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For anyone who has known Britain in happier days, the change is startling. On the surface, things are not all that different. The people are marvellously civil. Nearly 80, Kurdish refugees have poured into neighboring Iran and Turkey.

New weapons are in use in all these wars. Golda was its heart, Eban its mouth and Dayan its mailed fist. For Golda Meir. Neither of them let! Dayan had refused to accept responsibility for the army’s unpreparedness and early mistakes in the October War and a commission of inquiry in fact cleared him of direct blame. But perhaps because of his inexperience in internal politics — he badly- miscalculated, failing to realize until it was too late that his personal foe Yitzhak Rabin would win the Labour Party’s nomination for prime minister.

Relations between Eban and Rabin had souretLduring the five years when Rabin had been ambassad. Toronto Sun Syj. Eban, who sees himself. He wants to be recognized as a party- politician rather than as exclusively a statesman-politician as heretofore.

Eban hopes to be elected Labour Party secretary- general, and this. But he has said that he will not fight for the post and will accept only if nominated unanimously. He has gone into the wilderness as far as internal Israeli politics are concerned. While he will retain his seat, he is not expected to be particularly active in the House and certainly not to oppose the new government, at least in public.

Instead, shortly after leaving office, Dayan flew to the U. But time and circumstances often change the fortunes of politicians, and also their attitudes towards each other and towards events.

Eban is openly planning his return to office. Time — and the political fortunes of the Rabin government — will determine the futures of these two talented men. We Britons generally manage to muddle through. But the danger that they will happen m much, much greater than you might think. Britain’s Houses of Parliament where game of polities takes precedence oxer grave economic problems.

They in fad are working to make them worse. Britian is running a massiive deficit in its international balance of payments. And economic growth is, as it has been for years, running far behind the pace on the continent. A higher oil Import bill Is one factor. Although they tend to be personally conservative, they are undisturbed by the heavy infiltration of communists and other ultraleftists into union leadership posts.

Captain Morgan White. A light, mellow rum with a lively, sunny flavour. Captain Morgan White Rum. An exquisite blend of the finest domestic and imported rums. Mixes beautifully with” yeur favourite fruitdrink.

With flavour enough to come through the tang of tome and the smoothness to stand on its own. The smooth, sunny flavour to go with everything. Prime Minister Trudeau, campaigning through four Quebec ridings, was silent on the iuue.

In Vancouver, Lewis com-. Lewis added that the most blatant type of patronage is the appointment of party fund-raisers to the Senate. Stanfield will hit every province but Newfoundland in his last foray for votes this week. Trudeau will campaign in selected ridings in four provinces and Lewis will visit five.

Well call Nairobi, or Niagara alls, or Nashville. But the military, which overthrew Peron in and sent him into exile, never liked him. In both his televised speech antUabto’ toast after dinner. Before the roast beef and speckled trout dinner at Spas- s. House, residence of the U. S ambassador, Nixon had broadcast a minute speech to the Russian people from a room in the Kremlin. The speech was carried live on the U. In it. Aujatt 6, p. And he has on call a team of specialists – lawyers, accountants, estate planning experts.

Like, how to design an insurance program that takes into consideration Registered Savings Plans. Tax taWs. And when your insurance needs change, this training means our agent is make the. Telephone Branch Manager-DAB. Hall, CLU. Chow, L Entwiath, G. Gurr, B. Young In Courtenay-J. In Nanaimo-LJ. In Port Albemi-P. Colonist Victoria, B. Serve fried with eggs.. Fancy Quality, 14 fl. Or Grapefruit Juice. Taste Tells.

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Dominion Securities Coro.. Harris ana Pitfleld Mackey Ross tits Ltd.. Amos Partners Ltd. Selling rates. At Montreal U. Norway kroner. Afraci , Babcock and Wilcox Trading was light. Nordair Ltd. Stock fell five cents to S3. Dominion Foundries and Steel Ltd. Trading in shares of Zapata Corp. Can terra ruse a penny to. Sonesta dropped 13 cents to. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials tumbled After Monday’s close, the company said earnings per share for the second quarter would be less than 8 cents, compared with 26 cents in the same period last year.

Damon Corp. In the glamor group. TNs— Spot 3, 3, 3. Zinc- Spot 4 tt- Forward a9 Seles 5. H beams, barrels, piping spriakler System. There are four bedrooms upstairs. This home is just charming and won t last long so see it at one of the open houses or phone for a private appointment to view. July L July 89 JO July July 4. July J8 Fear See tar – Manfucturleg Ltd. Trans-Canada Resources Ltd. Ziebart Carp. Hand Chemical Industries Ltd. Homcp industries Ltd. The successful candidate will te Involved with a variety of site inspection duties Including surveying, quantity turves a and preparation of progress reporta.

Inittad assignment ia for n nine month period with further assignments anticipated. Please reply, in confidence, with complete resume quoting file No. Coomber, Director, Pacific Operations. Douglas International. Man Alta Que.

It expects to break even this year. In Toronto. Our ban or guarantood. Why n t call for further information and brochwrotll R. City of Victoria, Crugg Creek togging Ltd. British Columbia Forest Products Ltd. Butler Bros. Supplies Ltd. Smith Cedar Products Ltd. Sooke wing Ltd. Wes tea n Terminals Ltd. Successful applicant will be tuiled in to Vancouver happenings, possess the ability to deal with consumer oriented issues and subjects relating to social change rather than topics which are heavily controversial or political.

