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Да, сэр. Уверен, что человеку вашего положения хорошо известно, что канадское правительство делает все для защиты соотечественников от неприятностей, которые случаются с ними в этих… э-э… скажем так, не самых передовых странах. Тонкие губы Клушара изогнулись в понимающей улыбке. – Да, да, конечно… очень приятно. – Так вы гражданин Канады.



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We know, for example, that due to population pressure, farmers are deserting the practice of crop rotation. In view of the current environmental considerations against chemical fertilizers, what option does the farmer have? How can we fit wheat into the present farming systems? What new farming ‘ systems can we evolve for wheat farmers to adopt? Now efforts are being taken to extend its production to middle, and, perhaps, to low altitude areas.

Wheat, being naturally a semi-arid area plant, can compete more favorably over a wider ecological area than say maize can. How can we strike a balance between wheat and the other competing crops?

What original contributions are our scientists making to the international effort? This question extends to the entire region. It grows very well in high altitude areas, and could save Uganda a lot of money by substituting for imported malt for the breweries.

I would appreciate your view on this crop. I particularly thank the organization for posting a wheat 2. I should like to encourage the scientists to do more, and appeal to them to liberally share their knowledge and experience with their colleagues in the region and the relevant international community.

You were yourselves saved basic research by international collaboration. You owe reciprocation to the international community, and I am glad that you are already testing some of the Ugandan selections within the region.

This is a positive move because for our resource-poor economies extrapolation of attested technologies within our region is more appreciated than starting research from scratch. Perhaps most important, is the provision of immediate answers to the food problems of our peoples.

Lastly, I commend your efforts in ensuring that wheat is developed in our region. It is important that while the rest of the world struggles to see that no one goes to bed on an empty stomach, Africa too must play its part. Environmental considerations no longer permit unlimited use of chemical inputs to which the developed world owed its green revolution. Fortunately, Africa has started early enough, and if resource-efficient and sustainable systems can be developed at this time, then future generations have some hope to enjoy a better world, nutritionally and environmentally.

Quite naturally, I want to appeal to and strongly advise all relevant authorities in wheat research and development to, as much as possible, involve women. Obviously, the earlier you involve them the better for everybody. My last advice is on the workshop composition. I notice that one of the workshop papers will focus on a collaborative research agenda for the development of sustainable wheat production technologies. I also notice that the list of official participants is essentially composed of biological research scientists and the Ugandan representation is all project staff.

Whereas it is not bad for homogeneous groups to talk to themselves, I feel that for collaborative endeavors like wheat development which involves a wide range of disciplines and cuts across territorial borders, it is better to involve such people as policy makers, administrators, extension agents, social scientists and farmers.

It should be possible for the host countries to provide farmers, especially where the crop is already at production level. One major reason for calling for a wider field of representation is that as Africans we should not only be servicing our regional markets such as PTA and SADC, but we need to develop commodities which meet our taste.

The other reason is that full development of the crop will need other support services such as information, inputs, credit and infrastructure. Finally, I want to once again welcome you to the pearl of Africa and thank you for coming. I thank the organizers for having invited me to officiate at this function, and for all the arrangements they have put in place to make your stay here productive and enjoyable. The invitation I have extended to our guests is meant to augment their field experiences in Jinja which you will be visiting on Wednesday, and please make sure you do not miss it.

I wish you a good field trip and tours and in the end, since home is always best, safe journeys back to your respective countries. It is now my greatest pleasure and privilege to declare the Eighth Wheat Workshop for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa officially open.

Juarez, Deleg. Cuauhtemoc, Mexico D. Major wheat farming systems, increasingly important for feeding mankind, provide an appropriate focus about which to pursue this issue.

Valuable lessons are provided by examination over the last years of wheat farming in Australia. Through cycles of failure and research-driven recovery, it has evolved towards greater sustainability. Heavy investment in basic and applied research, a good proportion of skilled farmers, and reasonably sound economics were critical.

By contrast, many wheat systems in developing countries, while growing in productivity, appear to have threatened sustainability. Some irreversible natural resource degradation is obvious in the form of soil erosion, over pumping from aquifers, and massive salinization; other, hopefully reversible, degradation is probably widespread. More research specifically targeting soil and water issues is needed, along with decentralized multicommodity and multidisciplinary NARS research centers having a strong commitment to regional farming systems and an all-pervading sustainability perspective.

Over time, we have inevitably become concerned about our impact upon, and the evolution of, major wheat cropping systems in the developing world. Some five years ago, we began collaborative research on natural resource issues in the vast and dominating rice-wheat cropping system of South Asia. Despite our being a global crop center, the rice-wheat research model appears successful, and has revealed specific complementarities with our traditional more crop-specific research activities.

It is a new word describing the converse of an old concept which has haunted humankind since at least the collapse of the Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia five thousand years ago.

Most agriculturalists today accept that sustainability means maintaining or enhancing the resource base of agriculture while meeting our growing needs for food and other agricultural products. Included in this definition are usually also considerations of agriculture’s impact on the other agricultural and non-agricultural environments externalities and of its effects on the health and welfare of those in and around agriculture and those consuming its products.

The natural resource base of agriculture normally refers to soil, water, air, climate and genetic resources. This is often overlooked in the debate on agriculture and sustainability. Still my concern here is not to dwell on these beneficial indirect effects, but to focus on explicit positive effects of technology on sustainability in wheat farming, and the type and organization of research by which these are generated. Concern for sustainability in agriculture has grown dramatically in the past decade for a number of reasons.

Firstly we have the “green movement” in North America and Europe where apparent food surpluses and high incomes have fueled criticism of modem agriculture as being polluting, diversity-destroying, and threatening to small ffu”mers. Secondly, the ongoing debate about ownership of and dangers to plant genetic resources, culminating in the Agenda 21 accord reached at Rio 92, tends also to cast modem agriculture in a negative light, especially through its association with large often multinational seed companies.

Global warming and ozone depletion in the stratosphere are yet other, largely non-agricultural, developments which lead to concern because of their perceived negative impact on agriculture.

Finally, and undoubtedly most significantly, we have the recognition of the size of the problem of feeding a steadily growing world population from a limited land area with limited water resources Crosson and Anderson And while agriculturalists might claim they have always been aware of the importance of sustainability issues, the recent debate has been positive in reminding us to broaden our vision in both the space and time dimensions.

The term natural resource management research NRMR has recently crept in as a useful description of what is needed. Some say we need new ways of working in order to deal with the NRMR issues properly; others that we just need a new perspective.

Most agree that the policy and socioeconomic environment of agriculture is even more important for achieving sustainability than it is for increasing productivity. As a consequence, the sustainability debate has become a rich field for socioeconomists and ecologists, tending to relegate agronomists and plant scientists to the side lines. I will argue that, while agronomic research will have to take on new activities, there remain central roles for traditional agronomic research and for plant breeding.

And, although some are talking about yet another field for agricultural research, it seems to me that what we really should be promoting is a new perspective in existing research: some new skills and tools, but primarily a greater concern for long term and off-site effects, and for the new socioeconomic dimensions. My focus will be that provided by major wheat cropping systems, believing that with wheat the world’s number I food grain, and overtaking rice as number 1 in developing countries , these will be important for many decades to come.

By wheat cropping systems I mean farming systems where wheat is a dominant crop, contributing to more than one third or so of farm income. The number of wheat cropping systems in the world is relatively small, and the systems well recognized, as is evidenced by the frequent reference to wheat in traditional land use terminology eg.

Also, these wheat systems, whether in industrial or developing countries, have a lot in common a growing degree of mechanization, minimal use of intercropping, predominantly commercial production rather than subsistence. To begin I would like to explore changes over the last years in one major developedcountry wheat cropping system that I know reasonably well.

It is a system not unlike that of many developing countries: mixed crop and livestock farms, rainfed and moisture limited, subject to moderate to high temperatures, and based on poor soils. Its endurance 5. I refer to the wheat farming system of southern and eastern Australia. Since around there has been a steady expansion of wheat area as these virgin lands were cleared, at first by hand then after increasingly by machine; total wheat area averaged around 11 million ha in the s.

Almost all wheat crops are rainfed, growing within the cool winter-spring season Apr. Mean yields by decades over this period are shown in Figure 1, which is derived from the pioneering writings of Prof. Donald on sustainabili ty Donald ; Better rotations, legume nitrogen, mechanization Fig. Australian wheat yields from to Each point indicates the unweighted mean annual yield in the preceding 10 years adapted from Donald Up to , wheat yields declined steadily, primarily due to nutrient exhaustion in the originally poor soils Fig.

