray diagram of the vertebrate striated muscle following a stretch [ 99 ].

Outside of the target zone, changes were less dramatic. Changes in TM bridges were small. Comparatively more TM bridges are found after a stretch, and fewer after a release.

The other type of weak-binding cross-bridge, the Tn bridges, are more frequent after a release and less frequent after a stretch. Following a stretch, one strong-binding class average was found just outside of the target zone on the M-ward side, but it represented a small fraction of all strong-binding heads.

Changes in TM and Tn bridges, though small, are consistent with a role in an active contraction. A stretch would be equivalent to a change toward an earlier stage of shortening, where more cross-bridges need be positioned to bind the target zone and move it M-ward thus shortening the sarcomere length. A release would be equivalent to a change toward later in the contraction where further shortening is small. If Tn bridges play a role in stretch-activation, an increase in their number would be expected toward the end of the shortening cycle.

Changes in the lever arm axial angles of strong-binding cross-bridges were more towards rigor following a release and more towards anti-rigor following a stretch, but the differences were not large, probably reflecting the elapsed time following the length transient. Azimuthally, strong-binding cross-bridges following a length transient reflected the same highly biased lever arm distribution described above for iso-HST. Asynchronous flight muscles like those in Lethocerus are designed to oscillate rapidly so that the amount of shortening per half sarcomere is small.

The muscles generally have very short I-bands consistent with a small amount of shortening. With a half sarcomere length of 1. Examined from the standpoint of a single thin filament, the shortening of 39 nm would require that a target zone be relayed between two or more successive crowns on the thick filament [ 97 ].

The relay mechanism implied by the presence of TM bridges binding M-wards of the target zone would be consistent with such a mechanism. The precise filament geometry and arrangement in the Lethocerus flight muscle was key to controlling the tension increase and subsequent decrease as the thick and thin filaments slide past each other.

The high-resolution reconstruction from Lethocerus thick filaments [ 6 ] showed myosin heads arranged in an IHM oriented perpendicular to the thick filament axis rather than roughly tangential to it as found in other striated muscles Figure 2.

The blocked head was comparatively poorly ordered, but visible in the reconstruction. The helical angle of A subsequent reconstruction from filaments with poorly ordered heads showed a 0. These results impact models for contracting the Lethocerus muscle in several ways. This idea has yet to be tested against the rich X-ray diffraction pattern of contracting Lethocerus flight muscle.

The orientation of the IHM in the Lethocerus flight muscle and the filament separation means that large radial movements of blocked heads are not necessary to contact the target zone or the Tn complex [ , ]. Azimuthal movements may be more important. We note that in the work described above, azimuthal changes in the lever arm are consistently required to fit myosin head crystal structures into 3D images of actin-myosin interactions in situ. If IHMs reform after each contraction, free head rebinding to the thick filament backbone could highly restrict blocked head rebinding to the thin filament thereby contributing to shortening deactivation.

Several differences between the vertebrate muscle and Lethocerus flight muscle are worth keeping in mind. The filament arrangement in the vertebrate striated muscle is much less favorable for thin section EM, particularly for viewing of longitudinal sections.

The filament arrangement in flight muscle places the thin filament between two thick filaments, i. The most favorable orientation for cross-bridge viewing in the vertebrate muscle is a section cut parallel to the planes of the hexagonal lattice Figure 1 B , which places two thin filaments between successive thick filaments, but the arrangement permits cross-bridges to approach and bind the thin filament from both the front and back sides of the section. Between relaxed and active contractions in Lethocerus , the thick filament axial repeat changes by only 0.

In the activated and rigor vertebrate muscle, the relaxed axial period of Measurements of the rigor and contracting muscle rescaled assuming the myosin meridional has a spacing of The F-actin period and the Tn period of the Lethocerus flight muscle are congruent, which results in target zone binding by myosin enhancing the inner parts of the Thus, two types of target zones could be observed. If myosin head binding were defined by actin azimuth alone, it would enhance either or both of the nm layer line and the inner parts of its second order at 18— Changes in the TM position would affect the outer parts of the second layer line.

Enhancement of the inner parts of a The first application of fast freezing and freeze substitution to active the muscle utilized a rabbit psoas muscle held in a tension transducer to measure tension followed by the exchange from a rigor solution to an activating solution with ATP and calcium, which was frozen by smashing into a copper mirror cooled to liquid helium temperature [ 24 ].

