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The number of people on the panel can vary. Ruff said her acceptance of the CBC job did not reflect dissatisfaction with her job as director. I was asked if I was interested in the job and it seemed that it was a chance to do some useful work.

Providing a final major hurdle is surmounted, the band council will be given the green light to enact a pollution control bylaw—a first in Canada for an Indian band.

The obstacle to be cleared this week is a public hearing which has been called by the band. Brisebois said the Indian Act gave a band council power to enact such a bylaw in order to protect the health of its members, “but no other band has used this power.

The B. Area residents have been breathing noxious fumes from the mill for the last 10 years, Brisebois added. The Union of B. Indian Chiefs, which represents 45,- native people in B.

Last month. Chief Heywasssuh of the Mowa- chahts went to Denmark to air the band’s grievance over environmental effects of the mill with officials of the East Asiatic Co. But she does say there were ample reasons for the move. Winds brisk westerly. Sunshine 10 hours 36 minutes. Recorded high and low at Victoria airport 21 and East coast of Vancouver Island—cloudy with sunny periods with chance of showers or thundershowers in the morning.

Winds light southeasterly. Monday’s precipitation nil. Recorded high and low at Nanaimo 26 and Forecast high and low 24 and Wednesday outlook: sunny with a few cloudy periods. Winds light. Forecast high and low at Tofino 17 and Wednesday outlook: sunny with cloudy periods. Winds light northwesterly.

Forecast high and low 17 and 8. Regulation of a river course has also flooded a major area of Indian land, they say. A large majority of the native people on the reserve moved to Gold River from Friendly Cove.

According to a quarterly report of the Conference Board in Canada, economic growth in B. Hardest hit will be the manufacturing sectors of Ontario and Quebec. The Ontario jobless rate will jump to 7. The two brightest spots on the national economic map are Prince Edward Island and Alberta. The board predicts that the national unemployment rate will increase to 8. Crockett Jones Douglas Street Ironically, Mrs.

HS10 7 15 3 8 8. Oi 8. Unlimited Free Withdrawals. You work hard for your money. Use it with the added practicality of Multi-Branch Banking. Come in today and find out more about it. Our Daily Interest Savings Account could be just right for you. Nobody, but nobody, is going to take advantage of this great police department.

Rizzo said he was not worried the city stands to lose all federal Law Enforcement Assistance Administration funds because of the suit. Roof collapse kills 5 on job of constitutional rights. For some time we have been saying that, in the office occupations for which we train students, there is no unemployment.

Employers need people with good skills and attitude. Now we are backing up these statements by offering a money back guarantee. We will refund the full amount of tuition if, within 90 days after the date of graduation from Sprott-Shaw. To our knowledge, this is a first for Canada. The offer applies to students currently enrolled, and to all future students until further notice. Days said Philadelphia is the first U.

He said Philadelphia po lice shoot about 75 people a year and that an average of 1. The national labor federation. Histadrut, called the strike after the government slashed food subsidies and raised prices of basic foods an average of 50 per cent last Saturday. Rain dominated Big Apple weather scene on the weekend.

UPI — An earthquake measuring 3. There were no injuries or damage reported. Geological Survey in Golden. Striking electrical workers cut power in major cities, shutting down signal lights and causing traffic snarls. Rosemont police said five men were confirmed dead. Many other workers were trapped in the wreckage, but were later freed. Molinilli, who was among the injured, said he was working in a trench under the grandstand area and that there had been no warning the roof was about to come down.

White or Yellow 4 roll package Each. Chicken Vegetable or Vegetable Beel 10 fl. Victoria 0 C. V8W »N4,. The main reason given by the company was the excessively high cost of land. In his latest media lament, Mr. Couvelier is even more doleful. Anyone would think that Campeau had been about to present Saanich with a vision of urban loveliness, a combination of Athenian grace and Parisian flair and vitality.

Hardly breathtaking. What the mayor obviously fails to realize is that a comprehensive design approach is no guarantee of an attractive urban environment. So why not think small? Why not encourage developers to assemble two or three lots and develop them within the guidelines already worked out by Saanich planners? The result might not be bad at all.

Look at downtown Victoria. It is also fact that our cousins to the south who bring us millions of dollars as tourists every year are not as progressive as we are and the highway signs in kilometres are more than baffling to them. As a neighborly gesture wouldn’t it be a reasonable idea to continue with the speed limits in good old miles per hour as well?