The introduction of three new factors appears to have been associated with the yield increases over the next 30 years, namely superphosphate, bare cultivation fallowing, and improved rust resistant and early maturing wheat varieties, indeed the first varieties produced by hybridization and selection in Australia.

But by yield progress had ceased as soil structure decline, erosion and soil N depletion, all consequences of bare fallowing, took their toll. Crop rotation was limited to cereal monoculture wheat, some barley and oats interspersed with volunteer pasture; wheat farmers have always owned moderate numbers of livestock for grazing of crop residue, fallow weeds and the pasture.

Despite the early recognition by some farmers of the value of annual selfregenerating pasture legumes such as Trifolium and Medicago species, introduced by chance from the Mediterranean region, it was not until the s that their positive role in cereal rotations was promoted by state Departments of Agriculture.

Their widespread adoption, favored by good prices for sheep products, and the consequent improved soil N levels, is probably the major factor explaining the renewed wheat yield growth between and Figure 1 ; other lesser factors include more timely wheat seeding and harvest as tractors replaced horses, and the introduction of the first herbicides. Thus by the mid s cropping had substituted somewhat for pasture and sheep, with only a little over 1 ha of sown pasture and 4.

Nevertheless we see in Fig. Just as elsewhere it took time for farmers to learn how to get the most out of these wheats. The increase was not associated with a substantial increase in N fertilizer use as has occurred elsewhere, because N use levels on wheat in Australia are still very low Table 2 , but the semidwarf varieties performed especially well where pastures had boosted soil N.

Recent research on the constraints posed by other soil problems such as microelement deficiency or toxicity, and cereal root pathogens, may maintain the momentum of wheat productivity growth, for farmer yield is stili well below the moisture-determined potential Rovira Positive developments include a move towards maintaining leguminous pastures free of grasses which host wheat root diseases, and an inclusion in the rotation of non-host crops such as grain legumes Iupins, peas and chickpeas or oilseed rape.

The area of such alternative crops has increased dramatically recently, but they still only constitute about one-eighth of the cereal area. Change in real prices of wheat in the USA since the mids. Source: U. Bureau of Census and Agricultural Statistics. The biological changes I have just described in a necessarily very general and abbreviated manner were accompanied by important socioeconomic changes of even greater magnitude. From early this century the Australian wheat industry was export-oriented and largely 7.

Thus wheat prices at the farm gate have always been low and in real terms have inexorably declined as productivity increases drove wheat prices down globally Figure 2.

At the same time the real costs of inputs, especially labor, have generally risen. Wheat farming in this situation, no different from most other major wheat growing areas of the world, can only remain economically viable if productivity increases. Yield productivity per unit land area did increase Figure 1 , but so did the amounts of expensive physical inputs like fertilizer and herbicides used per ha. As with field cropping in other Western nations, the major source of productivity increase has been the substitution of labor by machinery, which in turn has led to a huge consolidation of farms Table 1.

A farm size around ha contrasts with the family wheat farm at the turn of the century of about ha. Viewed differently, this process of consolidation was the only way for a wheat farming family to maintain its income at approximate parity with growing family incomes in the rest of the economy. A casual reflection on wheat farming in Australia as just described might suggest that sustainability has improved since farming commenced last century.

One indirect indication of this is that yields have risen on an increasing crop area and without an alarming increase in physical inputs. Inputs requiring fossil fuel energy have inevitably increased, especially as machines substitute for manual and animal power, but I place energy consumption outside of the sustainability equation because agriculture is a small user of global energy and because energy sources are abundant.

Another way to look at sustainability is to ask what has happened to the natural resource base of the system: the soil, water and the biological elements?

Broadly based data are hard to obtain but experiments and district level studies provide ample evidence that where the leguminous ley system has been used as recommended eg. Since P application levels have usually exceeded rates of P removal for decades Table 2 , soil P levels probably now generally exceed those in the naturally infertile virgin soils. The general picture above inevitably conceals districts, and indeed whole regions, which have gone down-hill.

The best example would be the northeast wheat belt where inherently more fertile virgin soils permitted cropping until recently without use of fertilizers: this induced complacency and failure to consider the role of legumes. The summer rainfall climate of this region assisted the process of decline, speeding organic matter breakdown and increasing water erosion risk. In addition several more widespread threats to sustainability have gradually become evident.

One is dryland salinization arising primarily because replacement of the original perennial woodland vegetation by annual cropping has led to reduced evapotranspiration and hence increased drainage of water through the soil into water tables.

Wherever these naturally saline water tables rise to near the soil surface, patches of salinity become evident. The problem develops slowly over decades and depends much on mesotopography as does the solution, namely revegetation of potentially high intake areas: it is possible but will be expensive Walker et al.

A second threat arising as a result of the use of legumes themselves is the accelerated soil acidification which can occur in areas of high rainfall with soils of low base exchange capacity: nitrate leaching, itself another potential environmental hazard, is accompanied by gradual replacement of bases on the soil colloids by hydrogen ions Helyar Bases must be restored and liming is the traditional solution: this will also be expensive especially when deferred until toxic levels of acidity have arisen.

Various other threats in the form of pests, diseases and weeds, almost all exotic to the country, have arisen from time to time, accompanied by dire predictions eg. These biotic threats have 8. Currently a new biotic threat to sustainability is recognized, in the form of broadly based herbicide-resistance in grass weeds such as Lolium, Avena and Hordeum spp. This has arisen independently at many widely spread locations in the wheat-sheep zone and will require research on new weed management strategies Powles and Matthews It is clear from the Australian experience that even without considering changes in extraneous variables such as climate and the prices of inputs and commodities, the struggle for a sustainable and productive system is long term and requires a steady research input.

It is useful now to look more explicitly at the key elements in such a system. Protection of vulnerable soils from wind and flowing water, and maintenance of a high water infiltration capacity are the key issues.

Soil surface cover and soil organic matter content and structure are the key indicators. Retention of crop residues and reduced tillage of a non-inverting non-compacting type are the practices which need to be pursued generally.

In the Australian legume ley system these goals are achieved primarily through the pasture phase which boosts soil organic matter and soil structure, and through nonremoval of crop residues, although late burning of residues persists in many districts. Cereal stubble is not grazed to the extent that the ground cover is removed.

In addition tillage is shallow «10 cm deep and aims at moisture conservation through killing weeds; this can be replaced by herbicides although economics still generally favor mechanical weed control. Curiously, the destructive clean fallowing practiced in the first half of this century was found to be less beneficial for moisture conservation than for build up of mineral N.

Leguminous leys have eliminated this latter need for fallowing, while research has given clearer guides as to where and when fallowing for moisture conservation is worthwhile.

Increased disease and possibly weed pressures arising from stubble retention in cereal monoculture can probably be handled through host plant resistance, herbicides and especially crop rotation, but the loss of forage value from retaining straw bites hard into farm income. Straw is considered to be of little forage value in Australia: the difference with developing countries probably derives from the higher value of livestock products relative to grain Morris et al.

The damage to soil arising from livestock trampling poses an additional problem in all situations but especially those without the ameliorative benefits of pasture phases during which vigorous root growth and other biological activity can restore the soil. Soil Fertility Maintenance Maintenance of the chemical fertility of soils at levels which are optimal for long run profits, given the productive potential of the land as determined usually by water availability and other climatic factors, is axiomatic for sustainable agriculture.

In the case of N there are other well known losses to the system denitrification in saturated soils, leaching with through-drainage. There is much scope for improving the efficiency of fertilization, but no excuse for any country to not ensure the availability and use of the necessary fertilizer – it’s simply bad economics. Important as manure from confined 9. To imaginatively explore new possibilities for return of human wastes to the fields is on the other hand an imperative, because this is the final repository of the great bulk of grain nutrients.

Nitrogen, as seen in Table 3, is the most important nutritional element in quantity, and as a fertilizer input in cropping systems. Approximately 85 million t of N were used in ni trogenous fertilizers globally in ; average use per ha of arable land is 55 kg N; use on cereals is likely to be higher than this. Yet the Australian wheat systems can run virtually without N fertilizer thanks to the inclusion of at least 1 year of good leguminous pasture for each year of cereal Table 2.