Myosin head distribution in the frozen active fibers was distinctly different from rigor fibers in that heads were largely perpendicular to the fiber axis, instead of showing the characteristic arrow head appearance of rigor cross-bridges. Intensity enhancement of the 37 nm layer line corresponding to the thin filament half repeat was seen in both rigor and active fibers, but not in relaxed fibers, consistent with heavy myosin head decoration of the thin filament in the active muscle.

An Hirose and Wakabayashi [ 85 ] investigated the frozen, isometrically contracting, rabbit psoas muscle utilizing similar techniques to Tsukita and Yano, but notably examining thin sections cut transverse to the filament axis. Rigor cross-bridges appeared triangular in longitudinal sections with a tilted appearance, a large contact on the thin filament and a narrow attachment to the thick filament. Few active cross-bridges had a triangular shape; most had uniform width between thick and thin filaments.

They classified visually the different cross-bridge forms observed in transverse sections and found that rigor cross-bridges were predominately bent and active cross-bridges remarkably straight, similar to the observations described above for the Lethocerus flight muscle. Target zone marking was not observed in active contraction, though it was observed in their rigor images.

Hirose et al. After flash photolysis, fibers were frozen after 20, 50, 80 and ms. A weak 19 nm layer line was reported in power spectra from micrographs of fibers following ATP photolysis, which might suggest the presence of target zones between successive Tn complexes marked by myosin heads. At a 20 ms time point following photolysis, some rigor cross-bridges identifiable by their 2-headed appearance are seen but none are seen after 50 ms.

Note that in vertebrate thin filaments, the actin crossover spacing is 36 nm, whereas the Tn period is This work was further advanced by the application of correspondence analysis, a form of the multivariate data analysis used for the Lethocerus muscle, to quantitatively characterize the differences in cross-bridge shape in transverse sections [ 86 ].

By determining the direction of view of the transverse sections from serial sections, they identified three basic types of cross-bridge from sections 20 nm thick. Using the centerline connecting thick and thin filaments as the point of reference, they observed bridging density coming off the thin filament to the left or right as well as along the inter-filament axis.

In rigor, most bridging density extended off the left or along the inter-filament axis, with generally a distinct bend from right to left as it approached the thick filament. Although rigor-like forms were seen at all time points after photolysis, they were lowest at 50 ms, replaced by more straightened forms that also extended off the thin filaments to the left, right or center line and with less curvature as they approached the thick filament.

Although the interpretation of the results is complicated, since they are based on projections alone, one conclusion stands out clearly; active cross-bridges are different from rigor cross-bridges. From studies using caged ATP in a rigor solution, Lenart et al. The authors did not attempt to classify individual cross-bridge types, but instead examined the changes in the summed power spectrum of longitudinal sections at different time points after calcium release as well as in rigor and relaxed fibers.

Many of the features known to change in X-ray fiber diffraction of the active muscle were reproduced. However, some features were apparently novel. The 36 nm layer line increases in intensity as expected, most likely due to the marking of actin subunits by myosin heads.

Unexpectedly, the peak of the off-meridional intensity moved radially outward indicating that the myosin head mass was moving radially inward on the thin filament.

Several observations were made about the appearance of off-meridional layer line intensity at an axial spacing of 19 nm, but the source was unknown. A clear identification of myosin head binding to target zones in the contracting vertebrate muscle by X-ray fiber diffraction has not been shown.

However, modeling studies to explain the X-ray diagram of rigor fish muscle [ ] concluded that intensity increases in the 36 nm layer line could be explained by myosin head binding to target zones of actin subunits in length, comparable to those observed for rigor Lethocerus flight muscle.

Increases in the 36 nm layer line imply that actin azimuth is the parameter defining myosin head binding. The difference in spacing between The target zones in Lethocerus shrank from actin subunits in rigor to two subunits once nucleotide was added. A similar effect likely occurs in the vertebrate striated muscle, which would define target-zone position more precisely. Because the Lethocerus flight muscle work concentrated on 3D imaging and classification while the vertebrate muscle results generally were confined to projections and analysis of power spectra, the two sets of results are not easily compared.

However, we find it intriguing that several studies observed the buildup of intensity on the inner part of the 19 nm layer line, which might indicate that the target zone marking similar to that observed in the active flight muscle and others noted azimuthal changes in the appearance of the myosin heads when compared to rigor.

The chief limitation of the work described above on imaging actin-myosin interactions in situ is the necessity of cutting thin sections of plastic embedded tissue and improving the contrast using heavy metal stains. Ideally, the sections should be cut through the frozen-hydrated tissue and visualized without addition of heavy metals.