Could help some of us older dodderers loo. Why China and. Those who refuse to remember their history are doomed to go throught life wearing a permanent expression of pained surprise. On April 3 the Chinese proposed that Peking and Moscow hold serious talks on improving ralations. If they succeed, it will be because the Chinese have decided that they simply cannot afford to run the risk of fighting the Russians yet.

If they had to give an excuse, however, it would be very similar: They were not ready to fight the Germans yet. The Chinese have certainly not yet decided that they must follow Stalin’s example of Peking also firmly believes that the Russians are trying to “encircle” it by creating a wall of pro-Soviet regimes on its southern frontier, using Vietnam as its proxy in the actual fighting.

What a summer of gloom and doom! You may begin to think the little nut is right, marching with his placard: The World Ends Tomorrow.

Or possibly worse, that things may go on and on just like this. The one produces aspiration, the other ambition, which is the way in which a vulgar man aspires.

Henry Ward Beecher. No more fishing? The facts are: I There is a handful of polluted lakes, mainly in the Sudbury area, which are truly dead.

But something is being done. An extensive research program has been under way for several years and it is being stepped up. The 19th century industrial revolution in England is an example.

The damage is still being repaired in cities like Sheffield, and it was not untH about that the English began rescuing the Thames river, which had become a totaly lifeless, stinking sewer at London Bridge. Meanwhile, this gloomy summer, Skylab has come down without hurting anyone ordamaginganything.

In the summer 35 years ago, the world was still tearing itself apart in the final stages of the most destructive war in history. Cheer up. It may even get better.

Peking has left the explicit threat of a second invasion hanging over Vietnam. But Peking must face the fact that if it came to open war with the Soviet Union, it would certainly lose. Even their recent contacts with Western European countries about buying up-to-date military technology have helped drive home to China’s military leaders just how desperately outmoded their armed forces arc. If this falls, however, the Chinese would prefer to have the option of a temporary recon- cialiation with the Russians held in reserve.

The forthcoming talks with Moscow are a way of keeping this option open. It would at least postpone for a long time the nightmare they now see taking shape before their eyes. It would be at least 50 years before it could industrialize.

But if it links up with Japan, it will be a threat within 10 years. The Sino- Sovlet talks next month are unlikely to lead to anything so dramatic as the Nazi-Soviet pact of 40 years ago. But it would be most unwise to ignore the- possibility of an eventual Sino-Soviet reconciliation.

Mulungushi Village for the leaders. Mulungushi Hall for the conference talk. And our cars and drivers and chartered buses to get us from cocoon to cocoon. The place Is nominally in a state of war, against its own people and as a battleground in the struggle for Zim- babwe-Rhodesia We saw enough of the signs of this, but not the war Itself. What was still going on was hidden from us, and what was not going on was a truce.

Unfortunateforacoun- try whose of ficial philosophy is humanism. Here slogans appear at main intersections in the capital saying: Zambia — a man-centred society. I do not mean just the odd house here and there — I mean every well-to-do house has a high fence or wall or glass on the wall or a sign on the gate saying beware of dogs.

High Wall. And a lovely pet! Great Dane belonging to the high commissioner’s wife All 99 persons aboard were killed when a New York- bound Dutch airliner crashed into the Atlantic Ocean 21 years ago today — in — in the worst air disaster until then involving a single commercial plane.

He was released three days later. Her husband is on a two- year contract here. The time was six o’clock. Would her visitors mind accompanying her, she asked?

A family she had known had had their car stopped by robbers near the farm and they had all been murdered. It is still against the law. Everyone is expecting the Rhodesian security forces planes to start overflying the city again once the last of the Commonwealth visitors have left.

Before the Queen came to visit, the bottoms of the tree trunks lining Lusaka’s lovely boulevards and avenues were whitewashed. Every tree, it appears. And just about everything else the Queen was scheduled to drive by, including boulders beside the roads and the burnt-out hulk of a car.

There are a lot of problems with the Zambian economy that whitewash cannot hide. Even salted peanuts and Granny Smith apples — from South Africa. She took her visitors into Lusaka’s best stocked super- market. There are few choices, few selections but very high prices.