Grain legume crops, while saving soh N, do not give a comparable net build up in soil N, while the short term economics of sole green manure crops is almost everywhere unfavorable. However leguminous pasture can be grazed without detriment to soil N build up and this, along with recognition of the longer term benefits for soil structure, gives pasture an edge over fertilizer N in Australia where, in addition, N fertilizer to grain price ratios have traditionally been high 5: 1 or higher.

Animal products are relatively more valuable in developing countries but other factors, particularly social ones, appear to have precluded the adoption of a leguminous ley-cereal rotation even where grazing animals are a major part of the cropping system.

The situation is not intractable and warrants more long term research, especially on socioeconomic constraints. Another issue in soil fertility maintenance of growing importance is that of microelements. Some soils naturally have available levels of certain microelements which are deficient or toxic for wheat crops or leguminous pastures.

Alleviation of deficiencies as they were identified by research has been an important factor in wheat yield increase in Australia’s naturally poor soils. With continued cropping, and notwithstanding high total amounts of microelements in many soils, other wheat soils are beginning to show microelement deficiencies in Australia and elsewhere. The key to staying ahead of these problems, which are often quite local, is reliable diagnosis. Deficiencies can be alleviated by fertilization but more recently genetic variation in tolerance to deficiency eg.

Zn, Cu, B, Fe is being exploited by wheat breeders for this purpose. When it comes to toxicities, amelioration is often expensive or impossible, and genetic solutions come to the fore eg. Where the toxicity is the result of ongoing agricultural practice eg. Biotic Stresses and Soil Health Maintenance of the agents of biotic stress at lower than economic thresholds over the long term is another element of sustainable wheat cropping. Foliar pathogens, particularly obligate ones like the rusts, are almost exclusively controlled by host plant resistance in low input wheat systems such as in Australia.

This would also seem to be the most desirable strategy for developing countries where fungicide application to crops involves additional risks for the users and environment. But host plant resistance carries risks arising from the possibility of evolution of new virulences in the pathogen: consequent instabilities in production can rightly be considered threats to sustainability. The risk of epiphytotic can however be greatly reduced by use of a variety of resistance genes, especially partial or durable-resistance ones, by deployment of a mosaic of varieties and speedy replacement of susceptible ones, and by vigilant crop monitoring.

These strategies are well within the capabilities of most NARS and once in place, effectively counter the concern oftenexpressed about the apparent genetic uniformity of modem wheat varieties. Vigilance cannot however be relaxed, and regional collaboration can greatly assist in this area.

Notwithstanding the complexities of the phenomenon of take-all Gaeumannomyces graminis decline, as a general rule cereal monoculture leads to pathogen build up and significant yield losses which may nevertheless interact greatly with weather, tillage and other conditions.

Host plant resistance exists against some of the pathogens eg. Pratylencus thomei but is not readily available in others. Research on rotations with nonhost crops, including grass-free leguminous pastures, has recently revealed the magnitude of this soil problem in Australia, and also in Brazil. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer.

Enter the email address you signed up with and we’ll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Torsten Howind John Hughes. Related Papers. Petra, Angkor, Copan, Venice, Lascaux, Easter Island—all are examples of irreplaceable cultural heritage built in stone and now slowly disappearing. In the Getty Conservation Institute published Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research as a tool for conservators and conservation scientists to guide policy, practice, and research in the preservation of stone in monuments, sculpture, and archaeological sites.

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The past decade has seen a growing scientific interest in the still poorly understood subject of salt weathering, a phenomenon with significant cultural and economic consequences. This interest has led to an increase in research results and growing clarification of the roles salts play in weathering and decay.

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The administration erf President Joseph Estrada is unlikely to stand to the way of a deal Both businessmen put money behind Estrada in this year’s election campaign.

Cojuangco is head of toe president’s political party. The previous. But now finance secretary Edgardo Espkitu – another good friend – is proposing a tax amnesty. One suggestion is toe drop-the-pltot defence, though Observer’s current favourite is toe gambit defence, after the chess strategy of sacrificing a piece for positional advantage. But embarrassed officials in the eastern Caribbean island-are now pointing out that Dominica has an extradition treaty with Australia, so Skase would be well advised not to set foot in his new homeland.

Even if his health allowed such a long journey. But things have taken a turn for toe worse – toe long-time loyal lieutenant of President Jacques Chirac has been placed under formal Investigation in a judicial probe into an alleged payroll scam at Paris city haJL The authorities are Investigating claims that, a few years back, some city employees were really working tor toe Gauffist RPR party.

In those days, Chirac was mayor and Jupp6 was in charge of budgetary affairs at city hall, as well as being RPR secretary-generaL The decision to put Jupp6 under investigation moves the probe closer to Chirac himself. As for the former premier, it cant be the way he was planning to return to the public eye. But yesterday was something special. They have already discovered that there is an opening for banks, there being only two chartered establishments in the whole Island, while banking facilities, it is stated, are very inadequate.

There are several railways, but they. It is pointed out, are not conducted on economical plans. Altogether there is a general belief that Yankee management would effect a great improvement This may be the case, although the experience of English investors In American railways may well cause some distrust as to the results.

The French National Assembly to-day adopted by votes to a proposal to postpone the Departmental Elections due in October. The Socialists and most of the Popular Republican Party, toe two pillars of toe Government Coalition, voted for the postponement.

The Gaullists, Radicals and Rightwingers voted against, while the Commirists abstained. The really juicy foots – what the partners and the bank itself win be worth – are not to be revealed until October. But there is a nugget or two of new data in this week’s preliminary prospectus. The most striking fact is Goldman’s profitability. This is slightly mislead- ing, since it does not Include the pay of Goldman’s partners, who used to receive profit shares but will now start collecting salaries.

But much of it simply reflects a smaller presence in lower-mar- gin retail broking and asset management Yet these are both more stable businesses, deserving a higher rating. With Morgan Stan- ley trading at 3. The immediate aftermath of the merger was dominated by the bloody rationalisa- tion of the investment banking operations. The focus now shifts to the retail and private banking operations. The trick will be to effect substantial changes to systems, products and cheat relation- ships white minimising customer disrup- tion and revenue losses.

For investors, the extent of any upside will only become apparent next year. But a tactical case can he made as to why it may outperform Credit Suisse, its main rival its exposure to the turmoil in Rus- sia Is almost certainly less, while the risk management skills inherited from SBC should stand the bank in good stead.

Finally, weakness in US investment bank- ing may. To make matters worse, a Federal Reserve survey this week points to weaker loan demand from big companies for the -first time since early The obvious way to counter.

But investors are increasingly sus- picious of the benefits of such mergers. With any rise in bad debts from a stewing economy having yet to make itself felt, there is little relief in sight for bank stocks. Top broadcasters Java for set-top s By Join Sapper. It is too soon to assess the potential of the merged vehicle properly. After four years of strong outperformance, the femfcfwg sec- tor has dropped 20 per cent in the past five weeks and has now lagged behind the market by almost IS per cent so far in Investors are worried about the over- seas exposure of the big money centre banks.

Meanwhile, domestic regional hankg and thrifts are seeing interest mar- How nice to have a positive European story involving British Airways. But thfe deal Is also all about horse trading. The hope for Airbus, which has medium term flotation plans, is that its rapid build-up of orders over the past few years will allow it to maximise manufacturing efficiency.

Big single orders like this one hdp It save costs by increasing standardi- sation. But most important is that when all the factories and other facflitifts are brought under the Airbus wing, the man- agement will have the freedom to make the most cost-effectrve use of ft Daimler- Benz Aerospace and British’ Aerospace should be pushing hard for this on behalf of their shareholders. Leading European broadcasters have chosen Java, the software licensed by US computer company Sun Microsystems, as the likely operat- ing software for the next generation of digital televisions and set-top boxes.

The move by the Geneva-based Digital Video Broadcasting project, a body that is trying to set global stan- dards for digital television hardware and software, reinforces the emerg- ing strength of Java in television. It also represents a setback for efforts by Microsoft, a rival of Sun Microsystems, to repeat Its success with Windows on personal comput- ers and secure the same dominance over operating systems for digital television.

The move follows prolonged lobby- ing by different European broadcast- ers to persuade the DVB project to adopt their own standards for set-top boxes.

US and Austra- lia. The organisation has no” legal sta- tus, and cannot enforce decisions on broadcasters and manufacturers. The steering board, which was p lanning to announce its strategy next month, has opted for Java after considering alternative systems used in current set-top boxes.

