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Mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free
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We mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free your help to maintenance this website. Please help us to share our service with your friends. Share Перейти Donate. Information might have changed or been added since this document was published. The latest version of the document is installed with Mastercam or can mastercqm obtained masstercam your local Mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free.
A ReadMe file ReadMe. PDF — installed with each release — includes the latest information about Mastercam features and enhancements. Mastercam features new functionality focused on delivering speed and efficiency to your machining jobs. Product Changes Two changes have been made to the Mill Entry product. The 2D chamfer Contour type is now available for a 2D Contour toolpath. Technical Support—Our Technical Support department or [email protected] is open Monday through Friday from a.
Visit our website, or select Help, Oive from Mastercam’s File tab to see the latest publications. Take advantage of more than free microsoft office standard product free to master skills at your own pace and help prepare for Mastercam Certification. For more information on Mastercam University, please contact your Authorized Mastercam 2081, visit www.
For tech tips and the latest Mastercam news, follow us on Facebook www. Visit our YouTube channel to see Mastercam in action www. Registered users can search for information or ask questions on the Mastercam Web forum, forum. This includes improvements to selection, general toolpath enhancements, and other functions not specific to one product line. Analyze Enhancements Listed below are enhancements made to the Analyze functions, located on the Home tab.
Mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free Toolpath latue vector information Analyze Toolpath now includes XYZ location data corresponding to the mouse location at the start green or end red of the toolpath mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free. This information is fee addition to the feed and speed data that is shown between the start and end of the segment.
Use the Opacity slider to control their translucency. Analyze Distance Along Curve allows mastrrcam to find the distance along a line, arc, or spline edge without having to trim or break it first. Mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free Analyze Distance, Analyze Distance Along Curve 22018 not measure a linear distance, but rather the length along the curve between two lathf points.
This function reports the following position coordinates as they mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free to the Cplane origin: l Distance l Start angle 15 Mastercaj New in Mastercam — General Enhancements l End angle l Sweep angles Lathe coordinates Analyze Mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free now displays when a DZ construction plane is now active. Propagate arc radius When using Analyze Entity on an arc or radius, you can now apply a diameter to all selected ,ive by selecting Propagate arc radius on the dialog box.
Statistics Statistics now reports the number of sheet solids in the current part file. Now, Face center points and Center points are independent of each other. The Command Finder opens as a floating window that can be repositioned and remains on-screen until you close it.
Enter a word in the Command Finder and Mastercam returns a list of possible matches that 22018 a short description of the function. Double-click a search result to open that function. In Mastercamyou can also create new viewsheets by clicking New to the right of the viewsheet tabs. The new tab is highlighted, so that you can input the name immediately after creating the viewsheet. By default, the new plane is added to the Planes Manager.
Delete Duplicates Delete Duplicates now identifies duplicate arcs, even when they have different start and end angles.
No Hidden Dimmed 20 What’s New in Mastercam — General Ttooling Endpoints Endpoint display has been enhanced, now displaying as solid white circles with a black outline to provide mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free with different geometry and background colors. You can toggle Endpoints on the Home tab to display or hide geometry endpoints. Your setting will persist across multiple sessions of Mastercam. The size of the endpoints is frwe configurable, and they do not scale when the screen is re-sized.
Improved access to adobe illustrator cs6 files tolerance Chaining tolerance is now stored with the chains in the Chain Manager. The value in the Chain Manager only affects the selected toolpath and is applied to all subsequent regenerations of the operation.
Other toolpaths will continue to default to the chaining tolerance set in the Tolerances page of System Configuration. As with other operations in Mastercam, when you move or modify the geometry used in the Probe operation and regenerate, the operation will update with the new geometry. You no longer need to recreate the Probe operation. Stock display The Stock Display and Stock Shading options, that were previously available on the View tab in Mastercamare now located on the specific machine mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free tab and have been expanded.
In the case of Mill, Router, and Wire machine ссылка на подробности, Stock Display works as it did in previous versions. For Lathe and Mill-Turn machines, you mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free now control which stock components are displayed in the toooling window. For Mill-Turn machines, the available mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free depend on your Job Setup and your current machine.
If a component is not defined or available for your current machine setup, the option is disabled from the Stock Display drop-down. Guided Chaining You can now guide and select the next entity in a chain when a branch point has been reached. Guided chaining is нажмите для деталей in 3D Wireframe and Linked Edges mode for solids.