Strawberry jam made from tomatoes. The more I learned, the more alarmed I became. Let me elaborate. As a professional biologist, I became interested in forest management after I observed the erosion and environmental consequences of logging on steep slopes. I watched the South Moresby issue broaden beyond one of simple wilderness preservation to one of promoting sound management of publicly-owned resources. As an outgrowth, I began to investigate the rumors of overcutting on Rayonier’s tree farm licence and elsewhere.

The late Chief Justice Sloan, who conducted the first royal commission into the management of B. For example, forests house wildlife and provide habitat for fish. From to , the B. The results of this short-sighted policy are now rapidly becoming apparent. When 1 first read the new act in May, , I was disappointed in it. There were many other provisions in the act which seemed to put timber production foremost and other resources of the forest in a more weakened position.

When I and many others questioned these provisions, we were told to “wait for the regulations, they will put everything right.

But they dealt with petty details such as campfire sizes, usage of logging roads and stumpage for Christmas trees. Now I have read the contract which will become the standard legal agreement between all tree farm licence holders and the crown for the next quarter of a century and have seen my suspicions become reality. Within the South Moresby region, Rayonier has tree farm licence No.

It was to be the first of many tree farm licences to be replaced for 25 years. Since May 2,, Rayonier has legal rights until the year The petitioners believed that the terms of the licence did not require the company to protect any other resource except the existing timber. This, they felt, would mean that their interest in wildlife and fisheries could be totally disregarded. This meeting was also attended by several other senior civil servants of the forest service and their legal counsel.

He also acknowledged that there were other inventory anomaljes which would lead anyone to conclude that therms even a greater “overcut. Forest Service had adopted. Let me explain The government representatives refused to do this. A weakened forest service? The uninformed and thus apathetic public?

They all share some of the blame. After all, the seal’s death is swift if not instantaneous, unlike that planned for the coyotes, wolves and bears of British Columbia.

Death by poison is slow and agonizing and Mr. Mair should be obliged to witness it firsthand before his plans are implemented. Possibly, it might cause him to have second thoughts. I Last March Mr. He now proceeds to issue a poison permit while the study is still in progress and the results are unknown, and he also adds bears to his list of victims. However, that would no doubt, be too much to expect of a government which has yet to ban the leg-hold trap after years of promises.

Is this scandalous proposal to increase licence fees by 2, per cent just the first step, and will B. The question is how? Traditional solutions have failed. Is there an alternative? Indeed there is! The commitment has become a rewarding and fulfilling experience to which we look forward. I now know that had 1 experienced what many of them have since they were 11 or 12 years old I too would be hostile to society and distrustful of its institutions and its tradition solutions.

Punch PuMi Ltd Dttt. Views on Viets take on cold note seafeh ofxtrust Only lack of Christian, volunteer, part-time staff and funds to increase the number of full-time salaried staff including recycled street kids as Gipp calls them, some of whom provide the best leaders prevents us from keeping longer hours and opening ‘ more nights a week.

Indeed our vision is that one day we may be able to spread to other cities where the need is as great, if not greater. It is distressing when we have to close the doors. Christian people who wish to contribute to this ministry can do so by offering some of their time to Gipp Forster at the Mustard Seed.

They will be warmly welcomed if they care to come and see us, Wednesday through Saturday — 5 to 9 p. Or they can phone Gipp at They will receive very grate ful thanks and a receipt for tax purposes. By all means let us help the boat people — but let us not forget the people nearer home who also need love and Christ.

Warner’s letter in the Aug 2 Colonist demands a reply because of his all too familiar tactic of using abuse to stifle any opinion other than his own. To that end I would simply have to say that in a democratic society people are supposed to have the right to express opinions, question policies and offer different points of view without verbal or other in timidation.

As a further thought, it is interesting to speculate that the people who are now the most anxious for Western nations to bear the full brunt of. At that time it was thought that a blood bath would follow the Communist take over but we can now see that they chose a much more subtle way of ridding themselves of those they did not want. Instead of dreaming up ways to make the public pay for his fancy schemes, Mr.

I, Qualicum Beach. They are human beings, each with their own individual right to existence on this planet. Campbell River. Worthy of trust? CAS articles appreciated I wish to express the thanks of CAC Victoria branch for the well- researched series of articles on health care. All letters must be signed by the writer and inclusion of the writer’s address also is required. Those with pen names or initials will not be accepted. Preference will be given those which are brief and to the point. Shop Monday to Saturday a.