This would provide an opportunity to integrate rival systems. A long-running dispute between Microsoft and Sun recently led Sun to legal action to prevent Micro- soft launching its Windows 98 PC operating system. Sun 1ms accused Microsoft of trying to modify Java to reinforce Windows. The DVB said it could not com- ment on decisions taken by its steering board which have not been announced.

The deal followed several days of negotiations in New York, involving commissioners for several of the largest states, including New York and California. Both sides have lik- ened. The five insurers, which also include Zurich, Easier Leben and Winterthur of Switzerland, hope their involvement in the commission will be sufficient to deal with the demands of US lawyers who are suing them in a class’ action cm behalf of Holocaust survivors, – However, lawyers leading the legal action win hold a press conference this morning in New York at which they are expected to attack the plan for a Voicker-style commission.

It pointed out that US class action litigation tends to take many years to resolve. Quackenhush, who has held a number of hearings on the issue, said the commission would have IS members. Six would be drawn from US insurance commissioners and Jewish organisations, while another six would be European insurers and insurance regulators.

Mor» than Worid stock naritets reports manor quvs. Flceoc the finsndai Tines wed Hite; orikn tens, comment and analysis. Seweyr delate of frttm n ri m erftrtfl Brays. On the web. Become a hotmailer today at hotmail. Sunbeam adjusts terms of employee share option plans Sunbeam, the household appliance maker, has become the latest US company to ease the terms of its employee share option plans.

Shareholders often oppose the practice, saying executives do not always face the same losses as other shareholders when shares felL Page 12 War compensation plan hits Harare Traders in Zimbabwe are preparing for more pain as stocks continue a sRde that has seen a fall of 65 per cent In – the past year.

Yester- day the industrial index saw its second straight point loss as investors baled out The slip. Emerging Market Focus, Page 30 Tanker supply may cut freight rates The global tanker market is looking increasingly over-suppged in the context of tow crude ofl prices and bulging global stocks. The impact of the record numbers of hew tankers either due or ordered fs bound to depress freight rates even further. The bank said it was the largest debt issue in India’s history.

The Resurgent India bonds were launched to bolster India’s foreign exchange reserves. Capital Markets, Page 18 Tottenham stake may be for sale Alan Sugar, the UK computer sector millionaire, might be prepared to seU his 40 per cent stake in Tottenham Hotspur football dub.

Criticism from Tottenham fans has persuaded him that a sale could be in his and the dub’s best inter- ests. Page 14, with Comment Wool stock freeze unsettles sector A decision by Australia to freeze wool sales from Its stockpile fora year has unsettled the wool sector. The gov- ernment then found it could not enforce s freeze without a special parliamentary sesstori. Its UK-based rival. Tlte deal win reniove the last big UK broker with stock mar- ket quotation.

Shares in the British tan- ker, which have underper- formed the stock market for several yean because of lack- lustre revenue and earnings growth, surged from M2?

Ap to dose last night at 2l3p. Sedgwick will strengthen that position. Sedgwick employs 16, and Marsh 36, The deal will have to be cleared by European and US competition authorities. Ana- lysts said customers may be concerned that the large num- ber of takeovers in insurance broking la reducing choice.

The two companies began talking to each other five months ago. We’re try- ing to be not just an insurance broker, hut a financial services business. KKR said yesterday it had accep- tances for 64 per cent of the shares in Willis and extended its offer untQ September 7. Picture; Coin Beere Marsh said investors repre- senting But some can accept new offers of at lent Yjp.

AMP shares fell 19 cents in a rising market to end at 2L Ana- lysts said a counter-offer was unlikely. But the group’s general and life assurance operations are. Gray fa Amsterdam Philips, the Dutch eteemadea group, yesterday warned of an unexpected loss at Its troubled telephony Joint venture with Lucent Technologies, and said the head of the business had quit following a delay in prod- uct launches.

Philips said the shortfall narrowed in the sec- ond quarter, but declined to provide a profit or sales fore- cast for the unit for The Dutch company, which had problems integrating tba Lucent acquisition, previously said the unit would reach the profit threshold this year.

But yesterday It said: “Recent developments have made it dear that a break-even situa- tion far PCC is now unlikely to be achieved in B This is mainly the result of delay In the introduction of products. PCC had planned to Introduce lines of telephones over the next year, including a screen phone, a high-speed ISDN model and a range of sophisticated cordless phones.

Philips bought a 60 per cent stake and management control of Lucent’s handset business in Christened PCC, the venture has suffered from deteriorating market condi- tions this year because of increased capacity and flat demand as regional rivals, par- ticularly in Asia, raised output despite global overcapacity. Philips shares closed up FI 1. Wlte Corroon Zurich Anted 4. Sbn, before restructuring provisions.

Its shares. However, he stressed that UBS expected to claw some of these back. Mr Qspel said that allowing for these factors, operating income rose 8 per cent and net operating expenses increased 3 per cent UBS is expected to generate considerable excess capital over the next three years if it meets, its targets of roughly doubling its net income to SFrlObn-SFrllbn.

One option would be for the company to buy the remaining 78 per cent of Swiss Life, which would cost around SFriObn. UBS has said It is not inter- ested in following Credit Sui- sse, which took over Winter- thur last year, in becoming a bancassurer. Mathis Cabiallavetta. DBS’s pfraimwn. Lockheed, forced recently by domestic antitrust authorities to abandon its merger with Northrop Grumman, said it jjiad.

Thomas Corcoran, president of Lockheed’s efectronicfl divi- sion, which will co-ordinate the link, said more details of V joint’ projects would be released year and next. According to Japanese media reports, projects included missile guidance systems, weapons controls, electronic warfare hardware and air- and ship-borne radar.

For Lockheed, which has been given a clear warning from Washington’s regulators that its US buying spree is over, the deal marks part -fulfil- ment of the board’s ambitions to forge international alliances and reduce Us dependence on US military budgets. The eagle’s eye highlights a particular area of interest within its expansive field of view by an extraordinary ability to magnify that area by some two and a half times.

Vision that delivers. To focus on the kind of potential in a business that we put a high value on and are prepared to pay for also takes a particular vision. Olbn in the same period last year.

With airline performance usually stronger in the sec- ond half, which includes the summer holiday period, Sabena said it hoped to make a full-year profit, per- haps more than twice the level of the first half. That would put it ahead of the break-even target set for by Paul Reutlinger, the former Swissair marketing manager put in as Sabena chief executive in However, the airline warned that it expected a cyclical downturn in the medium term, and was pre- paring a cost-cutting pro- gramme.

Some BFr2. The latest figures come only 18 months after Sabena announced a full-year loss for As well as cost cuts, Sabena admitted it had bene- fited from low fuel prices, a nd from buoyant passenger. But the airline said it had achieved a rate of growth higher thaw the market as a.

Total passenger numbers increased 32 per cent in the first half – from 3. With capacity growing more slowly, at 3L4 per cent total occupancy rates improved from G oldman Sachs’ Initial public offering, slated for November, looks likely to attract unprece- dented interest from global investors.

On Monday, the invest- ment bank confirmed In a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission that the sale of per cent of its stock is to be structured as a global offering to inves- tors in the US, Europe and Asia. Monday’s filing with the SEC.

But Goldman is particu- larly strong in mergers and acquisitions, where the high- est profit margins are made. Moreover, some analysts believe that Goldman’s strong franchise in this area will allow it to hold on to high margins in the face of pricing pressures in the sector.

Yet paradoxically it is more reliant on trading income, because it makes up a greater proportion of total revenues. Both run large domestic retail brokerages which are relatively expensive busi- nesses to maintain, requir- ing In both cases an army of more than Furthermore, their margins are lower than in Investment banking.

Morgan Stanley also owns the Discover credit card business, which is currently depressing its return on equity. But while Goldman appears more profitable because it has no retail bro- kerage or credit card busi- ness.

In a bear mar- ket, Morgan Stanley and Merrill would both enjoy the cushion of stable revenues from these businesses. This greater stability of earnings is highly valued by investors. One reason why Salomon Brothers toiled to survive as an independent investment bank was that its stock valu- ation was severely harmed by the perception that it was over-reliant on proprietary trading and therefore its earnings were highly vola- tile. How- ever. Merrill recently acquired.

Mercury Asset Management the lending uk f imri man- ager. Analysts suggest that fhrvi management acquisitions are likely to be. It earned 31 per cent of its total net revenues from Europe and Asia. Merrill says that it earned 28 per cent of its net reve- nues last year from outside the US. Morgan Stanley tolled to give investors a geo- graphical breakdown. It said high levels of water in the hydroelectric system because of the wet weather caused excess capacity, forc- ing a rut in priers to the mTtswnrr.