One or more blue arrows display pointing in the direction of any alternate branches as shown in the following example. Two new controls are now available on the Chaining dialog box: Use Next to continue in the direction of the red arrow. Alternately, you can laathe on the red or blue arrow to advance the chain in that direction.
Keep names when exporting solid bodies When exporting solids to other CAD formats, Mastercam will now export the solid name data with the bodies. Naming levels and solid bodies from imported solid assemblies When importing solid assemblies, Mastercam’s file importers use a new protocol to populate both the Solids and Levels Manager. Mastercam processes the solid depending on what type of information is available from the incoming file format.
If there is no level or body name data in the imported file, the body and the level name are the file name.
Levels Manager l l l l Level names from the imported file or assembly are preserved in the Mastercam part file. Even when importing from formats with no level data, Mastercam places the imported solid bodies on separate 20188.
The level name is based on the solid body masstercam, when possible. When the information увидеть больше present in the original file, Mastercam 26 Toloing New in Mastercam — General Enhancements assigns mwstercam solid body name to each level. To change this behavior, deselect Assign Level names to match Solid names on the Converters page of System Configuration. Mastercam organizes the various solid bodies of an assembly in the Solids Manager.
Whenever possible, Mastercam names each imported solid body. Multiple bodies with the same name will have numbers appended.
Bodies in separate part files in assemblies will include mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free name of the assembly in the Solids Manager. Ignore blanked entities in count Select Ignore mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free entities in count from the Display options dropdown to madtercam include blanked entities in the Entities column count.
This option is off by default. Previously, blanked entities were included in the entity count and caused confusion between mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free count and visible entities on a level. Import via drag and drop You can now drag and drop a supported file for example. Mastercam Simulator Listed below are enhancements made to Mastercam Simulator, accessed through the Toolpaths Manager. You can add a bookmark, clear a bookmark, or clear all bookmarks.
Use Automatic Bookmark to insert bookmarks 20188 certain locations, such as a tool change or operation change. The bookmarks are then displayed on the playback tioling. Simply select any bookmark icon to display the part as it is at that moment. You can also use Create Bookmark on the lsthe bar to add a bookmark.
If you exit Mastercam Simulator or regenerate the toolpaths, the bookmarks are cleared automatically. They do not persist between sessions. Create presentation You can now create a presentation from Mastercam Simulator. Saving a presentation lets you preserve your settings and layout of your Mastercam 30 Toolung New in Mastercam — General Enhancements Simulator session and can be used to show a simulation on any computer, even if it does not have Mastercam.
Select Save Presentation on the Home tab to create mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free presentation. Select Verify from matercam Toolpaths Manager, and select Simulation on the Home tab to view the machine simulation. Use the Components tab to set mastercsm stock and fixtures. Use the Data tab to set tolerances. Use the Продолжить tab to set the machine, position, and tolerance.
If you do not have a machine selected when entering Mastercam Simulator, Mastercam will default to a generic machine or a machine that kastercam selected in the Machine Simulation dialog box for mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free standalone Machine Simulation. Once logged in, you have access to Mastercam’s social media outlets, your Reseller information, the Mastercam forum, and other helpful information.
Alternately, you can select a member of the group, which will select the entire group. This new option is located on the Nesting Configuration dialog box.
New location for temporary files Temporary nesting page borders for microsoft word free download now go into Mastercam’s default temp folder When corel paintshop pro keygen free a new plane by using nastercam on-screen, dynamic gnomon, mastecam the Planes Manager, using Trim to Plane, etc. When editing an existing plane, the Edit Madtercam function panel opens.
The function panels share the same controls, which are enabled or disabled as appropriate for the current mode. Import via drag and drop You can now drag and drop a supported file onto the Planes Manager to import the file’s planes. The Plane Selection dialog box displays and lets you select which maatercam to import. The planes are imported into the open Mastercam file.
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You will learn how to create the more complex 3D geometry and Advanced C-Axis toolpaths. The tutorial also covers toolpaths that support the. Download the free trial of CAD/CAM software from Mastercam. Full suite for anyone to learn or practice using CAM software.
Mastercam 2018 lathe live tooling free
Hovering over a solid highlights the nearest face and displays the face selection cursor. Click to select a solid face or double-click to select a feature. If only the Face Selection filter is enabled, you can triple-click to select all faces of a solid body. Click an individual face of the solid to deselect it from the body.
Pressing [Esc] or double-clicking in an open area of the graphics window accepts the selection. Selection masking for sheet bodies A new sheet solid selection capability has been added to the Select All and Select Only dialog boxes. Select Level or Viewsheet on the Capture Images dialog box to include them into your report. Click an icon to launch the website. System Configuration Listed below are enhancements made to System Configuration.