Generally, improvements in resolution of at least a factor of 2, from 5 nm to 2. A technique to do this, called CEMOVIS [ ] has been under development for a number of years, but not yet applied to muscle tissue in any systematic way. First, sectioning of frozen, unfixed tissue produces several artefacts, such as knife marks and crevasses [ ].

These are mostly confined to one surface and are not by themselves limiting since part of the section depth appears unaffected. Second, frozen-hydrated sections suffer much more from section compression than plastic sections, which would significantly affect atomic models.

There is no reason in principle that the multivariate data analysis could not be used to produce class averages free of staining artefacts. In principle, CEMOVIS could be applied to smash frozen, active muscle fibers, though it may be technically challenging due to the relatively small depth of good freezing. In FIB-SEM, a beam of heavy ions is used to literally carve out a thin lamella in the tissue as mounted or cultured on the EM grid which can then be transferred to a TEM for subsequent tilt series data collection.

The technique could be applied to a myofibril preparation spread over an EM grid. Although mechanical effects would be difficult to monitor, all of the AMPPNP induced states as well as the relaxed and rigor muscle would be accessible to this technique. Importantly, one state of active contraction, the so-called calcium poised state, in which the muscle is bathed in a MgATP solution with submaximal calcium has not been studied.

Calcium poised muscle is primed to contract but requires a stretch to fully activate. Calcium poised myofibrils could yield details about how the muscle positions itself for its next contraction.

Is calcium poised muscle rich in Tn bridges and weak Type I target zone attachments? There are many challenging technical issues that must be solved before active force bearing cross-bridges can be imaged in the muscle. There are still many questions remaining before a complete picture is obtained for the actively contracting muscle. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Mary C.

Reedy, whose expertise in preparing, evaluating and selecting thin sections for our 3D reconstruction work was invaluable to the project. She contributed to all aspects of the work, including write up and interpretation. The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the studies reported here either in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results.

Int J Mol Sci. Published online Apr 5. Kenneth A. Edwards , 2 and Michael K. Reedy 2. Robert J. Find articles by Robert J. Michael K. Find articles by Michael K. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Received Mar 6; Accepted Apr 1. Abstract Much has been learned about the interaction between myosin and actin through biochemistry, in vitro motility assays and cryo-electron microscopy cryoEM of F-actin, decorated with myosin heads. Keywords: striated muscle, image reconstruction, muscle physiology. After setup is completed, verify the build number of the console.

If the console upgrade was successful, the build number will be and the version is now Version The client version will be updated to 5. Boot images will automatically update during setup. See our post on upgrade consideration in a large environment to avoid this if you have multiple distribution points.

Our preferred way to update our clients is by using the Client Upgrade feature: You can refer to our complete post documenting this feature. If you disabled database maintenance tasks at a site before installing the update, reconfigure those tasks. Use the same settings that were in place before the update. You can see our SCCM Client version reports to give detailed information about every client version in your environment.

In conclusion, you can create a collection that targets clients without the latest client version because is very useful when it comes to monitoring a non-compliant client. New build releases add new features, quality updates, and bug fixes. You may also need to identify the Windows version in a migration project or to plan your patch management deployments. For example, Windows 11 22H1 would mean that it was released in 20 22 in the first half of the year. Where it gets more complicated is the Windows 11 revision or build number which is different depending on the patch applied to the OS.

The first Windows 11 revision number was All KB and revision numbers are documented on Microsoft Documentation. On a device running Windows 11 or Windows 10, you can run winver in a command window. You can also use this useful Powershell script from Trevor Jones. The script will show you:. You can use various tools in the SCCM console to do so. If you want to create collections based on Windows 10 versions, you can use our set of Operational Collections or use this query.

You only need to change your version number at the end of the query. The Windows servicing information is spread across many views. If you need to build a Windows 10 report you can use these views to get your information. With time, I added more and more collections to the script. Fast forward to today, the script now contains collections and has been downloaded more than 75 times making this PowerShell script my most downloaded contribution to the community.

The collections are set to refresh on a 7 days schedule. Once created, you can use these collections to have a quick overview of your devices. You can also use these collections to create deployment collections by using limiting collections on these ones. The script will detect if the collection has already been created. It will give a warning and create only new collections that have been added since the last time the script is run.

If you are comfortable with editing scripts, you can comment out any unwanted collections using at each line of the section. Extra hint: You can also verify if your collection has been created properly in your collections with our Configuration Manager — Collections report.

Simply sort the report by the Operational folder name. If you want to add a collection to the list, feel free to contact me using our social media or use the comment section.