Vattenfall said operating profit amounted to SKr3.? TTWta to W. Toron- to’s financial services index has fallen more than 20 per cent in the past month.

Bank of Montreal, how- ever. Bank of Montreal said its results were buoyed by busi- ness volume growth, particu- larly in retail segments, as well as strong performance in corporate lending and treasury products.

The results, however, were hit by the effect of weak capital markets. Analysts had expected earnings of 67 cents per share. Foreign orders help to lift Linde Linde, the diversified German industrial group, yesterday unveiled a 17 per cent increase in first-half pro tax profits, to DM AFX reports from Frankfort.

The -strong gain prompted the company to forecast full- year growth in sales of DMIO. Sbn, a 13 per cent increase. Foreign activities, as well as a recovery in Germany’s economic activity, contrib- uted to the first-half improvement, it said.

Domestic orders rose from DMl. Orders in hand reached a record of DM7. Linde’s plant construction division was strong in spite of the Asian crisis, with sales singing nearly 37 per cent to DM63Gtn and new orders soaring more than 50 per cent to 1.

The divi- sion expects full-year sales at DMl. The materials handling division attributed its increase in sales to improved demand across Europe. Sales in the division were DMtm, up from 2-lbn last year, while new orders were up per cent at DM2. Linde said the division readied double-digit growth rates in almost all European countries, especially France, Italy and Spain. Growth was also strong in its US unit, but demand in Asia foil.

The refrigeration technol- ogy unit reported sales of DM6l8m from DMm last year. Sales were strong in the UK, France and Hun- gary. Sunbeam, the straggling maker of household appli- ances, has become the latest US company to ease the terms of its employee share Option plane — a cnnlro ver – sial practice that has become increasingly fmnnvm in the more volatile stock market of recent months.

Similar steps have been taken by a n umb er of other companies that have seen their shares toll sharply, prompting complaints from shareholder, activists that company executives do not always face the mtm losses as other shareholders when stock prices go down.

Sunbeam representatives yesterday defended the changes, which they said would not benefit the senior executives who presided over the company’s share price collapse this spring. Charles Elson. However, in the uncertain stock markets of recent months, the practice has become more widespread.

Cendant, whose shares col- lapsed after disclosure of an accounting fraud, said last month that it would lower the exercise price on share options granted to its middle managers – though senior executives would not be given any respite. While granting inrgp num- bers of share options to Mr Dunlap and his closest lieutenants. Sunbeam also introduced a company-wide stock option plan last year. On Monday, as part of a broad-ranging restructuring, the company said that it had eased the terms of its option plans.


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Mexico, D. Hailu Gebre-Mariam Wheat production and research in Ethiopia. Hiruy Belayneh Cereals, oil crops and pulse production and breeding research in Ethiopia. A dissertation submitted as partial fulfillment of a doctoral degree to the Tropical Institute of Giessen University.

Solomon Bellete An overview of Ethiopia’s agricultural production strategies and polices. Alemaya, Ethiopia. Mwangi Current issues in wheat research and production in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa: Constraints and achievements. Mwangi eds. Wheat area, production and yield in Ethiopia. Year Area Prod. Ethiopia’s wheat imports to Wheat production by region. Land suitability for wheat production by region.

Karanja and I. Pinto N. Demand continues to outstrip domestic supply leading to escalating imports. The challenge facing the country is to aggressively step up local production and dampen imports by switching to wheat blends.

Although research has provided numerous improved varieties and complementary recommendations, production continues to be dismal. The production structure changed from exclusively large-scale to dual large- and small-scale production systems, both in high- and marginal-potential regions. This shift poses a great challenge to researchers to provide appropriate wheat production technologies, especially to small-holders and those in marginal environments.

The ability of research to respond to the growing demand of the wheat industry is hampered by inadequate research funds and facilities, and lack of research continuity.

These problems limit the capacity of research to provide a continuous stream of desired technologies for improved and sustainable wheat production, and thus, require urgent attention. Production was highly mechanized and on large farms. The first efforts on wheat research were made in when a plant breeder was hired to develop rust-resistant wheat varieties.

Later, in , a plant breeding station was established for the breeding of improved wheat cultivars. To date, about wheat varieties have been introduced and released, and complementary technologies developed, by the research institution. Wheat is the second most important cereal crop, after maize, especially in the urban centers of Kenya.

In , it occupied approximately eight percent of the total cereal crop area CIMMYT and accounted for about three percent of the total value of marketed agricultural production Kenya The demand for wheat is estimated to grow at about seven percent per annum, and outstrips domestic production. Currently, local production meets about fifty percent of domestic requirement Kenya To stimulate domestic production, the Government of Kenya has identified the following measures: 1 the provision of price and market incentives for wheat production; 2 the expansion of wheat production into marginal areas; 3 the development of wheat substitutes such as sorghum and millet; and 4 the intensification of wheat research Kenya ; ; Post-independence institutional reforms encouraged subdivision of traditional large-scale wheat farms into smaller parcels mainly to settle the landless.

Further population increase, and subsequent pressure on land, resulted in marginalization of agricultural production. This trend had a profound effect on wheat production, Figure I presents the trends of wheat production, area and yield between Wheat production increased from an average of 11, metric tons t between to an average of , t and , t in and , respectively. The average area under wheat increased from about 18, hectares ha in to , ha between and , ha in Yields improved nearly threefold from 0.

Trends of Wheat Production, Area and Yield. Data indicate that significant increases in both wheat area and production occurred in the periods and followed by stagnation in th,e s and a gradual but erratic increase in the s.

The increase in the s is attributed to intensified production of wheat by the settlers during the Second World War under the Increased Production of Crops Ordinance of The second peak in the s was due to increased participation of African farmers in wheat production after the removal of restrictions on cultivation of highvalued crops.

The decline in wheat area and production growth rates in the s may be attributed to a shift from an efficient and highly mechanized large-scale production system to a small-holder system which may not have been as efficient, and substitution of wheat by other farm enterprises. Hassan et al. The area increase in the s is attributed to expansion of wheat production into the marginal areas.

There was a gradual yield increase between which is attributed to the use of improved varieties and adoption of complementary cultural practices by farmers over time. The history of wheat research began in when a plant breeder was hired by Lord Delamere, one of the pioneer wheat farmers in Kenya, to breed for rust-resistance in In , he donated a piece of land on which a plant breeding station, the current NPBRC, was established with the aim of developing high-yielding, rust-resistant wheat varieties with good baking qualities Makau ; Gichuhi et az.

The wheat program is the largest commodity research program at Njoro, and is placed second in KARl’s crop research priorities KARl Before the s, the wheat research program focused on developing technologies appropriate for large-scale production systems in high potential regions.

Although several components of the recommended technological package were scale-neutral, recommendations on seed and fertilizer rates, herbicide spray rates and harvesting time were more compatible with large-scale wheat farming practices. But with the persistence and scale of small-holder wheat production, and increasing area under the wheat crop in the marginal areas, research priorities have shifted towards small-holder and marginal-zone wheat production. Notably, the research agenda for the s shifted from the traditional focus of breeding wheat for yield improvement and rust resistance under high potential, high mechanization conditions, to include yield stability, soil acidity tolerance, drought tolerance, and resistance to lodging and sprouting.

Agronomic research put more emphasis on tillage systems, seed and fertilizer rates, seed dressing, fertilizer types, time of planting, planting methods, weed control, time of harvesting methods, and the effect of delayed harvesting on yield. The breeding and agronomic research were complemented by entomology, pathology, economics and food science disciplinary research inputs in the quest of developing technologies appropriate to farmers, especially small-holders and those in the marginal environments.

The shift of wheat production into the non-traditional marginal areas calls for the development of high-yielding, drought-resistant germplasm and technologies that are both moisture- and soil-conserving since these environments are relatively fragile.

The potential for an extra , ha in these regions World Bank calls for new wheat technologies tailored to these conditions. Small-holder wheat production faces numerous constraints which render it less efficient. These include lack of appropriate planting, weeding and harvesting technologies, discrimination by machinery contractors leading to delayed operations, and lack of capital to sustain efficient and timely production operations.

Thus, most small-holders are forced to reduce the number of tillage operations, tend to utilize smaller tractors, broadcast seed and fertilizer instead of using a seed drill, and use knapsack sprayers to apply herbicides.