Default file open type You can set a default file type to be used when opening a file. The setting persists from session to session. Update to Parasolids This upgrade allows Mastercam to do the following: l Maintain compatibility with other CAD modelers l Benefit from new features and capabilities, when possible l Benefit from bug fixes within the kernel 52 What’s New in Mastercam — General Enhancements User Interface Changes The following functions have been converted to function panels for Mastercam After selecting an update option, the right side of the dialog box shows which planes will be updated.
You can select different update options and see which operations will be affected before committing the change. You can no longer output as text.
These include improvements to Solid, Model Prep, and Wireframe functions. Angle Sweep To improve the creation of more complex wireframe functions and when creating or editing primitives, there are now on-screen sweep and rotate controls.
These controls can snap to the AutoCursor positions of existing entities, including tangencies. Additionally, the controls recognize horizontal and vertical snap positions based on the gnomon orientation. All wireframe functions, with the exception of Polar arcs and Ellipses, now include a sweep control. Rotate controls were added to the following wireframe functions: Polygon, Ellipse, and Rectangular Shapes. This also applies to Roll, located on the Transform tab. Helix and Spiral now include a single-axis control that lets you graphically modify the height of the shape you are creating and editing.
Seam Control To make Roll and Unroll results easier to predict, a new gnomon based rotation control is now available. You can visually rotate the seam to see how geometry will respond, as well as snap to AutoCursor positions. Align Note allows you to move existing notes and labels in such a way that they are more organized and easier to read. After selecting the function, select the notes you wish to align, and then choose a note to use as the reference position. You can then make any adjustments needed from the function panel.
Cross Hatch is also live, allowing you to see what you are creating before accepting it. Unlike notes, labels, and letters, leaders are not live entities and cannot be edited. Methods used to align dimension orientations Auto, Horizontal, etc. When you select Lock, the specific Method you have selected stays active until you change it.
You can easily create multiple dimensions using a specific orientation without having to reset it. Hole Axis Hole Axis is now easier to use with a large number of holes, especially holes with matching diameters that are selected as a group. When you hold down the [Ctrl] key to select all holes with the same diameter, Mastercam calculates the top based on the direction of the hole.
The result can be undesirable with multiple holes pointing in different directions. In previous releases, you had to individually select the axis inside the hole or select and then re-select each arrow to change the direction of the vector. In , the vector arrow is larger and is selectable to make it easier to manage directions on a small set of holes.
Direction options The new Direction options allows you to change the direction of the holes. Use Opposite to flip the holes opposite of the direction determined by the Orientation option.
Select Include blind holes to flip the direction of theoretical blind holes, but not true blind holes. A true blind hole has a physical bottom inside of the solid. A theoretical blind hole passes completely through a section of the solid. Orientation options Use the new Orientation options to determine the direction of the top of the holes. Select Cplane to orient the top of the selected holes to match the positive direction of the Z axis of the current Cplane.
Now, you can undo and redo up to twenty-five Model Prep functions using the new Undo and Redo, located on the Solids Manager. They only affect changes made using the Model Prep functions. Applying a history-based Solid function to the model clears the Undo and Redo memory stream and makes any previous Model Prep changes permanent.
Solid Enhancements Solid Sweep Solid Sweep now has more options and controls than in previous releases. Solid Sweep operations from previous releases will still have limited features when edited in Mastercam Only newly created Solid Sweep operations will support the new options. Each profile must have an equal number of entities, but the profiles do not need to be chained in sync.
The chains must contain the same number of entities, even if the shape is different. Guide Chain Use a Guide Chain to influence a Solid Sweep operation by introducing a chain that alters the shape of the results.
The images below depict the orange wireframe being swept across the blue wireframe. The green wireframe is the Guide Chain. Guide Chains are not limited to the same plane as the Along Chain. New alignment options Two new options have been added to control the alignment between your profile and the Along chains. Previous releases always kept the same angle relationship between the Profile and Along curves.
You can choose one of the following: Normal l l Parallel Normal maintains the original angle relationship between the profile and along chain. Parallel keeps the cross sections parallel to the original profile. The ability to control this relationship makes the exact placement of the profile in relation to the Along curve less critical. In Mastercam , the profile geometry easily runs along sharp corners.