V Salary commensurate with ability. All replies strictly confidential. Last of Belmont Avc. Young, res. Living room with fireplace and dining room. Dream kitchen with oodles of cupboards, built-in range, and large dining area. Billiard-size rumpus room, in fuU high basement. Separate utility room. TILL 9 P. TILL 6 P. Stanfield expressed concern about expanding credit levels across the country.

They of course may see things they wish in part to withdraw or change. July 8, , commencing at p. Amendment By-law. A copy of the proposed by-laws may be inspected at tlie Municipal Hall, Vernon Avenue, between the hours of a. What Barrett did is good for the province. But the number of advance votes in certain areas is of interest to party organizers. The Atlantic provinces were about normal. The highest interest seemed to be in British Columbia and parts of Ontario, he said.

These are the two areas where many feel Lite July 8 election will be decided. In the last Parliament, there were four Liberals from B. In , more than 2. In , when the advance percentage was relatively low, Julie was a” hold-out. She wanted a car that wouldn’t cost her an”arm-and-a-leg” to operate, with space enough to handle summer weekends.

Happy summer, Julie! The fun and excitementot puying a new car is still alive and well at your Pontiac ctealers. Let him show you a range of great 74 Fontiacs. One is sure to fit your pocketbook and your needs. See him today. Something can be done! Through our policies the Canadian economy will be strengthened, the Canadian wage-earner will not fall behind In the race with living costs, as is happening today, and the value and worth of the social benefits which are essential to so many Canadians will be preserved.

Trudeau is appealing to the complacency of the strong, the fears of the weak, and the selfishness of special interests. This is a time to stand together, and work together, so that Canada can be an example to the world of what a great nation can achieve through the unity of its people and the strength of their free institutions.

Before saying no to controls, the Canadian voters should ask themselves if they are not the best way to prevent even harder policies that could be called for a renewed aggravation of the inflationary spiral.

Robert Stanfield has proved beyond doubt that he is a man first and a politician second Trudeau is trying to sell leadership, but only Mr. Stanfield has offered it. To jeopardize that system by dithering while inflation rages-which is what the Trudeau-Lewis alliance did—is to court social and economic disaster.

Chaos will be the result if this government is returned. I would certainly use wage and price controls. Senator Mike Mansheld Dem. In Britain home-made inflation is 3. Our studies conclude that the wage and price control program has slowed the inflation rate by 1 to 3 percent over the period in which they operated.

Brookings Institute Washington, D C. We must act. The control of prices and incomes has never been attempted in time of peace and I favour trying it now on a temporary basis.

Bob Stanfield isfnaking an effort to do something about this problem. Ontario will in no way raise any constitutional ob ections. We will cooperate with the federal government. Stanfield will protect the value of the dollar you earn or the dollar you save. A temporary freeze of 90 days is the onlyyvayto stop the rot. Trudeau says: Pierre Trudeau himself said, on Febfuar’V’t? On July 8th, vote lor your RC. West Germany, lacking the smo-rthness once provided by the midfield magic of Guenter Netzer, seems to have settled for its new all-purpose style, with fewer stars offset by greater all-round effort.

Now Schoen. Poland is the outsider of the last four contenders despite being the only team to have wbn all five matches in the tournament. There are signs that the goal Polish whirlwind is about to blow itself out. Johnny Nceskens and Rob Resenbrink scored the goals before a crowd of Croup a. Germany 0. Brazil 2, Argentina 1. Germany 4, Sweden 2. Poland 2, Yugoslavia 1. Argentina vs. East Germany in Gelsenkirchen. Sweden vs. Yugoslavia In Dues- seldorf. Poland vs.

West Germany in Frankfurt. Speaking briefly Dolphins unhappy with NFL strike? A Is reinstate Harvey Two Canadian Football league running backs were suspended Monday but one was quickly re-instated after agreeing to play out his option without further trouble.

Hie world pro champion, in the World Masters snooker championship in Melbourne. The Tuesday win assured him of a place in the semi-finals on Friday -loan Pavelich of Vancouver won the discuss event in the U. Wings, who edged Toronto Tomahawks. Montreal Quebecois toppled the Tomahawks, , before fans in Toronto. Former- Shamrock Brian Thompson,-. He caught 59 last season. Homa run: Optimists — Rogars. Mike Marshall could lie the key trt I»s Angeles Dodgers pennant hopes if hr doesn’t collapse from overwork.

The ex-Montreal right- hander has now’ apjieared in 52 of the Dodgers 7 games and appears to have a good chance of’breaking the record for appearances 92 that hr set last season with the Expos. The victory, was the sixth straight for Los Angeles and boosted its lead over the Reds to eight games. GBL St Louis 40 Houston 40 Marshall 6 and Ferguson. Walker 7 and Foote. Rooker and San guilten. May; Harrison J Niekro Krausse 7 , House 8 and Correll. Hardy 8 and Ken dal I; D’Acauisto Moffitt I.