It will be our pleasure to add it to the next version. The reason to Customize Windows Start Menu is a must for any organization to deploy a standard workstation and remove any unwanted software from it. Sometimes Microsoft makes small changes under the hood and can hardly be tracked unless an issue comes up to flag those changes. Windows 11 which came out recently share the same mechanism as Windows 10 when it comes to the Start Menu thus, this post can be used for Windows Microsoft added the following note to the start menu layout modification documentation after the release.

Following our previous posts on Windows 10 Customization and how to modify the taskbar configuration , we will detail how to configure the start menu and taskbar with the latest indication from Microsoft. Once this is completed it can be added to your SCCM task sequence like we explain in our previous posts. Comanagement enables some interesting features like conditional access, remote actions with Intune, and provisioning using AutoPilot.

This is great to slowly phase into Intune. Microsoft provides a great diagram that explains how the workload is managed when co-management is activated. The co-management provides the ability to offload some workload to Intune. There are 3 categories of workloads :. The co-management is designed to allow administrators to Pilot to specific computers before completely offloading a workload to Intune, allowing a smooth transition.

After MDM managed. More details about switching workload to Intune on Microsoft learn. In this post, we will be looking at using SCCM dynamic queries to populate collections in our deployments. As an SCCM administrator, you most likely had to plan out mass deployments to all your servers or workstations or even both. How did you go ahead and populate your collections?

Since the introduction of SCCM , we now have a multitude of options, most notably:. Chances are, if you are deploying new software to be part of a baseline for workstations for example , you will also add it to your task sequence. In my past life, I must admit, I really did like queries. They can be such a powerful tool to populate your collections. I always was looking for ways to pimp the usual types of queries we use. For example, we developed a fabulous list of operational collections that we can use for our day-to-day deployments.

But, that stays static. What I mean by that is if your collection targets workstations, you will always target workstations minus or more of the workstations that get added as the query gets updated. I personally like when things are a little more dynamic. If I target a deployment for workstations, I would like to see that collection drop to 50, 40, 25 or whatever the count of objects as the deployment succeeds on workstations. We have a deployment. We want to deploy this on all our workstations.

Simple right? What if we add to the same query another criteria that exclude all workstations where the Deployment ID for 7-Zip is successful? As the workstations install the software and return a success code to their management point, this query will rerun itself and should yield fewer and fewer objects.

Now, you can use this for all your deployments. But to be optimal, you need to use Package deployments and not applications. So I stated earlier, we start with a very basic package for 7-Zip.

And as we typically do, this program is deployed to a collection, in this case I went very originally with Deploy 7-Zip.

Nothing special with our collection the way we usually do it. My current query lists a grand total of 4 objects in my collection. You can clearly see the type of rule is set to Query. Note: I set my updates on collections at 30 minutes. This is my personal lab. Both ECDH and its predecessor leverage mathematical computations however elliptic-curve cryptography ECC leverages algebraic curves whereas Diffie-Hellman leverages modular arithmetic.

In an RSA key exchange, secret keys are exchanged by encrypting the secret key with the intended recipients public key. The only way to decrypt the secret key is by leveraging the recipients private key. Ciphers have existed for thousands of years. In simple terms they are a series of instructions for encrypting or decrypting a message. We could spend an extraordinary amount of time talking about the different types of ciphers, whether symmetric key or asymmetric key, stream ciphers or block ciphers, or how the key is derived, however I just want to focus on what they are and how they relate to Schannel.

Symmetric key means that the same key is used for encryption and decryption. This requires both the sender and receiver to have the same shared key prior to communicating with one another, and that key must remain secret from everyone else. The use of block ciphers encrypts fixed sized blocks of data. RC4 is a symmetric key stream cipher. As noted above, this means that the same key is used for encryption and decryption. The main difference to notice here is the user of a stream cipher instead of a block cipher.

In a stream cipher, data is transmitted in a continuous steam using plain-text combined with a keystream. Hashing Algorithms, are fixed sized blocks representing data of arbitrary size. They are used to verify the integrity of the data of the data being transmitted. When the message is created a hash of the original message is generated using the agreed upon algorithm i.

That hash is used by the receiver to ensure that the data is the same as when the sender sent it. MD5 produces a bit hash value. Notice the length difference? NOTE: Both hash algorithms have been found to be vulnerable to attacks such as collision vulnerabilities and are typically not recommended for use in cryptography. Again, see the noticeable size difference? Now that everything is explained; what does this mean?

Remember that a protocol simply defines how the algorithms should be used. This is a where the keys will be exchanged that are leveraged for encrypting and decrypting our message traffic. This is the algorithm, in this instance the Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, used to create the digital signature for authentication.