Some of these operations are labor-intensive and result in a less than optimal production efficiency. Various studies indicated that small-holder wheat technologies are non-existent and production using conventional technology is less efficient NPBS ; Longmire and Lugogo ; Karanja To address problems specific to these farmers, researchers at Njoro have incorporated into their research agenda issues that are pertinent to small-holder wheat production.

Examples of these include research on alternative planting and harvesting methods, selection for non-shattering cultivars, development of minimum and zero-tillage techniques, and assessment of gains from timeliness of various production operations. In future, small-holder farmers may have alternative production technologies that are more efficient and profitable under their circumstances. About varieties have been introduced and released by Njoro since the s, although only about 20 are available today for commercial production.

The rest have been replaced over time. Notable achievements in research include the release of better germplasm with yields well above the average farmers’ yields and which are more resistant to a range of adversities such as diseases and soil nutrient toxicity. These improvements have occurred Figure 2 shows the real inflation-adjusted wheat research expenditure over the period Kenyan Pounds Thousands o Year Fig.

Deflated Wheat Research Expenditure. First, that of strengthening the institutional capacity to stimulate research output, and, secondly, to develop appropriate technologies to improve wheat production in the country.

Several serious institutional problems constrain the performance of the wheat research program. These include: 1 a persistent lack of adequate operating funds; 2 the lack of modern and efficient research facilities; and 3 a high research staff turnover. These contribute to low research productivity. Productivity of research is influenced by availability of adequate research resources which include sufficient and functioning physical facilities, human capital and sustainable finance.

Pollisco argued that the enhancement of research capacity requires a proper blending of human resources and the environment where optimum productivity is desired.

Thus, research productivity depends heavily on manpower and facilities development. Manpower development, on one hand, relates to a sufficient supply of adequately trained and motivated people to perform research whereas physical facilities development, on the other hand, provides the needed climate and hardware to ensure quality research output.

However, about half of these researchers are on advanced training. Staff turnover for training is disruptive and needs more careful synchronization to ensure continuity of programs. Notably, the most limiting factors at Njoro are physical facilities and operating capital.

Most equipment was inherited from colonial scientists and projects in the s. Fortunately, the center has just constructed a much-needed laboratory annex which, if The decline in the level of wheat research funding and its lack of sustainability has been a perennial constraint Figure 2.

Recently, KARl established research priorities as a guideline to spending scarce research resources on priority research KARl Further, wheat research strategies have been formulated to achieve targeted goals of increasing wheat production to self-sufficiency over the next twenty years KARl Nonetheless, sustained research funding is essential if the institute is to respond to pressure for better technologies.

To this end, resumption of a wheat produce cess contribution to research has been suggested Karanja Until , wheat research used to be partially funded through a cess remitted from the former Wheat Board of Kenya from the sale of wheat. This may also serve to make research more accountable to farmers. In summary, the challenges to wheat research in Kenya today are institutional, socioeconomic, and agro-climatic.

The structure of wheat production and consumption is dynamic and complex. The challenge to provide appropriate technologies for small-holders and farmers in marginal regions requires urgent attention if wheat production in Kenya is to be improved and sustained.

Options for self-sufficiency productivity also include the development of wheat blends to dampen the level of wheat importation, and reasonable progress has been made in this respect. Gichuhi, G. The Pennsylvania State University.

Hassan, R. Karanja, D. KARl, Nairobi. Government Printers, Nairobi. Ministry of Planning and National Development. Longmire, I. Unpublished M. University of Nairobi. Mulamula, H. A Wheat in Kenya: The current status. Arusha, Tanzania.

Pollisco, F. Book Series No. DAP, Tagaytay City. Unpublished Sector Report. An outbreak of stem rust Puccinia graminis was experienced from to ; all released wheat varieties were susceptible, but new varieties with high levels of resistance were introduced in During the last three years, stem rust has not been a problem because all varieties released by FIFAMANOR, from CIMMYT segregating materials, have a high level of resistance.

In , after a period of drought in the country, wheat experienced a heavy attack of leaf rust Puccinia recondita. Although infection before heading was observed in most areas, yield losses were low in the highlands, but were reported to be high at low altitudes. All available materials were screened for leaf rust resistance in and , and resistant materials have been released.

At the present time, ten varieties of wheat and two varieties of triticale are grown by farmers. As far as sustainability of wheat production is concerned, wheat is competitive with other crops regarding actual prices, but is very sensitive to fertilizer price increases. Sustainability of rainfed wheat production on the hills depends on the availability of aluminum tolerant materials and an appropriate cropping system.

Zero tillage combined with leguminous cover crops appears promising. Rainfed wheat is limited to volcanic soils, whereas irrigated wheat grown in paddy fields is distributed allover the highlands.

National wheat consumption is around 60, t, most of it being imported. Wheat bran and other by-products have been a source of animal feed for the highland areas where milk production has increased steadily over time. Most of the land available for wheat growing are low ph soils ph , especially for rainfed wheat. For this reason, all the varieties need to be screened for tolerance to aluminum toxicity. Stem rust Puccinia graminis f.

Leaf rust Puccinia recondita may be severe also as it appeared in and ; this severe attack allowed a good screening of our materials. Poor land preparation has been a problem in many areas especially where new farmers were involved.

During the rainy season, weeds are problematic; a single row weeder has been developed for this purpose. This has caused severe erosion during the rainy season. Farming systems including wheat, using zero tillage with different types of cover crops legumes , has resulted in a rapid increase of fertility of these acid soils, and an important reduction of erosion. The most important varieties at present are Andry 87 and Daniel Andry 87 is resistant to stem rust and leaf rust, but Daniel 88 is moderately susceptible to leaf rust Table 1.

Among the newly released varieties, Andry 91 combines the three main traits for this area: resistance to stem rust, resistance to leaf rust and adaptation to acid soils Randriantsalama and Randrianaivoarivony Triticale was more adapted to acid soil and more tolerant to diseases than wheat; therefore, the area under triticale increased steadily over the years. Policy makers were afraid of a decreasing quality of bread, and discouraged the production of triticale.

The potential area in the volcanic soil is rather limited, but that of the paddy field is more important. Some experiments done in lowland areas show some promising results. During the rainfed season, the farmers use steep slopes because of land scarcity in the volcanic soils. This has resulted in a very serious amount of erosion. Besides this, repeated bush firings and high intensity rainfall have resulted in bare lands, very prone to erosion.

Farming systems have been developed using zero tillage and cover crops; these systems have been used with success in the Parana State in Brazil Seguy, pers. From the results obtained so far, good crops of wheat have been obtained after a cover crop of legumes like Crotalaria fulva or Desmodium uncinatum.

The legume is killed with a broad spectrum herbicide diquat, paraquat or Experiments done on poor soils have shown a significant increase of fertility due to the effect of biological activities in the soils and the increase of organic matter content. Significant reduction of erosion has also been observed because the soil is always covered.

In the paddy fields, the potential wheat area is larger than in the hills; yield levels are higher and may reach 3 to 4 tlha in many areas. The limiting factor may be water availability during the dry season; frost damage may be a problem at altitudes higher than m Randrianaivoarivony et al. In some places, hail damage may occur before harvest e.

During this growing season, wheat has to compete with barley, potatoes, and vegetables. Table 2 shows that a yield level of 2 tlha has to be reached to have some profit. A yield level of 1. New varieties have been released to respond to the requirements of farmers.

It is expected that these resistant varieties will remain for a long period. New farming systems may result in a more sustainable use of the hills, and allow the cropping of poor land with wheat. Rakotondramanana and R. Randriantsalarna Wheat and triticale breeding for resistance to stem rust and for adaptation to acid soils. Tanner eds. Rakotondramanana, Randriantsalarna, R. Rakotonirainy Evaluation of nurseries for stem rust resistance and aluminum tolerance.

Randrianaivoarivony, 1. Randriantsalarna, R. Randrianaivoarivony Catalogue des ressources genetiques de bie et de triticale. In the last 10 years, wheat research has developed improved varieties and management techniques, increasing yield potential to 3. Wheat production and constraints are discussed on the basis of Rwanda’s agro-ecologica1 zones.

There are some other crops that can be found in high altitude regions eg. In the last 10 years, as wheat research continued, it was proven that improved wheat varieties and management techniques may double yields.

The actual wheat yield potential is 3. It can be realized that with decreasing availability of pasture land, cereals will gradually become more important sources of protein in the Rwandese diet.