Barber 9 and Rader. Chicago too ooo ooo— t 8 o St. Louis 3 10 1 Todd 2 1. Zamora 6 and SvyJSher, Siebert Thompson 1 , Folkers 6. Monday Sunday Pittsburgh 11, 3. Philadelphia 8. St Louis 5. NewgYork 2. Montreal Chicago 2. Atlanta 7. Cincinnati 3. Los Angeles 5. San Francisco 3. Houston 3, 5, San Diego 1. Ireland took the handicap event. Two speed-boat: racers were killed in separate U. Greg Ruth was killed in Waco, Texas when thrown from his boat and hit by a trailing boat driven by George Hawn.

GSL Greaves to 5. The defeat cost Farmers a share of first place, which they had gained by edging Vancouver Landmarks. Canada, an winner over Australia on Sunday, was at a disadvantage to the U. GSL Boston , ‘ 43 GSL Oakland 43 Elltls 8. Boston — Cater 4lh. Wallace 5. Lyle 7 and Munson; Walker Ray 7 and Moses. Fingers 8. Knowlos 9 , Lindblad 9 end. Hanev; Tanana Boston 6, Baltimore 4 Kansas City 9. California 3 Sunday Cleveland 9. Milwaukee 4, 2, Detroit 1, 3. Baltimore 3, New York 0 Chicago 8.

Kansas City 8, Oakland 7. California 2. Lions fans Tuesday — both on and off the field. The off-field development far outweighed the result of the Canadian Football League exhibition win over Edmonton Eskimos though Only hours before game time.

Lions built an lead in the first quarter and coasted to a win before about Doug Hayes of Vancouver Rurrards contributed a pair. Moorhead was good on three of six passes in the opening quarter before sitting out the rest of the game. The two teams went for the most part with experimental lineups.

Rookie running-back Larry Sherrer, out of football after suffering an injury two. John Archbold, a newcomer from Toronto, kicked three field goals, of The Ticats.

They added their second touchdown in the fourth quarter when Harry Abofs rah across from ihe Montreal two-yard line. Earlier in the third quarter, rookie Sonny Campbell dashed over from the three-yard line for another B. Most noticeable was wide- receiver Allen Brown who caught 10 passes for yards.

Top-seeded Brenda Ca- j meron of the Racquet Club, received a first-round-. Mika Carnsaw Van. Dean McFadden Van Fran Underhill Van Young Van Under singles Jennifer Bland RC def. Karen Ng WIC Hawes Van , Wendy Barlow RC def. Under tingles Nina Bland RC def. Entries can be made at either the Racquet Club or Oak Bay or by contacting tournament chairman Dick Bradshaw at Vatcher, who had taken the fast heat on Saturday, won the feist heat Monday, took the lead on the 37th lap of the main event and was never headed.

Smith placed second and Gordie Hildebrand, the leader for the first 37 laps, was third. Art Reedy; 7. Al Smiith; 3. Al Wade; 4. Ralph Warren. First Heat — 1. Roger Walker; 2. Steve Rumsby; 3. Dean Cramb; 4. Ernie Schoor. Fast Heat — 1. Ray Vatcher; 2. Gordie Hildebrand; 3. Al Smith; 4. Neville Garner. Main Evant laps — 1. Ray Vatchar; 2. Al Smith; 3. Wayne Sidorkor 3. Gary Demister; 4. Wayne Johnston. First Heat —1. Gary Rowe; 7, Ray Birtwhistie; 3. Dave Ireland; 4. Al Humphreys.

Second Heat — 1. Bill Sandwlth; 2. Robert Gauthier; 3. Brian Hick- ing; 4. MIcKSy Sophonow. Ray Birtwhistie; 2. Barry Rolrler; 3. Gary Madden; 4. Clifford scored all three Victoria goals. Victoria defeated Longview, , and , on Saturday. Cornett had three hits in the doubleheader. Vancouver r W L Pet. GB 21 7. Homa run: Lpngview— Norton. Homa run: Longview— Les Goeman. Ruth tops Masters. Other highlights of the two- day meet included year-old Duncan MacLean of Scotland running the metres in under 20 seconds and a world record set by sprinter Jack Greenwood of Kansas.

Alec Stewart Comox , fourth In 5, Olympics , first In long lump 5. Jack Rowe Flying Y , second In Cliff Salmond Flying Y , second In Stan Hurton Vic Track , second In discus Jack Farrell Flylnp Y , sixth In Alan Bysa Vgn.

Llonft Gate , savanth In 5, Lvnn Evg Portland , first In Rowe , third In 4x and 4x Mills There were early signs that Nastase might be in trouble against Stockton. In the second and third sets, single service breaks were enough to put Stockton ahead and the match entered what vyas to prove a thrilling fourth set.

It contained just about everything, including a comic break at However, the Romanian could a not break service gain and Stockton clinched victory when he took the point tiebreaker El Shafei’s victory put him through to a quarter-final meeting with Stan Smith of the U.

In the bottom half, third- seeded Jimmy Connors of the U. S, against West German Helga Mastoff. Earlier they had edged Nanaimo A and 8 Construction Oak Bay pulls net pair upset girls, led by Brenda Cameron, dominated their events. Regional junior tennis championships.

Nina Blend OB Under singles: meron RC def. Suzanne Mathews Van , Under tingles: Lynn Bloomer Hollvburn del. Jennifer Betteuer WIC , Under doubles: Cameron end Bland def. Wendv and Lori Barlow RC , Greg Bell Van will plav final this week In Vancouver. Under tingles: Leet WIC def. Bell Van , Trevor Haqq WIC , Under singles: Tony Frost Holly. John Bowerlng Holly.