GCM Again…… what? This is the mode of operation that the cipher leverages. The purpose is to mask the patterns within the encrypted data.

SHA indicates that the hashing algorithm used for message verification and in this example is SHA2 with a bit key. Hopefully this helps to further break down the barriers of understanding encryption and cipher suites. We decided to round up a few customer stories for you, to illustrate the various real-world benefits being reported by users of Shielded VMs in Windows Server To all of you that have downloaded the Technical Preview and provided feedback via UserVoice, thank you.

On December 1st we released the first public update to the Technical Preview. Windows Defender Antivirus uses a layered approach to protection: tiers of advanced automation and machine learning models evaluate files in order to reach a verdict on suspected malware.

While Windows Defender AV detects a vast majority of new malware files at first sight, we always strive to further close the gap between malware release and detection. We look at advanced attacks perpetrated by the highly skilled KRYPTON activity group and explore how commodity malware like Kovter abuses PowerShell to leave little to no trace of malicious activity on disk.

From there, we look at how Windows Defender ATP machine learning systems make use of enhanced insight about script characteristics and behaviors to deliver vastly improved detection capabilities. Backdoor user accounts are those accounts that are created by an adversary as part of the attack, to be used later in order to gain access to other resources in the network, open new entry points into the network as well as achieve persistency.

MITRE lists the create account tactic as part of the credentials access intent of stage and lists several toolkits that uses this technique. And, now that the celebrations are mostly over, I wanted to pick all your brains to learn what you would like to see from us this year…. As you all know, on AskPFEPlat, we post content based on various topics in the realms of the core operating system, security, Active Directory, System Center, Azure, and many services, functions, communications, and protocols that sit in between.

Christopher Scott, Premier Field Engineer. I have recently transitioned into an automation role and like most people my first thought was to setup a scheduled task to shutdown and startup Virtual Machines VMs to drive down consumption costs. Now, the first thing I did, much like I am sure you are doing now, is look around to see what and how other people have accomplished this.

So, I came up with the idea of using Tags to shutdown or startup a filtered set of resources and that is what I wanted to show you all today.

The first thing you will need to do is setup an Automation Account. From the Azure portal click more actions and search for Automation. By clicking the star to the right of Automation Accounts you can add it to your favorites blade.

Now you will be prompted to fill in some values required for the creation. Now is the time to create the Azure Run as Accounts so click the Yes box in the appropriate field and click create. From within the Automation Accounts blade select Run as Accounts. After the accounts and connections have been verified we want to update all the Azure Modules.

We can also review the job logs to ensure no errors were encountered. Now that the Automation Accounts have been created and modules have been updated we can start building our runbook.

But before we build the runbooks I want to walk you through tagging the VMs with custom tags that can be called upon later during the runbook. From the Assign Tags callout blade, you can use the text boxes to assign custom a Name known as the Key property in Powershell and a custom Value. If you have already used custom tags for other resources they are also available from the drop-down arrow in the same text box fields.

Click Assign to accept the tags. To start building the runbook we are going to select the Runbook option from the Automation Account Pane and click Add a Runbook. When the Runbook Creation blade comes up click Create a Runbook , In the callout blade Give the runbook a name, select Powershell from the dropdown, and finally click Create. At this point you will brought to the script pane of the Runbook. You can paste the attached script directly into the pane and it should look something like this.

Once the script has been pasted in, click the Test Pane button on the ribbon bar to ensure operability. If we go back to the Virtual Machine viewing pane we can verify the results.

Since the script processed correctly and is working as intended we can proceed to publishing the runbook. Click Publish and confirm with Yes. But what are we using to invoke the runbooks? Well we could add a webhook, or manually call the runbook from the console, we could even create a custom application with a fancy GUI Graphical User Interface to call the runbook, for this article we are going to simply create a schedule within our automation account and use it to initiate our runbook.

To build our schedule we select Schedules from the Automation Account then click Add a schedule. Create a Schedule Name, Give it a description, assign a Start date and Time, set the Reoccurrence schedule and expiration and click Create. Now that the schedule has been created click OK to link it to the Runbook.

Originally, I used this runbook to shutdown VMs in an order so at the end of the Tier 2 Runbook would call the Tier 1 Runbook and finally the Tier 0 runbook. For Startup I would reverse the order to ensure services came up correctly. By splitting the runbooks, I ensured the next set of services did not start or stop until the previous set had finished. However, by utilizing the custom tags and making minor changes to the script you can customize your runbooks to perform whatever suits your needs.