We reserve the right to limit quantities. The TSE index was at its highest level since July 9, and volume of trading was the heaviest since July The market followed the surge at New York, where the Dow Jones industrial average has gained almost 27 points in a week.

Canadian Pacific Ltd. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. SS 70 e Volume 6. Vdlue Their selling price was 1. In New York, the Canadian dollar was up at S«I47 IS That buoyancy continued on Monday. The market showed little response to a generally gloomy report by the joint economic commit tee of Congress. That report, released over the weekend, said the recession could last well into the s and have more severe impact that generally thought If U.

I itu-i ran jtwit. Flax Oct S0 50 Jan Two overhead doors and side warehouse entrance. Air conditioned office area on rtlez 2 anine floor. X X X Sep 10 50 X Applicants must have experience in highway drafting and design.

Mid, long, provincial and corporate issues fell one-eighth of a point. Dav-i9dav money was available at per cent. CIO Previous day S9. S dollars an ounce. London- Harboard At Broad Street Your home and property are everything and worthy of the finest insurance protection. Our people at Broad Street are in the business, exclusively.

Let them help you — today. For your real estate needs call a real competitor on a winning team Call Sharteen Eden. Gamble Co.

O M Own. But he also knows that a change in government could leave the new business in jeopardy. In the last election, he also acted as Clark’s personal adviser on media matters.

Did he anticipate that his company would receive the new federal contract? Swain stresses that the government’s advertising business will be awarded on merit, regardless of political affiliation.

The figures have never been pulled together before. There was an inclination in Ottawa to move to a fee system rather than pay the usual commissions. Have admen been courting him because of his new power and influence? Brenda Mines Ltd. Carling O’Keefe Ltd. Cochrane-Duntog Ltd. Controlled Foods International Ltd. ORO Ltd. First City Trust Co. Are your listings O. We re sounding the final alarm today. Here are the points io watch for: — Are you listed under all the headings you should be under?

Can your customers find you easily? Are your key employees and their positions in order? Are all the firms you represent listed? Have you double-checked all names, addresses and numbers? Numac Ofl and Oat Ltd.

OPI Ltd. Page Petroleum Ltd. Petroftna Canada Inc. Rothman’s of Pall Mall Canada Ltd. Hugh Russel Inc. Somerville Belkin Industries LM. Thomsen Newspapers Ltd.

Copper spot ; copper future Tin spot 6,,; tin future 6, 6, Lead spot ; lead future Zinc spot Silver spot The normal sale will resume Tuesday. Sales unit Is shares. Guaranty Trust Co. Occidental Petroleum Carp.

IS, record Sept. Resource 6. American Canadian 8. Tram Canada Gr A 6. The Financial Timesindustrial index Completely landscaped. Up to 5 bedrooms.

Exciting re-development possi bilities in the not-too-distant future. For further information call B. Commodities SMver, New Yerk gar m a i. Aug Sep Sep 20 Open Htph Lew Close Fri. Oc – – 60b It made me try all the harder. Jaime Fillol of Chile, showing signs that he is emerging from a disastrous year long slump, upset fourth-seeded Harold Solomon of the United States , , in a first-round singles upset Monday.

Fillol’s slide from the top of the tennis ladder began after the U. Open championship last year. His final computer ranking was 77th in the world and he now ranks somewhere around In two men’s matches, Mike Grant of the U. A minute ceremony followed the second hit.

I’m No. I’ve never seen il before either. I’m happy to have been a part of it. Busch Jr. Some debris, which fans had thrown from the stands, had to be cleared from the field before the game started again.

Brock was removed from the St. Louis lineup at the start of the fifth. Ty Cobb holds the major league record with 4, and Henry Aaron is National League champion with 3,- Rose did it last season. He should make it sometime this season. Ken Reitz singled for his 1. Ken Oberkfell was then struck by a pitch from Willie Hernandez, , and Dane Iorg singled off reliever Bruce Sutter to load the bases.

Templeton hit a fly to shallow left field to hand the victory to Mark Littell, Righthander J. Louis I. Tv Cobb. Stan Musial, 3, Willie Mays. Paul Waner, 3, Cap Anson, 3, Al Kaline. Detroit 60 Willers best throw was Fred Sommer of Burnaby was second with Chalmers set a Games rec- ord with a time of four minutes, Mike Creery of Victoria was eighth in the men’s 10,- metres.