George Borchert Stanley Park and Karr, One player, who had no trouble with Polz, was Earle Robinson of Nanaimo. He wa» three for three against the Century hurler and won the tournament batting honours with a. Wynn Carter, who pitched three of Seattle’s victories, was named the tournament’s top pitcher.

Homa runs: Cantury Inn—Lou Var- mattt 2. Mika Cox. Saatfla I, Nanaimo 4. Saskatchewan was second with five victories and Alberta and British Columbia were last with three wins each.

Ontario bowlers also won the singles championships two weeks earlier in Regina. Johnson missed the headpin after U consecutive strikes Saturday. Members of the B. Molsons 5, Pt. Seaboard 2, Century Inn 3. Nanaimo 5, Pt. Molsons 3. Call us before you take otf or as toon as you arrive. We ll have a car for you right sway. At our beautilul low HOST rates, too. Happy landings! Inly 13 and Knott’s Berry Farm and Wax Museum. Side trip to Tijuana. Sea World. Knott’a Berry Farm, Side trips to Tijuana.

Smirnoff The Vodka that leaves you breathless. S0 ea 4 for STORE 10 a. Monday to Friday. HOURS: 9 a. Wakeham, who was runner- up in the event for trie last two years, edged Gorge Vale amateur Cec Ferguson on the fourth extra hole of a playoff to determine top honors.

Both parred the first three playoff holes before Wakeham sank a foot birdie putt on the par-five fourth. Both had carded rounds of 69 and 73 for totals in the 36 holes of regulation piay. Watson, who had held the lead in two other tournaments tliis year and has been close to winning many times, fired a final round 69 to finish wipi a three-over par , and finish two.

Snead and third-round leader Tom Weiskopf. Weiskopf skied to a 77 on the final round. Molina, the Martfeaibo and Argentine Open champion put together rounds of 63, 67 and 69 for a Canadian tour record ol for holes. John Morgan of Victoria, t h e defending champion, needed a final round C4 to finish in a tie for 10th place and earn Snead, si8.

Ormiston earned a final berth by edging Burnside Esso, Vancouver Welker, U. Measures to rectify East-West imbalance. July 4lh. Arrives 4. Arrives 9. L Noir-siop. Two of them arc non-stop, and all three take offat popular departure times.

Both the L and the are magnificent aircraft, with plenty of room to relax. And our seating arrangement means even more comfort. Another great feature is curbside baggage check-in at Vancouver and Toronto—you don’t have to carry ybur bags to the counter.

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Tom Smith, left, and Cpl. Bernie Wallace, both of Stettarton, N. Canadian contingent has been there since early this year. McTaggart launched civil and criminal action against the French government Sunday for seizing his protest vessel off Tahiti last August and holding the crew against Us will.

McLean said the negotiable second-year rates, including the right to strike, effectively constitutes a cost-of-living agreement, which is one of tlife union demands. Roomy salon includes all the necessary amenities. To view, phone Greg Pearson.

Pickets have been up since rhidnight Sunday night, and there has been no trouble. Belle w died In Take the downtown to downtown route.

You can also forget about the uncertainty of getting ypur car on the ferry, because 25 Adult extended Special Day Return Fare overnight » you can reserve car space ahead of time.

Leave Downtown Victoria p. Arrive Downtown Port Angeles p. Leave Downtown Port Angeles pjji. Arrive Downtown Victoria p. They admit they cannot control imported food costs. Inflation In housing is mainly in land and financing; even the Conservatlvei admit that the cost of housing cannot be controlled. Vole Liberal and get policies to iticrease supply uahead of demand and thus stabilize prices!

This opptianc has boon manufactured to conform with Government re -ommendationi on load emissions. Some reasons? We use a watertight one-piece stainless steel pan formed from a single piece of metal instead of a pan.

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An article in the July issue of thnjournal of Oral Surgery ways that if Washington had relaxed his face muscles, the false teeth would have dropped out of his mouth. A dentist, James Gardetle, achieved the artistic goal, but the plates were worthless for eating.

Washington, in addition to his portrait teeth, also had a set of “working teeth”, the article said. During the next year, she’ll represennt Canada in more than appearances and travel more than , miles.

Scheel said. Sutton dU»d at 51 of n heart attack last week in Shreveport, La. Rene Siniard of Quebec shed tears as he was given a large trofhy for singing the winning Japanese song, Midori-Iro No Yane, Green Roof , and wept again as Sinatra presented him with a watch and told him, “never grow up. Get sturdy 9×9 tourist tent that goes up in minutes and put the savings towards your next trip!

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San Francisco 3. Houston 3, 5, San Diego 1. Ireland took the handicap event. Two speed-boat: racers were killed in separate U. Greg Ruth was killed in Waco, Texas when thrown from his boat and hit by a trailing boat driven by George Hawn. GSL Greaves to 5. The defeat cost Farmers a share of first place, which they had gained by edging Vancouver Landmarks. Canada, an winner over Australia on Sunday, was at a disadvantage to the U. GSL Boston , ‘ 43 GSL Oakland 43 Elltls 8.