For example, if you wanted to shutdown just John Smiths machines every night all you would need to do is tag the VMs accordingly Ex.

I have also attached the startup script that was mentioned earlier in the article for your convenience. Thank you for taking the time to read through this article, I hope you can adapt it to you found it helpful and are able to adapt it your environment with no issues.

Please leave a comment if you come across any issues or just want to leave some feedback. Disclaimer The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.

The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.

The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Azure Automation — Custom Tagged Scripts. Hi, Matthew Walker again. Recently I worked with a few of my co-workers to present a lab on building out Shielded VMs and I thought this would be useful for those of you out there wanting to test this out in a lab environment. Shielded VMs, when properly configured, use Bitlocker to encrypt the drives, prevent access to the VM using the VMConnect utility, encrypt the data when doing a live migration, as well blocking the fabric admin by disabling a number of integration components, this way the only access to the VM is through RDP to the VM itself.

With proper separation of duties this allows for sensitive systems to be protected and only allow those who need access to the systems to get the data and prevent VMs from being started on untrusted hosts. In my position I frequently have to demo or test in a number of different configurations so I have created a set of configurations to work with a scripted solution to build out labs.

At the moment there are some differences between the two and only my fork will work with the configurations I have. Now, to setup your own environment I should lay out the specs of the environment I created this on. All of the above is actually a Hyper-V VM running on my Windows 10 system, I leverage nested virtualization to accomplish this, some of my configs require Windows Server.

Extract them to a directory on your system you want to run the scripts from. Once you have extracted each of the files from GitHub you should have a folder that is like the screenshot below. By default these files should be marked as blocked and prevent the scripts from running, to unblock the files we will need to unblock them.

If you open an administrative PowerShell prompt and change to the directory the files are in you can use the Unblock-File cmdlet to resolve this. This will require you to download the ADKSetup and run it and select to save the installer files.

The Help folder under tools is not really necessary, however, to ensure I have the latest PowerShell help files available I will run the Save-Help PowerShell cmdlet to download and save the files so I can install them on other systems.

Next, we move back up to the main folder and populate the Resources Folder, so again create a new folder named Resources. While these are not the latest cumulative updates they were the latest I downloaded and tested with, and are referenced in the config files. I also include the WMF 5. I know it seems like a lot, but now that we have all the necessary components we can go through the setup to create the VMs.

You may receive a prompt to run the file depending on your execution policy settings, and you may be prompted for Admin password as the script is required to be run elevated. First it will download any DSC modules we need to work with the scripts. You may get prompted to trust the NuGet repository to be able to download the modules — Type Y and hit enter. It will then display the current working directory and pop up a window to select the configuration to build. The script will then verify that Hyper-V is installed and if it is server it will install the Failover Clustering feature if not installed not needed for shielded VMs, sorry I need to change the logic on that.

The Script may appear to hang for a few minutes, but it is actually copying out the. Net 3. The error below is normal and not a concern. Creating the Template files can take quite a long time, so just relax and let it run.

Once the first VM Domain Controller is created, I have set up the script to ensure it is fully configured before the other VMs get created. You will see the following message when that occurs.

Periodically during this time you will see message such as the below indicating the status. Once all resources are in the desired state the next set of VMs will be created. Once the script finishes however those VMs are not completely configured, DSC is still running in them to finish out the configuration such as Joining the domain or installing roles and features.

So, there you have it, a couple of VMs and DC to begin working on creating a virtualized environment that you can test and play with shielded VMs a bit. So now grab the documentation linked at the top and you can get started without having to build out the base.

I hope this helps you get started playing with some of the new features we have in Windows Server Data disk drives do not cache writes by default. Data disk drives that are attached to a VM use write-through caching. It provides durability, at the expense of slightly slower writes. As of January 10 th , PowerShell Core 6. For the last two decades, changing the domain membership of a Failover Cluster has always required that the cluster be destroyed and re-created. This is a time-consuming process, and we have worked to improve this.

Howdy folks! Before going straight to the solution, I want to present a real scenario and recall some of the basic concepts in the Identity space.

Relying Party signature certificate is rarely used indeed. Signing the SAML request ensures no one modifies the request. COM wants to access an expense note application ClaimsWeb. COM purchasing a license for the ClaimsWeb application. Relying party trust:.

Now that we have covered the terminology with the entities that will play the role of the IdP or IP, and RP, we want to make it perfectly clear in our mind and go through the flow one more time.