In general, B. C athletes fared well on opening day. Central Park. Hyacinth Park. Birch Builders, Macdonald Park. Field hockey is a double round-robin competition that ends Wednesday. Guy Vetrie of Saskatoon had 21 points for Saskatchewan. Alberta captured seven medals of excellence in track and field, while British Columbia collected five and Manitoba two. Medals are awarded only to the first-place finisher in each event. Quebec, British Columbia and the two Lethbridge teams each had records.

Saint John, N. The host Lethbridge Lakeside squad also suffered its first defeat, losing to Vancouver-Vic- toria Drive. W L Pet. GBL Pittsburgh 67 Louis 60 Pinch-hitter Ben Ogllvie slammed his 22nd homer with two out in the ninth inning, giving Milwaukee Brewers a victory over Kansas City Royals. Clear 6 , Botting 8 and Downing.

HR: Chi — Prvor 3. Guidry and Gulden. Coquitlam Adan- acs. Shamrocks took a lead in the first period, were going into the final 20 minutes and eased through the third period. Eleven Shamrocks scored goals and everybody except Scott Marshall, who took over in goal from Larry Smeltzcr about midway through the final period, had at least one point. Gerry Cadwallader and Steve Buckley got the other Victoria goals.

Art Webster. Bob Tasker, Bill Mosdell. Derek Dickson and Ken Sim had the other goals. Smeltzer made 41 saves and allowed six goals while Marshall blocked five shots. Adrian Holland had two hits and three runs batted-in as Firefighters earned a chance to face either the host team or the Montana state champions tonight. On Sunday, the B. Sunday roundup on Page Championship flight set Seven former champions made it through qualifying rounds Sunday and Monday to form the championship flight of the 57th Annual Seniors North West Golf Association championship.

Bill Thompson, who has won the title five of the last nine years, is one of the seven. He tees off at a. The remaining 14 members of the elite flight tec off around the same time. Chicago 2 8 1 St. Last season. Eugene won four of six games. Doug Morganti homered for Mussels, driving in two runs. On Sunday, Mussels John Caraher got credit for the win in an rout.

Following that, the same teams open a three-game set at Royal Athletic Park on Thursday. HR: Vic — Ooug Morganti lath. Athletics, who finished first during the regular season, advance to play Nanaimo in a best-of-three series for the Island title, opening Sunday at Pearkes.

Bill Marechek scored two goals and three assists and supplied the winning goal with three minutes to play, snapping a tie. Dwayne Ferguson had three goals, as did Frank Alexander, for the winners. Darrell Deane and Mark Bowles scored twice each for Esquimau. Scotch pairs start competing for the Dogwood Trophy tonight. Placing second were Bev Sinclair and Bob Rebitt. Nora Wanstall won the ‘B’ section by defeating Nora Richardson.

Eric Andrews of Victoria won the silver medal with a score of 98 points at the Connaught Ranges. Jamaica, and Bob Pitcairn, Delta. He also won the ‘F’ class with a time of G production — Pat Leask Dalsun , Ladies — Shirley Barnes Toyota Corolla. Albion edged Incogs by four runs, Oak Bay got by Alcos by a three-wicket margin and Castaways downed Cowichan by eight wickets.

Bowllno — Hutchison 3 tor 30, McKay 2 toe Bowllno – Bob Beecher 2 tor Keith Tcitge. Bowman’s aggregate score for the competition that opened Wednesday Is , while Fordham has 2,- In the women’s unlimited field. Rose Ann Jackson of Lindsay, Ont. Par is 71 at the 6. Second-round leader J. Snead recorded an even-par round to remain at 11 -under. He is tied with Jerry McGee, who had a At are Jim Dent and Joe Inman, while three other golfers are at nine-under-par Cadle has had an up-and- down tournament.

He soared to a 73 in the 25 hour, rain-delayed second round. The third and fourth round were postponed Sunday and the wet course forced tour officials to choose between ending the tourney Monday after 54 holes or extending it until today.

Kenner, a year-o! He had shared the lead earlier in the day with Snead. He sank four putts of 20 feet or more in the round. Daniel, on the other hand, was at four-under as a result of three birdies and a pair of pars before the skies opened up. Daniel, Young w as one over with a 74 on her final round as she bogeyed the par-4 second hole and double-bogeyed the par-4 llth to finish third at She also bogeyed No.