Boston — Cater 4lh. Wallace 5. Lyle 7 and Munson; Walker Ray 7 and Moses. Fingers 8. Knowlos 9 , Lindblad 9 end. Hanev; Tanana Boston 6, Baltimore 4 Kansas City 9. California 3 Sunday Cleveland 9. Milwaukee 4, 2, Detroit 1, 3. Baltimore 3, New York 0 Chicago 8. Kansas City 8, Oakland 7. California 2. Lions fans Tuesday — both on and off the field. The off-field development far outweighed the result of the Canadian Football League exhibition win over Edmonton Eskimos though Only hours before game time.

Lions built an lead in the first quarter and coasted to a win before about Doug Hayes of Vancouver Rurrards contributed a pair. Moorhead was good on three of six passes in the opening quarter before sitting out the rest of the game. The two teams went for the most part with experimental lineups.

Rookie running-back Larry Sherrer, out of football after suffering an injury two. John Archbold, a newcomer from Toronto, kicked three field goals, of The Ticats. They added their second touchdown in the fourth quarter when Harry Abofs rah across from ihe Montreal two-yard line. Earlier in the third quarter, rookie Sonny Campbell dashed over from the three-yard line for another B.

Most noticeable was wide- receiver Allen Brown who caught 10 passes for yards. Top-seeded Brenda Ca- j meron of the Racquet Club, received a first-round-. Mika Carnsaw Van. Dean McFadden Van Fran Underhill Van Young Van Under singles Jennifer Bland RC def. Karen Ng WIC Hawes Van , Wendy Barlow RC def. Under tingles Nina Bland RC def. Entries can be made at either the Racquet Club or Oak Bay or by contacting tournament chairman Dick Bradshaw at Vatcher, who had taken the fast heat on Saturday, won the feist heat Monday, took the lead on the 37th lap of the main event and was never headed.

Smith placed second and Gordie Hildebrand, the leader for the first 37 laps, was third. Art Reedy; 7. Al Smiith; 3. Al Wade; 4. Ralph Warren. First Heat — 1. Roger Walker; 2. Steve Rumsby; 3. Dean Cramb; 4.

Ernie Schoor. Fast Heat — 1. Ray Vatcher; 2. Gordie Hildebrand; 3. Al Smith; 4. Neville Garner. Main Evant laps — 1. Ray Vatchar; 2. Al Smith; 3. Wayne Sidorkor 3. Gary Demister; 4. Wayne Johnston. First Heat —1. Gary Rowe; 7, Ray Birtwhistie; 3. Dave Ireland; 4. Al Humphreys. Second Heat — 1. Bill Sandwlth; 2. Robert Gauthier; 3.

Brian Hick- ing; 4. MIcKSy Sophonow. Ray Birtwhistie; 2. Barry Rolrler; 3. Gary Madden; 4. Clifford scored all three Victoria goals. Victoria defeated Longview, , and , on Saturday. Cornett had three hits in the doubleheader.

Vancouver r W L Pet. GB 21 7. Homa run: Lpngview— Norton. Homa run: Longview— Les Goeman. Ruth tops Masters. Other highlights of the two- day meet included year-old Duncan MacLean of Scotland running the metres in under 20 seconds and a world record set by sprinter Jack Greenwood of Kansas. Alec Stewart Comox , fourth In 5, Olympics , first In long lump 5. Jack Rowe Flying Y , second In Cliff Salmond Flying Y , second In Stan Hurton Vic Track , second In discus Jack Farrell Flylnp Y , sixth In Alan Bysa Vgn.

Llonft Gate , savanth In 5, Lvnn Evg Portland , first In Rowe , third In 4x and 4x Mills There were early signs that Nastase might be in trouble against Stockton. In the second and third sets, single service breaks were enough to put Stockton ahead and the match entered what vyas to prove a thrilling fourth set. It contained just about everything, including a comic break at However, the Romanian could a not break service gain and Stockton clinched victory when he took the point tiebreaker El Shafei’s victory put him through to a quarter-final meeting with Stan Smith of the U.

In the bottom half, third- seeded Jimmy Connors of the U. S, against West German Helga Mastoff. Earlier they had edged Nanaimo A and 8 Construction Oak Bay pulls net pair upset girls, led by Brenda Cameron, dominated their events.

Regional junior tennis championships. Nina Blend OB Under singles: meron RC def. Suzanne Mathews Van , Under tingles: Lynn Bloomer Hollvburn del.

Jennifer Betteuer WIC , Under doubles: Cameron end Bland def. Wendv and Lori Barlow RC , Greg Bell Van will plav final this week In Vancouver.

Under tingles: Leet WIC def. Bell Van , Trevor Haqq WIC , Under singles: Tony Frost Holly. John Bowerlng Holly. George Borchert Stanley Park and Karr, One player, who had no trouble with Polz, was Earle Robinson of Nanaimo. He wa» three for three against the Century hurler and won the tournament batting honours with a. Wynn Carter, who pitched three of Seattle’s victories, was named the tournament’s top pitcher. Homa runs: Cantury Inn—Lou Var- mattt 2.

Mika Cox. Saatfla I, Nanaimo 4. Saskatchewan was second with five victories and Alberta and British Columbia were last with three wins each. Ontario bowlers also won the singles championships two weeks earlier in Regina. Johnson missed the headpin after U consecutive strikes Saturday. Members of the B. Molsons 5, Pt. Seaboard 2, Century Inn 3. Nanaimo 5, Pt. Molsons 3. Call us before you take otf or as toon as you arrive.