Maize and wheat, in particular, will then play an important role in supplying proteins and vitamins in complementation to those of animal sources. Since early , the Rwandan government has encouraged the intensification of wheat production in all high altitude areas by use of adapted wheat lines produced by the national agricultural research institute lsar.

Resulting guidelines include counter-intuitive measures such as when used for salt extraction purposes the use of thinner poultices to reduce drying shrinkage and salt redistribution further into the substrate.

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Group and National Power of the UK. But not all investors are so sanguine. Behind the scenes, there are grumbles that these counter-guarantees are a far cry from what inves- tors had been expecting – and what was granted to the first phase of.

Enron’s Dab-. Some infrastructure finance specialists expr es s doubt about whether the guarantees will offer suffi- cient comfort to lenders to bring projects to financial closure, particularly in the wake cf the Asia crisis. There is a. But recent guaran- tees have been watered down. New Delhi has agreed to cover only foreign denomi- nated debt – and only if pri- vate power producers termi- nate their contracts with the respective state electricity boards. That would mean lenders would have to wait much longer – and possibly have to take recourse to the courts – to get their funds, and no equity would be cov- ered.

Since New Delhi is not lia- ble far monthly energy pay- ments under the new struc- ture, they argue, central government dote not need to scrutinise the power pur- chase agreements so intently, removing a stumb- ling block to issuing the guarantees. Officials also say tariff support from the cen- tral government, as prom- ised to Enron, would have given the ailing state elec- tricity boards little incentive to get their financial houses in order.

Project economics have also changed. Private producers had been expect- ing to bill state electricity boards. That would allow efficient compa- nies that used less fuel to make extra money by keep- ing the difference. But in June, the govern- ment decided private power producers would have to pass the savings from fuel efficiency on to the electric- ity boards, billing them only for power actually used.

It remains unclear whether they will meet that deadline. But if they do, the BJP government is hoping it will reap the political returns. Tbe proposed refinery will be Vietnam’s first and has been under discussion since the early s, but had failed to win credible foreign backing.

A spokesman for the Zarubezhneft on trading company said the Russian government had authorised the establishment of the joint venture, with a charter capital of m. Tbe joint ven- ture will employ Foster Wheeler, the UK engineering company, to manage the project. The , barrels per day refinery was expected to start operating in , he said.

Nevertheless, work has started on clearing the site far the refinery, with households preparing far relocation. President Laurent Kabila; back in Kinshasa after a week in his Katangese stronghold of Lnbumbashl, predicted that a crushing victory was now within reach. They will lose the war every- where. But diplomats warned that the air strikes on Kisangani. For the fourth day run- ning.

Amama Mhnhazi t Uganda’s, minister of state far foreign. Alfred Nzo, foreign minis- ter, was due to lead a delega- tion to Addis Ababa, head- quarters erf the Organisation, of African Unity. Luanda Confiotem women watting at the ferry port in Braaxavffle and Kinshasa. But Parks Mankahlana, a presidential spokesman, acknowledged how fragile the situation had become.

It is still very volatile,” he said. With tbe war acquiring an increasingly regional charac- ter, there were signs that Namibia was -also planning to join pro-Kabila forces, with two, Namibian newspa- pers reporting hundreds of troops and armoured vehicles had been seen mov- ing north.

Senior diplomats in the Sudanese capital yesterday cast doubt on US fhnTns that a Khartoum pharmaceutical factory destroyed by US mdse miggfies last week was malting products for use in chemical weapons. US plairrm that the al-Shifa factory in Khartoum North. This, robust support by other gov- ernments for the US action was frankly very stupid.

US officials claim to have soli samples collected from the factory before, the attack that showed evidence of precursors far the produc- tion of VX nerve gas.

The UN Security Council yesterday deferred a decision on whether to meet a Suda- nese request to steal a fact- finding missio n to Sudan to verify the US claims. Diplomats in Khartoum are taking seriously the Sudanese sense of grievance which has united disparate voices in concluding that the US attacked Sudan because stich action could be effec- tive without endangering US relations with Arab allies. Caostevattve Arab states and neighbouring African countries remain suspicions Of Sudan’s Islamist govern- ment, despite signs that it has become relatively more moderate even while con- tinuing to be deemed a spon- sor of terrorism by the US.

Why didn’t they Mt one of those? Mr bln laden, whose Afghan base was bombarded with 70 cruisentissfles. Contacts between Sudan and Mr bin Laden are irregu- lar. The Saudi is believed to have last visited Sudan In June. He still retains busi- ness interests established there in the early s while be lived in toe coun- try, being toe owner of two factories inrlndlng the Khar- toum tannery. Nigeria announces election dates Nigeria’s electoral commission yesterday announced February 27, as the date for presidential elections, to end years of military rule in the west African country.

Renters reports from Abuja- Ephraim Akpata, chair- man of toe Independent National Electoral Commis- sion Inec , said elections to the national assembly would take place on February According to tbe timetable released by Inec, tbe elec- toral process would start with the compilation of a new voters’ register.

This compilation would last for two weeks from October 5. Guidelines for the registra- tion of political parties released by Mr Akpata require would-be parties to first contest local council elections set for December 5. Numerous political associ- ations have sprung up since Gen. Last week, representatives of 46 political associations met Inec in Abuja, where guide- lines were discussed.

After successive military rulers failed to deliver democracy to ethnically divided Nigeria, many ana- lysts see the current process as the best chance for- democracy. Mr Akpata said toe pro- cess could succeed only with co-operation from politi- cians. Israeli prime minister, from announcing new settlement plans yesterday.

Mr Netanyahu said new homes would be built tar Jewish settlers in their enclave in the West Bank town of Hebron. Tensions have been mounting in Hebron since the recent killing of a settler rabbi led Israel to seal off the town, while settlers threatened reprisals against Palestinians. Mr Netanyahu’s new settlement plans may be aimed at appeasing settlers ahead of a redeployment deal.

Mr Abdel Meguid said Mr Blatherwick had briefed him about the proposals, which he later conveyed in a letter to Omar al-Murrtasser, Libyan foreign minister. The deal also stipulates that the suspects, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi and Lamen KhaKfe Fhimah, cannot be extra- dited from The Netherlands and if found guilty, they woudd serve their sentences in the UK. Washington and London had long demanded a trial in the US or Britain. Libya had insisted that if a trial were held it should be In a neutral country.

The Libyan government has not com- mented on the offer. The three-year survey, the first of its kind, found that more than 8, of the 80,, identified tree spedes were at risk of extinction, the main threat coming from the destruction of habitats through tim- ber falling and forest clearance.

Almost 1. Frances WHEams, Geneva.. The Republicans are defending majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate, which they first won in and successfully defended two years ago.

Democrats have privately acknowledged they have little hope of regainfng the Senate, where the Republicans have a seat majority m the member chamber ami where only 34 seats are up this year. But the race for die House is highly competitive. Democrats need to make just 11 gains in the contests there to wrest back control Though the economic renaissance seems likely to favour incumbents, the web of local issues across the country makes the outcome uncertain.

And there w U also be a number of dasefy watched gubernatorial faces. The national result wiU be crucial tor the direction of US politics at the tom of the new century. Not only win ft decide who drives the main policy agenda tor the next two years, but will set the stage for the presidential contest It could even determine President Bill Clinton’s future.

If Republicans strengthen their hold on Iowa Republicans set fair in the bellwether state Congress, the chances of an impeachment, of the president over Ms alleged misconduct In the Monica Lewinsky case will probably rise.

Between now and election day,. FT writers ‘ wiH examine the range of Isajesthatwffl shape the outcome. Identify the candidates playing an important role in the poorest debate, and report on the crfteaJ races.

The pigs in particular were regarded as record breakers. But despite the presence of a bust, made of cheese, of Terry Branstad, the papular outgoing Republican gover- nor – and a public debate in the weather-beaten cattle barn by the two men com- peting to replace him – most fairgoers seemed unmoved by the state’s other parade of regular summer visitors: pol- iticians.

Despite a string of well-known presidential aspirants – from Steve Forbes, the publishing mag- nate. Even outside presidential election years – when its position as the first state to hold caucuses gives it a dis- proportionate influence on national politics’ – Iowa often serves as a bellwether of broader political trends.

While it twice voted for Pres- ident Bill Clinton, four of the state’s five congressional dis- tricts are held by Republi- cans. But three of those seats were won with less than 55 per cent of the vote in and are regarded as vulnera- ble. If the Democrats are to have any hope of retaking overall control of the House of Representatives, they will need to win at least one of those while making sure they bang on to their own marginal seat But to do that they need to persuade sup- porters to vote, a task made modi more difficult by the high level of public indiffer- ence.