Former Oakville. Cadle — J. Renner — J. McGee — J. Snead J. Dent 68 J. Inman — M. Brannan J. Oosferhuis — R. Curl — L. Graham — M. Hayes C. Strange — K. Fergus R. Floyd — H. Green M. Hataskv — V. Regalado — C.

Stadler B Beard — D. Eichelberger M. McCullough — T. Purtzer — D. Barr, Kelowna — J. Neiford, Burnaby — was a six-under-par 65 for Jim Dent. It was the lowest 18 holes of the year for the long-ball hitter from St. The The policy means a player can mark a ball, pick it up and clean it before putting it down again. The record was set last year by Rod Funseth and it ties the low nine round of the year held by four other golfers. Budget staff in fine form Each member of Victoria Budgets’ four-man starting rotation got a workout over the weekend and each turned in a polished, well-crafted victory.

Budgets go after their ninth successive B. Young J Blalock K. Little B Klass P. Conley K. McMullen A. Alcott C. Bert’cini S. Post D. This card is valid at any Firestone Store or participating dealer in Canada displaying the decal. With radials. Inflation is a key element to the wear and safety of your tires. P Designed for impact and puncture resistance plus long, smooth mileage.

IV Constructed of five rib bladed tread design, – all full depth slpes and two radial body plies plus two stabilizer belts. Catharines won the aggregate points championship for the 19ih consecutive year, on the strength of its other finishes in the finals.

Crews and scullers from St. Catharines amassed points, easily outdistancing runner-up Hamilton Leander with Catherines was presented with the Maple Leaf trophy, given annually to the points champion. This year’s regatta marked the Idst time it will be awarded. The Maple Leaf trophy has been replaced by the St. Victoria City rowers put on an eye-opening show at the Henley, the best-ever by a team from the provincial capital.

The member team collected seven gold medals, five silver, three bronze and made it to 19 finals. Cheryl Mason of Victoria was third. UVic’s lightweight eight also reached a final, finishing fifth. It was the first time the two clubs had ever met, and the fired-up Seahawks held the Super Bowl finalists to seven first downs in the last three quarters and out- gained them yards to for the game.

A potent running game and an improved defence did it for the Seahawks, who used regular-quarterback Jim Zorn for little more than the first quarter and went the rest of the way with third- stringer Sam Adkins calling the signals. Roger Staubach quarterbacked the first half Tor the Cowboys arid rookie Glen Carano went the rest of the way’.

Ex-Dallas kicker Efren Herrera, who missed three field goal chances, provided the other points with the converts and two field-goal successes. Seahawks had a lead until the late seconds. Alzador, six-foot-three, pounds is the second veteran defensive end picked up by the Browns in the last 10 days. Getting even was possible Monday, three of the last four races, one a six-horse competition, returning juicy Exactor payoffs.

Sibiga – 4. Terry Adams, who pitched the distance and got the win. Mike Squire homered for Lumber- world. Lumberworld reached the final. The league all-stars leave Thursday for Lloydminster, Sask. But, despite her victory in the metres on Saturday. Campbell made the squad only as an alternate. Debbie Scott, Wendy Davies m. Campbell was overlooked in favor of Anne Mackie-Morelli of Coquitlam. Both were chosen at the and metre distances and for the 4xlmetre relays.

The World Cup will feature the top track and field athletes from three countries — the United States, East Germany and the Soviet Union — and five continental teams — the Americas. Africa, Asia and Oceania, with all events being finals. The Americas used the two-day trials at Laval University to help in the process of selecting its Cup representatives. Special Me. Lett Out. ChocolateChuckle also ran. Mena Mena 8. Slgar Pete also ran. E ighth—5,, claiming, 3 year oldsand up, l l 16 miles Plucky Prince Loseth 9.

McYIp also ran. Attendance: 8, with heavily-favored Tommy Dancer winding up sixth. Exactor 1 and 3 paid Timber Bill. TV Pilot also ran. Armored Express scratched. Dustvs Bomber also ran. SIblga Huff, Andys Wayne. Von Von also ran. Airy Wav, Spotlight Jim also ran.

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They point the nger at you for causing all the slow-downs, and you get frustrated by their inability to make improvements. Maybe theyve even gone so far as to set limits on what campaigns you can. Youve probably also implemented a number of online campaigns to increase awareness of your brand and deliver a more personalized experience. And with each of those campaigns comes 26 Internet Retailer.