We ll have a car for you right sway. At our beautilul low HOST rates, too. Happy landings! Inly 13 and Knott’s Berry Farm and Wax Museum. Side trip to Tijuana. Sea World. Knott’a Berry Farm, Side trips to Tijuana. Smirnoff The Vodka that leaves you breathless.

S0 ea 4 for STORE 10 a. Monday to Friday. HOURS: 9 a. Wakeham, who was runner- up in the event for trie last two years, edged Gorge Vale amateur Cec Ferguson on the fourth extra hole of a playoff to determine top honors. Both parred the first three playoff holes before Wakeham sank a foot birdie putt on the par-five fourth. Both had carded rounds of 69 and 73 for totals in the 36 holes of regulation piay.

Watson, who had held the lead in two other tournaments tliis year and has been close to winning many times, fired a final round 69 to finish wipi a three-over par , and finish two. Snead and third-round leader Tom Weiskopf. Weiskopf skied to a 77 on the final round. Molina, the Martfeaibo and Argentine Open champion put together rounds of 63, 67 and 69 for a Canadian tour record ol for holes.

John Morgan of Victoria, t h e defending champion, needed a final round C4 to finish in a tie for 10th place and earn Snead, si8. Ormiston earned a final berth by edging Burnside Esso, Vancouver Welker, U.

Measures to rectify East-West imbalance. July 4lh. Arrives 4. Arrives 9. L Noir-siop. Two of them arc non-stop, and all three take offat popular departure times. Both the L and the are magnificent aircraft, with plenty of room to relax. And our seating arrangement means even more comfort. Another great feature is curbside baggage check-in at Vancouver and Toronto—you don’t have to carry ybur bags to the counter.

So come with us. For our choice of take-off times. For your convenience. Also L Call us, or your travel agent, for flight, car and hotel reservations.

One call does it all, with Reservec II. Arnold Winnikum R. Arnold Cactus Pete. Good Life Olguin Magic Shadow. Bright Boy Frazier 3. J0 Frost Crystal Smith Waldron Castle Sanchez ft Time: Tima: Time: Faucet extra. Complete with grill stand and wind breaker. Tom Smith, left, and Cpl. Bernie Wallace, both of Stettarton, N. Canadian contingent has been there since early this year. McTaggart launched civil and criminal action against the French government Sunday for seizing his protest vessel off Tahiti last August and holding the crew against Us will.

McLean said the negotiable second-year rates, including the right to strike, effectively constitutes a cost-of-living agreement, which is one of tlife union demands. Roomy salon includes all the necessary amenities. To view, phone Greg Pearson.

Pickets have been up since rhidnight Sunday night, and there has been no trouble. Belle w died In Take the downtown to downtown route. You can also forget about the uncertainty of getting ypur car on the ferry, because 25 Adult extended Special Day Return Fare overnight » you can reserve car space ahead of time. Leave Downtown Victoria p. Arrive Downtown Port Angeles p. Leave Downtown Port Angeles pjji. Arrive Downtown Victoria p.

They admit they cannot control imported food costs. Inflation In housing is mainly in land and financing; even the Conservatlvei admit that the cost of housing cannot be controlled. Vole Liberal and get policies to iticrease supply uahead of demand and thus stabilize prices! This opptianc has boon manufactured to conform with Government re -ommendationi on load emissions.

Some reasons? We use a watertight one-piece stainless steel pan formed from a single piece of metal instead of a pan. Our element is not solcjwred in place. It’s bolted in place. Our plastic top is not soldered in place.

It’s clamped in place on a synthetic seal. Easy to dean. Easy to repair. No lead solder seams Snap-on top with synthetic seal No lead Solder teams Our unique no-lead solder construction, combined with Proctor-Silex features such as a no-drip, no-scald spout, a cool handle, and a leakproof stainless steel base, make the Proctor-Silex kettle one of Hie salest kitchen appliances available today. An article in the July issue of thnjournal of Oral Surgery ways that if Washington had relaxed his face muscles, the false teeth would have dropped out of his mouth.

A dentist, James Gardetle, achieved the artistic goal, but the plates were worthless for eating. Washington, in addition to his portrait teeth, also had a set of “working teeth”, the article said. During the next year, she’ll represennt Canada in more than appearances and travel more than , miles.

Scheel said. Sutton dU»d at 51 of n heart attack last week in Shreveport, La. Rene Siniard of Quebec shed tears as he was given a large trofhy for singing the winning Japanese song, Midori-Iro No Yane, Green Roof , and wept again as Sinatra presented him with a watch and told him, “never grow up. Get sturdy 9×9 tourist tent that goes up in minutes and put the savings towards your next trip!

Think about it. And your tent had better make it easy! Like our popular tourist tent that’s built lo fill all your needs. Il goes up comes down in minutes with easy-reaeh outside frame. Plus 2 side windows bring good cross ventilation. Sturdy roof in oz.

Door comes with protective zip storm flap and canopy. And poles, ropes and pegs are included. Lightweight, weighs jus lbs. Yellow trimmed, blue non-skid interior, 3 seats have plastic foam flotation. With lOoz. Has 2 side and one large front window. Plastic coated nylon screens. Aircraft style door with double tab zipper. And sturdy outside frame. Boils 1 qt. Izirge volume push pump for all inflat- ables, boats, mattresses, floets.