If any sharp corners are encountered, Mastercam miters them. This enhancement gives you greater flexibility and precision when modeling. You can control the angle of the twist as well as its placement along the sweep. There is no limitation on the angle of the twist, and you can use the following options to apply the twist from a certain place: No twist Twist l The start of the Along Chain to the end l The start of the Profile Chain s to the end of the Along Chain l The start of the Along Chain to the Profile Chain s 69 What’s New in Mastercam — Design Enhancements Solids Manager New icon A new icon has been added to the Solids Manager that represents solid bodies with operations that have been rolled back and are dirty.
This is especially helpful when there are many solid bodies and the bodies are collapsed so the history is not displayed. Stop Operation placement There is now a simpler way to manipulate the Stop Operation inside the history of a solid. You can now place the Stop Operation by selecting the operation you want to be last and selecting Move Stop Op here from the rightclick menu.
Keep solid feature color Mastercam now retains a solid’s face and feature colors even after you have removed its history. Solid face masking You can now use the standard color masking tools found in the Quick Mask color selection to select solid faces when creating a surface from a solid. Transform Enhancements Listed below are enhancements made to the Transform functions. Control start position Rotate and Mirror now include a new option, Translate, which maintains the same start position of a closed circle when rotated or mirrored.
If deselected, the start position of the circle moves as it did in previous Mastercam releases. Select Metric or English in the Uniform group to scale your geometry. Wireframe Enhancements Listed below are enhancements made to Wireframe functions. These new features will help in the creation of more accurate containment boundaries.
Ignore shared edges off Ignored shared edges on Only outside loops Curve All Edges now allows you to create curves from only exterior edges of a solid and ignores the inner edges when you select Only outside loops.
It is only active when solid faces are selected. Previously, these functions only supported creating geometry in 3D mode.
By supporting 2D geometry creation, geometry created from the selected edge can be projected to the current Cplane and Z depth, instead of requiring you to use another function, such as Project. Create Letters is now in a function panel, allowing you to work simultaneously within the graphics window. This also means that the letters are now live entities, so when you choose a new font, reposition, or edit the text it now shows the results in the graphics window.
Use Edit Spline to refine and prepare splines. You can move, rotate, or lengthen the tangent vector or move the control point.
For more control and a finer adjustment of the curve, you can add or remove node points, or increase the number of control points. Helix and Spiral Helix and Spiral function panels now include locks for specific fields.
The fields you can lock are Revolutions, Height, Pitch for helix creation, and Initial Vertical Pitch for spiral creation. Locking a field does not prevent you from changing that value, it simply establishes which field is constant and which two are calculated. Select this option to create a line by selecting two points. The first point selected will be the midpoint and the second point will define one end while the other end of the line is a mirror in the opposite distance and angle. Modify at Intersection allows you to trim, break, or create points with lines, arcs, and splines where they intersect with surfaces, solid bodies, solid faces, and solid sheet bodies.
This is particularly useful when modeling or prepping for Multiaxis toolpaths. Select Modify at Intersection, and then use any selection method to select the wireframe geometry that you want to edit.
After selecting the wireframe, select an intersecting surface, face, or solid body to display the function panel. When trimming geometry, Mastercam keeps the wireframe on the Normal side of the surface or solid by default.
To change this, click Reselect. Improved Inch and Metric Support Mastercam now supports mixing inch and metric tools and holders when building tool assemblies in Mill. You can use metric tools in inch part files and inch tools in metric part files. This includes proper tool compensation and scaling in Backplot and Verify. Note: This does not support scaling operation parameters when changing system units. This launches another dialog box to allow you to select the tools you wish to import.
The cloud icon in the second column indicates that the associated tool assembly has not been validated. If the tool assembly passes Mastercam’s validation tests, you will see a green checkmark indicating that it can now be saved. If Mastercam detects problems with the tool, an icon will display indicating the severity of the problem. A red X indicates that there is a critical issue that must be resolved first. A yellow exclamation mark indicates a non-critical warning.
Use the hyperlink in the description field to review or edit the tool in question. The importer does not connect to a server process; instead, you import ZIP files containing your tool assemblies using the Open button. Similar to importing with CoroPlus see “Importing with CoroPlus” on page 80 , all assemblies must be validated before they can be used in Mastercam. This includes improvements to the 2D, 3D, and Multiaxis suite of toolpaths.
General Enhancements Listed below are enhancements that apply to Mill toolpaths in general, not just 2D or 3D toolpaths. Drill point sorting Sort by name has been added to the Drill Point Manager right-click menu. This allows you to reset the sort order to the original selection order or in the order you have named the drill points.