Furthermore, Google factors web site speed into its ranking algorithm, so a slow-loading site will suer lower ranking in web searches. The reasons most site owners and marketers havent taken adequate measures may include a decit of time and resources, and budget constraints that prevent them from purchasing tools and technologies.

A general lack of understanding about what corrective measures to take is also a contributor. If the scenario above sounds at all familiar, then keep reading. This article is intended to shed some light on how to address latency, by oering advice on how best to measure site performance and providing some practical steps you can take to improve the speed of your site.

If so, you can work with your web designer to overcome some of those problems. How about dierent connection speeds? Does a signicant portion of your customers live in areas where high-speed broadband connectivity is still limited? If so you might want to tailor your site to themunless they represent only a small portion of your customer base. Where your visitors are.

Are your visitors in your backyard, or across the country? Or even overseas? You should use testing services that will show site performance for various access nodes and paths, so you can tell if your site performs well for local trac but is quite a bit slower for trac coming from other, far-o places. This might indicate that you need to have platform servers in other locations to accommodate those visitors. Peak and off-peak trafc times. What are the variations in trac load that your site can accommodate, and when are you more likely to see peak trac numbers?

If you can pinpoint certain times of day, or even specic dates when trac volumes spike, you can enact temporary adjustments to improve performance during those times while keeping your site intact during other, less busy periods. Look beyond the home page. Dierent features and functionalities will load on dierent pages of your site, so dont assume that the way your home page loads is a good representation of your whole site.

You need to evaluate dierent pages separately, and consider any applications that might be slowing particular pages down, such as user reviews on product pages or too many images on search results pages. Evaluate whether tags are slowing down your site. You can determine if third-party tags, used by external www. Where to look for performance issues In order to accurately measure page load speedand determine the right xthere are a variety of factors to consider: Server-side vs.

You can address the server side by adding more servers or using acceleration technologies, but you dont have a lot of control over client-side issues.

For example,. This is not recommended as a permanent x because of the loss of tracking data, but it can show you if tags are contributing to site latency.

For example, one of our clients thirdparty tags were aected by Hurricane Irene this past summer, and they saw their web site speed up considerably when they were forced to turn the tags o. There are providers that can evaluate the amount of time tags take to load; and tools that simulate a slow-loading tag, which will give you an idea of the potential drag on your sites performance.

As youre evaluating the areas outlined above, its important to remember that you should never look solely at performance averagesa mistake people often make. If you only consider average performance you may have a false perception that your site performs just ne, and you can miss out on determining the real problems.

As an example from work conducted by web analytics consultancy Semphonic, a look at Site As page transmission speeds shows that the average was 1, Kbps kilobits per secondwhich isnt too bad compared to its competitor sites, which ranged from Kbps to 2, Kbps. Yet a closer look at Site As site statistics shows that the maximum transmission speed was 1,, and the minimum was 31 Kbps.

This is a pretty big variationand the worst-case scenario is quite a bit slower than the average. So look at the full picture, not just the average. How to strike that balance will differ for every retail site. There are ways to improve performance without sacricing the experience, but its important to rst look at the trade-os people are currently making between functionality and the negative impacts of slow page loads. When tags are removed, marketers have no idea how well their campaigns are performing and what contribution theyre making to an actual purchase.

Before you jump the gun and remove all the third-party tags from your site, strip your product pages of compelling images or add a bunch of servers where they may not be needed, consider the following ve options, which might give you the performance boost you need now.

Optimize page code. This was the number one response people gave on our survey for how theyre addressing latency. Optimizing page code, or shrinking the Javascript, involves merging the separate sets of instructions that tell the page what to do. It stands to reason that downloading lots of small scripts takes longer than downloading one large script. Marketing professionals might have some trepidation, given that this is in the domain of the I. But quick xes can be done, even by those with limited programming knowledge.

All that needs to be done is to open the Javascript les and copy and paste them all into one le. If this sounds a bit daunting, there are a number of online resources that provide an easy guide to merging les dynamically, such as Smarty. Address site functionality. Site performance will vary from page to page, depending on what applications and functionalities you havesuch as site search, shopping cart, check-out, live chat, etc.

This can be particularly true if you rely on hosted solutions. For example, Internet Retailer Measuring latency: Four steps to acceleration So, given all thats been discussed above, how can you go about speeding up your site beyond some of the simple tweaks you might already have made? Theres no simple, black and white answerthe most www.