Inflates with each up and down stroke. Large handle, Step plate for easy use. Opens flat lor airing. Full zipper. Folds easy into attached hood. Ail-round zipper lets you zip 2 bags together. Intermediate 2-lb. Soft, flexible shoe designed for comfort. Blue color. Come in Junior sizes 2 to 5; Small 6 to 7; Medium 8 to 9. Order yours now at savings and get set for summer fun.

Exhaust valve incorporated Into this high quality compensator mask. Black only. Excellent value as you can see. Blue only. So there you are, an inexpensive set to take you down to the deep for an interesting summer. Has two attached seats, two separate air compartments, built-in side pockets, tow rope, two oars, pump. Heavy duty rubberized canvas, with vulcanized seams.

Can hold two men; total weight up to pounds. Has cross beam construction. Fine quality. Blue and red color. His term on council was due to expire in November. Fred Severson moved council not call a byelection to fill the seat Newberry was vacating. Gazing intently at barnyard residents arp Dee-Dee Swinimer, 5, Shauneen.

AH locals involved in the polling shipped their ballots to the union’s regional office in Vancouver Tuesday. McClure, f Pandora and Vancouver. Campbell estimates gross annual parking revenue will rise , because of the new system.

Bui many loggers in the local stayed away from their jobs. The plywood mill remained closed, a local spokesman said, and most Alberni-area loggers also stayed off work Tuesday. Error causa crash. Race officials said the yacht continued to experience radio difficulties and they estimated her position from talking to other competitors.

The others, in order, were Namba, Midnight ‘Special. Tinsley Light. Red Dog, Namu. Obsession, from Victoria; Border Lord. Mad Hatter. The 2. Despite the objections of Aid.

Ferries spokesman said motorots had to wait at least an hour at the Swart2 Bay terminal and two hours at tiie Tsawwasstn terminal. He said the schedule from Nanaimo to Horseshoe Bay was running about three hours behind and for those shoe Bay to Departure Bay there was a two-hour wait. Teachers firm for. The spokesman said the plane piloted by Bill Martin Fitzgibbons, 44, hail crashed into Apex Mountain, site of four or five similar crashes in the last six years.

Crash hurts minor Donald Buchner, 17, of Jacklin Rd. Buchner suffered facial cuts and a broken tooth. Teachers in these districts have been invited to meet the tixistees’ bargaining team July 12 in Vancouver. Lewis means what he says, If he condemns Mr.

Bennett said he has a list, containing hundreds of names, which is growing daily and which shows political ap- high, beating even federal government patronage records. Casa-Beggs is Hydro chairman. In other council business, it was decided to ask Saanichton , Bay Marina Ltd. Central Saanich Aid.

Council was told such a study would give the residents of the municipality a better understanding of both direct and indirect effects the marina would have on the area. However, we feel it should he done at the local level. Trustees are elected -to deal with local matters, and-salary bargaining is a local matter. RCMP in Ganges reported. She was taken to Lady Mihto Hospital in Ganges, treated and released.

Police said she would be returned to Victoria. No matter how blameless they may be, they will always think it was their fault that you killed yourself.

They will carry to their graves the thought that something they did, or failed to do, caused you to take your life. Do you want to place such a burden on your loved ones? If you commit suicide you’ll surely do it. Esquimau Rd. Tn Canada and the United States the men display the pin on their lapel.

Carl Grindstaff. A survey of 3, Toronto vasectomies, conducted by Dr. Bizarre combinations are a sign of the times. Canadian Classic” Dogwood is a new line of finest quality, deep hand cut crystal. Prices range from below L” JHWI. A denim jacket tops a flowered crepe skirt and chunky clogs. Meanwhile, the mother of the mini is still much on the scene.

But when she resumes dai- ing, she said. I think women have It too goocblo change it. I hope the trend doesn’t last. I’m proud and happy to be a woman. Walker, retiring University of Manitoba professor. But a woman, won’t rise in the organization by being a secretary. BUT, docs the opposition respect Ihe effect of adoption of new laws, Ihe implementation of new programs, and Ihe need for more civil servants to carry them out?.

Cun you cut the size of the civil service and still provide the same level of service? Heavens, No! The trip to Victoria will be Mrs. Olga and her spinning-wheel came to Canada because of Esperanto, the international language.

They returned to Victoria in July It finally arrived in Victoria two months ago. The three wheels were used until about 50 years ago when people stopped spinning their own wool, said Olga. Czech spinning-wheels are not the sort to which North Americans are accustomed. The wheel is small and the whole unit is more compact. They were shorn a month ago and produced 22 pounds of wool which Olga is carding in preparation for spinning.

The guild has members, said Mrs. Sixty-nine of those members have joined since last fall. According to Mrs. Church- ley, the price of New Zealand wheels goes up every two months. SDail; Colonist Victoria, B. The, report notes B. Tuesday afternoon. Drivers of the cars were Mrs. Evelyn May Tillyer, 50, of Washington Ave.

All were treated and released except Shirley Tillyer, 13, who was detained for observation. Kent Kynaston, of Lake Hill Town House, Victoria, bottom left, may be only six months old, but knows what to do with flag — wave it. Dark-haired lad.