Mr Ganske. Once in Washington he was an enthusiastic disciple of the increasingly unpopular Mr Gingrich, and by his generally rightwing stance bad damaged his position at home. In a very tight race he managed to win re-election only after his contraction of encephalitis following a pub- lic service trip to Peru left him -near death and raised public sympathy..

Now enjoying better health Mr Ganske would again seem to be a prime target But Democrats, hand- icapped by organisational problems in their state party apparatus, have fielded a lacklustre candidate s m ri are short of cash. As a two-term congress- man, Mr Ganske ‘s name rec- ognition. Although the issues and personalities differ, the seems broadly true of the state’s other seats. Demo- crats are further handi- capped hy.

For their part, while Dem- Greg Qanska: name recognition nor much Mghar ocrats admit there have been some problems with election preparations, they insist they are well on the way to recovery.

Having weathered a minor scandal involving a cam- paign manager who- infil- trated a Republican strategy session, the local party has appointed a more dynamic rhairman At the time Tom Harkin, the state’s Democratic senator – who is not up for re-election – has begun campaigning vigor- ously. But barring a national cri- sis, such as impeachment hearings for President Bill Clinton or a stock market crash, most analysts believe the population will remain largely unmoved by bigger issues.

That win make it dif- ficult far Democrats to per- suade enough people to shift their attention back from pigs to politics to make a difference on election day.

The study, published by the Southern Education Foundation, a public charity, looked at 19 predominantly southern states that at some time had run segregated higher education systems. It chal- lenges the assumptions that blacks are making progress.

Nine of the states reported that the pro- portion had in fact fallen between and There were also large dis- parities between the number of young blacks in the popu- lation and the number in higher education.

The rate Hs for the same period last year. Analysts saw sales snoutu remain strong in the near future. The Conference Board, a group, reported Its consumer The accumulated cur – rent account deficit over 12 months stood at 3.

This 4. The move fallowed growing concern after highly pifolicised outbreaks of fatal food poi- soning. A report last week by the National Research Coun- cB and the Institute of Research, two government advisory bodies that are part of the National Academy of Sciences, said the number of deaths attributed to harmful sub- stances in food was about 9, a year.

Other members will include the top White House domestic poHcy adviser and the com- merce secretary. Look for the Best Movies on TV! Diminishing retirement funds. They’re relying on complex strategies. To learn more, visit wWwstatestreeLcom State Street. The west must now decide how to deal with this. His actions will also be constrained. Add to this the pressure of the presidential election In and the chances of further reform are bleak.

The rest of the world must’ decide how best to deal with this gloomy outlook. Although there is no immedi- ate threat to security, there will still have to be a rethink in west- ern foreign policy towards Rus- sia. The west must realise that it can no longer rely on the dose and friendly relations that bad been building for some time. The west will also have to decide how to handle requests for economic aid from Russia. July’s IMF package was granted in part to protect the Klriyenko govern- ment, which was at last making headway on reform.

The situation now is very dif- ferent. The west must not step in to help again until the Cherno- myrdin government can prove that it, too, is following a reform- ist agenda. Any financial support most be strictly conditional on actions taken – not, as before, on promises to act, which were all too often unfulfilled. Money given unconditionally, however good the intention, will be mosey wasted.

Conditionality is the only lever the west has to improve the dismally low chances of reform and it should be used wisely. If the west does develop new thinking, then Russia must be told. Only the US can put across the broad statement needed about western relations with Russia.

When he visits Moscow in. Above all, he must be clear that the relationship has entered a new phase in which the assumptions of the last few years no longer apply. Tony Blair, the prime minister, calculates that new laws making it easier to convict people for. The first is that his government is seen to. The second Is that the up its weapons, and its rank and file might any time be provoked into a return to violence, even against the wishes of its leaders.

Such provocation could come from two sources: loyahst para- militaries or actions by the authorities. No doubt the mea- sures outlined yesterday are partly intended to prevent the loyalists beginning another eyde of vengeance killing.

Ibis is the delicate balance that Mr Blair must strike. After the death of 28 people in the Omagh’ bombing, these assumptions seem to be right. And toe nearly, unanimous con- demnation of the outrage gives hope tiiai the mood may be con- solidating behind;, the. But there are also grave risks. The peace process is still fragile despite, overwhelming popular support The IRA has not even Threats of depression , Highly valued western stock markets are all that is preventing the Asian crisis from tipping over into worldwide recession, says Martin Wolf between prosecutors and accused.

Allowing courts to inter- pret silence or. How- ever, jailing people on. Above all, Mr Blair must ensure that the police use the new powers narrowly and only when the evidence is overwhelm- ingly strong.

After Om ag h , every- one agrees that murderers should be caught and punished. But authorities can eradicate terror- ism only if they have the broad support of the people. To do that they must show that tbe rule of law is applied impartially to-jTtemia everyone, even fanatics.

Thai is beyond doubt. Tbe question now is whether it will become a worldwide catastrophe. The c h a n ces may be gp-mif- They are sot, alas, zero. Russia is Indonesia with Tnincg eg; the. It has faded ,, Unfortunately, it is no isolated failure. In Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand, domestic demand is already contracting massively. Nevertheless, they will still suffer depressions.

Neither is recovery likely next year. Clearly, the Asian crisis is no local difficulty. It has spread globally, chang in g trade patterns, depressing commodity prices and nndprmlnrng finan cial maiketS. The direct effects on imports and exports have been greatest within Asia. Similarly, Japair was for more reliant on exports to the rest of Asia than other bigh-income countries.

In This year, Japanese exports to some Asian countries have halved. But the knock-on effect goes further than that, notahly through the impact of depressed commodity prices.

Russia Is tbe most prominent victim. But countries vulnerable to collaps- ing commodity prices include Australia, New Zealand and Can- ada: Argentina, Chile and Brazil; and the oil exporters, some of whom including Indonesia, Nigeria, and Venezuela are already in trouble.

Over the same period, equity markets, in dollar terms, have fallen 29 per cent in Argentina. Hang Kang, 37 per cent in Singa- pore, 40 per cent in Mexico, 58 per cent in Indonesia and 74 per cent in Russia see chart. Already, therefore, this crisis has global significance. It has brought low some of the most successful developing countries. It is imposing heavy pressure on the political and social stability of many countries directly affected. It has raised questions about global capital markets.

And it is spreading almost every- where via adjustments to trade, declining commodity prices and the shrinking appetite for risk. Yet, bad though it is, this is not the worse that could happen. Japan, the US and the European Union account for two-thirds of global output at market prices. Unfortunately, that cannot be taken for granted. Things could become for worse. The weakest link to the chain is Japan. With each year the authorities foil to deal with the overhang of bad debt, the worse it becomes.

The difficulty, however, is that if the Japanese gnvp rmnent were — miracles of miracles – to con- front tbe problem, it would force households to recognise how for their wealtlr had been xmpairedr This would be because of the hole The biggest risk is that the miraculous wealth machine will go into reverse in bank balance.

Together, argue David Folk- erts- Landau and Peter Garber of Deutsche Bank, this could mean people waking up to a decline to household wealth of some per cent of disposable income. The obvious conclusion is that house- holds would want to rebuild their wealth.

Increased savings would then more than offset any spend- ing boost from planned tax cuts. The past decade has seen a growing scientific interest in the still poorly understood subject of salt weathering, a phenomenon with significant cultural and economic consequences. This interest has led to an increase in research results and growing clarification of the roles salts play in weathering and decay. The development of improved mitigation methods to reduce the decay of building materials by salts has been a slow process, often arising from the analysis of unique field situations and otherwise dependent on simplified laboratory experiments and computer modelling.

Collecting, reviewing, synthesizing and disseminating the existing data on salt weathering is a difficult task. The size and scope of the topic are mirrored in the diverse disciplines that have historically contributed to understanding the action of salts in porous materials and mitigation methods. Nevertheless, an appreciation of existing, even contradictory, data is an important tool for increasing understanding.

There are now over research articles on the topic of salt weathering originating from several disciplines, as well as over references on the general problems of building material decay. In order to navigate such a vast collection of data and knowledge, this article describes the multidisciplinary nature of the study of salt damage to porous building materials, provides a framework for considering the complexity of salt damage, and serves as a selective literature survey largely focused on recent work and those articles with relevance for conservation.

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