Step : Present Credentials to the Identity Provider. The URL provides the application with a hint about the customer that is requesting access. Assuming that John uses a computer that is already a part of the domain and in the corporate network, he will already have valid network credentials that can be presented to CONTOSO. These claims are for instance the Username, Group Membership and other attributes.

Step : Map the Claims. The claims are transformed into something that ClaimsWeb Application understands. We have now to understand how the Identity Provider and the Resource Provider can trust each other. When you configure a claims provider trust or relying party trust in your organization with claim rules, the claim rule set s for that trust act as a gatekeeper for incoming claims by invoking the claims engine to apply the necessary logic in the claim rules to determine whether to issue any claims and which claims to issue.

The Claim Pipeline represents the path that claims must follow before they can be issued. The Relying Party trust provides the configuration that is used to create claims. Once the claim is created, it can be presented to another Active Directory Federation Service or claim aware application.

Claim provider trust determines what happens to the claims when it arrives. COM IdP. COM Resource Provider. Properties of a Trust Relationship. This policy information is pulled on a regular interval which is called trust monitoring. Trust monitoring can be disabled and the pulling interval can be modified.

Signature — This is the verification certificate for a Relying Party used to verify the digital signature for incoming requests from this Relying Party. Otherwise, you will see the Claim Type of the offered claims. Each federation server uses a token-signing certificate to digitally sign all security tokens that it produces.

This helps prevent attackers from forging or modifying security tokens to gain unauthorized access to resources. When we want to digitally sign tokens, we will always use the private portion of our token signing certificate.

When a partner or application wants to validate the signature, they will have to use the public portion of our signing certificate to do so. Then we have the Token Decryption Certificate. Encryption of tokens is strongly recommended to increase security and protection against potential man-in-the-middle MITM attacks that might be tried against your AD FS deployment. Use of encryption might have a slight impact on throughout but in general, it should not be usually noticed and in many deployments the benefits for greater security exceed any cost in terms of server performance.

Encrypting claims means that only the relying party, in possession of the private key would be able to read the claims in the token. This requires availability of the token encrypting public key, and configuration of the encryption certificate on the Claims Provider Trust same concept is applicable at the Relying Party Trust.

By default, these certificates are valid for one year from their creation and around the one-year mark, they will renew themselves automatically via the Auto Certificate Rollover feature in ADFS if you have this option enabled. This tab governs how AD FS manages the updating of this claims provider trust.

You can see that the Monitor claims provider check box is checked. ADFS starts the trust monitoring cycle every 24 hours minutes. This endpoint is enabled and enabled for proxy by default. The FederationMetadata. Once the federation trust is created between partners, the Federation Service holds the Federation Metadata endpoint as a property of its partners, and uses the endpoint to periodically check for updates from the partner. For example, if an Identity Provider gets a new token-signing certificate, the public key portion of that certificate is published as part of its Federation Metadata.

All Relying Parties who partner with this IdP will automatically be able to validate the digital signature on tokens issued by the IdP because the RP has refreshed the Federation Metadata via the endpoint.

The Federation Metadata. XML publishes information such as the public key portion of a token signing certificate and the public key of the Encryption Certificate. What we can do is creating a schedule process which:. You can create the source with the following line as an Administrator of the server:.

Signing Certificate. Encryption Certificate. As part of my Mix and Match series , we went through concepts and terminologies of the Identity metasystem, understood how all the moving parts operates across organizational boundaries.

We discussed the certificates involvement in AD FS and how I can use PowerShell to create a custom monitor workload and a proper logging which can trigger further automation. I hope you have enjoyed and that this can help you if you land on this page. Hi everyone, Robert Smith here to talk to you today a bit about crash dump configurations and options. With the wide-spread adoption of virtualization, large database servers, and other systems that may have a large amount or RAM, pre-configuring the systems for the optimal capturing of debugging information can be vital in debugging and other efforts.

Ideally a stop error or system hang never happens. But in the event something happens, having the system configured optimally the first time can reduce time to root cause determination.

The information in this article applies the same to physical or virtual computing devices. You can apply this information to a Hyper-V host, or to a Hyper-V guest. You can apply this information to a Windows operating system running as a guest in a third-party hypervisor. If you have never gone through this process, or have never reviewed the knowledge base article on configuring your machine for a kernel or complete memory dump , I highly suggest going through the article along with this blog.

When a windows system encounters an unexpected situation that could lead to data corruption, the Windows kernel will implement code called KeBugCheckEx to halt the system and save the contents of memory, to the extent possible, for later debugging analysis.