Michael’s University School whose home is in Mexico. Get to Douglas Street Grown Salad Greens Cool, fresh, salads are the highlight of gracious summer living. C lettuce, celery, green onions, etc.

Look for our recipe folder for new ideas just for you Look for them at your fauounte food store! Grown Turkey Slice lor slice, pound for pound. Grown Turkey gives ihe utmost taste treat and dollar value for proud hosts.

Low in calories, high in pro tein. Tty one barbecued Look for them at your favourite food store’ Also Fresh! V Thursday’ mornings. Stupich, Minister. Sigurd B. Lots Wrapped in Small Pkgs.

BLAt K. Florence Late Rd. In most places the heavy turnout was attributed to votes, fairly evenly spread many families taking a hoii- among the four ridings. The day during the July 8 federal figures represent more than election. Total advance poll vote for Esquimalt-Saanich. In Victoria, the lone polling station counted 2, votes.

In Victoria, an election of- election oaw xsnes See ya Friday nite pass it on. Summer the time to start VOL R personal shape-up for all vour outside activities. Weekdays 10 a m. This compares with 70 W! Duncan polls showed a total of votes, compared with in Cowichan Lake had Votes cast in the advance poll will not be counted until voting has ended at 8 p. There are 55, eligible voters in the Comox-Alberni riding which will have polling stations on Monday.

Authorities saad Zadei was wanted in New Jersey for -murder, armed robbery and inter-state flight to avoid i prosecution for both, in DLli- j nois for atempted murder and armed robbery and in! M i s s o u r i for attempted I murder.

We may never be able to offer you so much for so little again. So act now! You cannot match Singer quality and service.

Sure we re best. Old Fashioned afffW IceCream. He w-as released on Ws own reo»gniaance in the sum of pending further hearing. On June 17, a week after his release from court, immigration auth- I orities picked up Van Eyck at i his Sooke residence. He said he had worked in the Sidney area and then Sooke and had , married here.

An immigration hearing or- dered Zadei deported on grounds of Illinois convictions in for car theft and for armed robbery. It was not known which state Zadei would go to first. William J. Stawart — Barkley Sound. Pandora 7 — Pat Bav. Richardson — Campbell River area. Parlzaau — on Station Papa. Reedy — Caemerto patrol area. Oyadra — SA gate program. Utah Minas — Daphne.

GAS C A. Cheanuh Marina Smokey Lewickv. Box ; William Hoad. Buzz Bomb. David Taylor, ObSarvatory; 18 J. Church Rack, strip. Randy Chlpps, Btchar Bay; Stan Chlpps, East Sooke Road; Ed Theberge, Wisharf, Armand Theberge, Orono; Lance Theberge. Gunter Koch. Charles Wbgget. Beechey Head, minnow. Phil Hale, Tillkum; Henry Rollln, Mearas; Don Russell, Carman; Robert Swindells, Rose- berry; 7. Hagedorn, Harriet; Jamas Cook, Colquitz; Ian Mowet, Langhofme; Jessie Seymour, Admirals; 5. Baacbay Head, strip.

Beechey Head, strip. Bart Kitchen, Revilo Place; 6. Bec- chey Head, strip. Wally Perlstrom, McClure; 8. Bud Wright, Langholme; Verwyk, Belvedere; Lvle D. Glen Ames, No. Dick Corner, McBriar; Stan Gibbons, Shelbourne; 6. Alice Parsons, Violet; 7. Watson, Parkview; Sorensen, Fargo Place; 7. Sharlene Filipchuk, Peto Place; Gehring, Abbey Road; Pat Hunt, 94 Regina; Norman Hill, Oak Park ‘ S3!

Place; Bartram, H58 Wychbury; Wally’s Lure. Sheppard, Carey. Ron Perks, Newton; 25 8, Beechey Head, minnow. Stocks, Joffre; 9. Robert Rogerson, Freeman. Andersorw Belfour. Anderson, Belfour; Brentwood Beat Rentals E. Box Brooks. Al- ebrta; 5. John Klkman, Vlaloma Vista, Escondido; 9.

Stuart, Union; 6. Coles Bav, hootchia. Willis Point, strip. Robins, Verdier. Thomas H. Brentwood; Bamberton, minnow. Hunt, Johnson; 6. Derek Bateman, No. Howe, Regina, 8. Moore, Fori; 7. Gwillam Evans. Bold Bluff, Super Strip.

Kirk Kesketh, R. Lones Road; 6. Kirk Hesketh, R. Frieda Hesketh, R. Chris Hatketh, R. Super Strip. John S. McDonell, R. Ivan Briscoe, R. Brad Hasanen. Slater, R. Bold Bluff, strip. Anchor Marina Heather Patenaude. Duncan; Walter Dyck, Shewnigan Lake; Pearl Paterson. Bobbv Bell. King Coho Resort Karen Jones. Comox; 5. David Jones, Comox; A H Bomber. Calgary; 28 8.

Comox; Box , Lazo. Reg Bloise. Box , Lazo; Martin Hegg. L”ckv Lpmis E rnie Pista, Rodelle, tommy Eleanor Birtie. Zed Zaran. Box 8. Lazo; 9. Chris Reesor, Box Lazo; 6. Box Lazo; Muriel Pedersen. Glen Birtie, R. Courtenay; Bates Beeeh. Arnl Gibson, B Anderton, Comox; Philipp, R.

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