When the cutter moves through outside arcs, the perimeter of the cutter is moving through the material slower than the center of the tool, which results in a decreased chipload on the tool.
Contour The following enhancements apply to the standard 2D Contour toolpath. Chamfer tool offset In previous versions, you could only modify the Tip offset when chamfer milling, allowing you to control how far past the bottom chamfer rail the tip of the chamfer tool extends. Top offset places the full diameter of the chamfer tool at a specified distance above the top rail of the chamfer.
Bottom offset amount ensures the tip of the tool clears the bottom of the chamfer. Width has also been renamed to Chamfer width. You can also now enter 0. This allows you to chain the top or bottom rail of an existing chamfer and place the chamfer where you desire using the top or bottom offset value.
Multi pass order In Mastercam , multi passes were only ordered By contour, meaning it completed one chain before moving on to the next. In , you can now choose By contour or By pass on the Multi Passes page. By pass orders the multi passes by pass number.
It will run the first multi pass on all contours, then the second multi pass on all contours, and so on. Rough pass cut direction You can now control the cut direction of rough passes on the Multi Passes page. Select either One way or Zigzag. One way causes the rough multi 87 What’s New in Mastercam — Mill Enhancements passes to behave as they did in past versions. Zigzag will alternate the cut direction between climb and conventional.
Both options respect the Keep tool down option. These options allow you to order your cuts from top to bottom or from bottom to top. By contour and By region machine each machining region to completion before moving to the next. In previous versions, you could only machine finish passes at all depths or at the final depth.
Now you can add or remove finish cuts, based on the number of rough depth cuts specified on the Depth Cuts page. Add between creates a finish pass at all depth cuts and adds a specified amount of passes between depth cuts. For example, when set to 2, Mastercam adds two evenly spaced passes between depth cuts. In the image 89 What’s New in Mastercam — Mill Enhancements below, the red lines represent depth cuts and the blue lines represent multipass finish passes.
Per number of adds a finish pass only at every specified depth cut. A multipass finish pass is always added to the last depth cut. When set to 2, Mastercam adds a finish pass only at every second depth cut, depicted by the blue and red lines together below.
These new features are located on the Linking Parameters page. For example, if the top of a feature should be cleared by a certain amount, you can enter a Clearance amount, select Associative, and then pick a point on the feature in the graphics window.
The Clearance plane will always be the specified incremental value above the point, even if the feature is moved. Set the Entry method to Plunge only on the Entry Motion page. This option allows you to plunge directly into material. Spring passes create additional finish passes along the same path as the last finish pass.
In other words, use this option to create additional finish passes with a spacing of zero between the passes. This can used for parts with thin material that may have flexed away from the tool during previous passes. The tool motion can now use the top, bottom, or both values of the stock. All of the linking parameters can be set to adapt to changing stock values. Undercut support Select Undercut undercut tool only when using an undercut tool to support tool compensation.
When a slot mill tool, with Undercut undercut tool only and Step up selected, there are the following changes: l l Stock to leave becomes inverted. Break through becomes inverted. Select Tapered walls on the Depth Cuts page to angle depth cuts from the top of the stock to the final depth. Disable undercut tool support When you select an undercut tool, but do not want to machine the undercut area, select Detect undercuts on the Rough Parameters tab for Surface Rough Pocket and on the Finish contour parameters tab for Surface Finish Contour.
Detect undercuts disables undercutting when using an undercut tool. This option is only available when Contact is set to Tool assembly contact. Follow containment allows the tool to follow the containment boundary back to the start of the cut, creating clean closed passes.
This also helps to avoid partial cuts when a containment boundary was directly on top of a vertical surface. High speed workflow The workflow for all 3D High Speed toolpaths has been streamlined. You can now define which part geometry to machine and which geometry to avoid. For each geometry group you create, you can also assign variable stock to leave values on its walls and floors. Use the Model Geometry page to create different types of geometry groups and define their attributes, such as color and the amount of stock to leave.
Insert libraries including Sandvik, Kennametal, Iscar, and Valenite. For more information, visit the Mastercam site. Press releases may be sent to them via [email protected]. As software-driven automation continually drives the industry forward, expect increased efficiencies and effectiveness.
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December 2, Optimized facing including roughing and finishing. Complete threading with multiple starts, diameter calculation, and user customizable thread tables.
In addition to turning, full 3- to 5-axis milling, including machines with B-axis tooling arms.