The problem arises as a result of large memory systems, that are handling large workloads. Even if you have a very large memory device, Windows can save just kernel-mode memory space, which usually results in a reasonably sized memory dump file.

But with the advent of bit operating systems, very large virtual and physical address spaces, even just the kernel-mode memory output could result in a very large memory dump file.

When the Windows kernel implements KeBugCheckEx execution of all other running code is halted, then some or all of the contents of physical RAM is copied to the paging file. On the next restart, Windows checks a flag in the paging file that tells Windows that there is debugging information in the paging file. Please see KB for more information on this hotfix.

Herein lies the problem. One of the Recovery options is memory dump file type. There are a number of memory. For reference, here are the types of memory dump files that can be configured in Recovery options:.

Anything larger would be impractical. For one, the memory dump file itself consumes a great deal of disk space, which can be at a premium. Second, moving the memory dump file from the server to another location, including transferring over a network can take considerable time. The file can be compressed but that also takes free disk space during compression. The memory dump files usually compress very well, and it is recommended to compress before copying externally or sending to Microsoft for analysis.

On systems with more than about 32 GB of RAM, the only feasible memory dump types are kernel, automatic, and active where applicable. Kernel and automatic are the same, the only difference is that Windows can adjust the paging file during a stop condition with the automatic type, which can allow for successfully capturing a memory dump file the first time in many conditions.

A 50 GB or more file is hard to work with due to sheer size, and can be difficult or impossible to examine in debugging tools. In many, or even most cases, the Windows default recovery options are optimal for most debugging scenarios. The purpose of this article is to convey settings that cover the few cases where more than a kernel memory dump is needed the first time.

Nobody wants to hear that they need to reconfigure the computing device, wait for the problem to happen again, then get another memory dump either automatically or through a forced method. The problem comes from the fact that the Windows has two different main areas of memory: user-mode and kernel-mode.

User-mode memory is where applications and user-mode services operate. Kernel-mode is where system services and drivers operate. This explanation is extremely simplistic.

More information on user-mode and kernel-mode memory can be found at this location on the Internet:. User mode and kernel mode. What happens if we have a system with a large amount of memory, we encounter or force a crash, examine the resulting memory dump file, and determine we need user-mode address space to continue analysis?

This is the scenario we did not want to encounter. We have to reconfigure the system, reboot, and wait for the abnormal condition to occur again. The secondary problem is we must have sufficient free disk space available. If we have a secondary local drive, we can redirect the memory dump file to that location, which could solve the second problem. The first one is still having a large enough paging file. If the paging file is not large enough, or the output file location does not have enough disk space, or the process of writing the dump file is interrupted, we will not obtain a good memory dump file.

In this case we will not know until we try. Wait, we already covered this. The trick is that we have to temporarily limit the amount of physical RAM available to Windows.

The numbers do not have to be exact multiples of 2. The last condition we have to meet is to ensure the output location has enough free disk space to write out the memory dump file. Once the configurations have been set, restart the system and then either start the issue reproduction efforts, or wait for the abnormal conditions to occur through the normal course of operation.

Note that with reduced RAM, there ability to serve workloads will be greatly reduced. Once the debugging information has been obtained, the previous settings can be reversed to put the system back into normal operation.

This is a lot of effort to go through and is certainly not automatic. But in the case where user-mode memory is needed, this could be the only option. Figure 1: System Configuration Tool. Figure 2: Maximum memory boot configuration. Figure 3: Maximum memory set to 16 GB. With a reduced amount of physical RAM, there may now be sufficient disk space available to capture a complete memory dump file. In the majority of cases, a bugcheck in a virtual machine results in the successful collection of a memory dump file.

The common problem with virtual machines is disk space required for a memory dump file. The default Windows configuration Automatic memory dump will result in the best possible memory dump file using the smallest amount of disk space possible.

Maria Laura Mele. Arianna Maiorani. Toyoaki Nishida. Abstract The capacity of involvement and engagement plays an important role in making a robot social and robust. In order to reinforce the capacity of robot in human-robot interaction, we proposed a twolayered approach. In the upper layer, social interaction is flexibly controlled by Bayesian Net using social interaction patterns. In the lower layer, the robustness of the system can be improved by detecting repetitive and rhythmic gestures.

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to support a sustainable conversation. From a view point of sustainability, it is important to manage huge conversation content such as transcripts, handouts, and slides. Our proposed system, called Sustainable Knowledge Globe SKG , supports people to manage conversation content by using geographical arrangement, topological connection, contextual relation, and a zooming interface.

Abstract The progress of technology makes familiar artifacts more complicated than before.

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