Respondents also identied the key steps theyve taken to improve site performance, including optimizing page code, improving performance monitoring and reducing page weight. There are many ways marketers currently address page load speed, all of which are eective, except the idea of reducing or removing thirdparty tagsa common misperception.

Or, as was the case with one company, perhaps the additions to your installed internal search database grew by volumes over recent years, to a point that it dramatically limited performancein which case, a clean-up of the database would likely speed up performance. Reduce the weight of social media apps. Social media plug-ins, while increasingly popular for their potential viral impact, have recently been identied as a contributor to site latency.

For example, in a study we did in conjunction with Catchpoint, we determined by looking at a number of sites that Facebooks Like plug-in stalls page load time by approximately 0.

Optimize third-party tags. Every online marketing application or campaign includes a tiny piece of tracking codeor tagthat sits on your site. There are tags for display ads, paid search, SEO, retargeting, e-mail marketing, aliates, site analytics and more. Each individual tag can take up to one quarter of a second to load.

Our research shows that the average e-commerce web site has more than 20 dierent tags, many on the same page. Most e-commerce sites incorporate ve to seven tags per page. As marketers invest more in online marketing, their growing 30 Internet Retailer. As previously mentioned, many marketers address this problem by signicantly reducing, or even removing altogether, the tags on their site. One major U. When you take a comprehensive view of your sites performance you can easily nd areas for improvement without having to take drastic measures.

However, the downside to removing the tags was that the retailer gave up the ability to track their customers marketing activities, which resulted in an incalculable loss of customer data. Thats a very dicult trade-o, and one most marketers dont want to make. A better approach to third-party tags is to optimize themsomething you can achieve through use of more sophisticated tag management systems which put all tags in one container, so theyre more easily implemented and managed. There are several ways to optimize your tags.

For example, you can congure your tag management system to perform parallel tag loading, which loads all tags in parallel rather than in sequential order, where slower loading tags can hold up the rest, thus reducing the total time necessary for the page to complete.

You can also set limits so that any tags exceeding a certain amount of time to load can be timed out, and set your system so that only tags. Finally, you should make sure any old tags that are no longer in use are removed from your site. Often, tags get put on a site and are then forgotten, and the accumulation of them can drag down performance. Start at the top.

When it comes to how your pages should load, always work your way from. Taking this approach with all the properties on your site including images, content and even tagsdemonstrates to your visitors that you value their time and enables them to get started with their shopping experience right away, rather than waiting for items to load that theyre not even readily able to see.

When you take a comprehensive view of your sites performance and how its measured, you can easily nd areas for improvement without having to take drastic measures that compromise usability and campaign tracking. Whatever you do, be sure to test your sites performance regularly so youre better able to determine when problems arise, and how to address them.

Doing so will ensure that you deliver the smooth, streamlined experience your customers expect, and will help strengthen your brand reputation, improve search engine rankings, reduce site abandonment and lead to more purchases. Monitoring 36 Content Management. As an agency of record, the company can negotiate signicant discounts from multiple advertising channels.

Aliate Tractions program managers develop campaigns, creative materials and relationships with publishers and networks. Real-time updates help web retailers programs become viral through social media. The company attracts and engages aliates through newsletter communications. The company accepts web retailers with a functioning web store with good conversion rates, a technically sound platform and a dedicated program manager.

Commission Junction E. Montecito St. Operating one of the worlds largest aliate networks, Commission Junction provides aliate services, including network access, relationship management, program management, pay-per-call, product catalog, creative services and agency services, as well as tracking and media services.

The company partners with agencies to develop and manage performance marketing programs for their clients. Aliate marketing services include outsourced program management, lead generation, prospect e-mail, search engine marketing, Facebook advertising, targeted display and creative services. Pricing options are performance-based. Its tracking methodologies feature post-back tracking, or cookie-less, server-to-server tracking for situations where typical cookies are not available, such as the European Union.

It also feature thirdparty server-to-server tracking that allows aliates and publishers to piggyback and add their pixels to a campaign using the aliate interface. Epic Media Group Seventh Ave. Its Epic Marketplace network enables brands and advertisers to leverage social media, mobile advertising, premium display targeting, video and rich media. In , Epic Marketplace migrated to a new cross-channel ad serving platform that seamlessly integrates all Epic Marketplaces distribution channels.

The platform has an enhanced attribution analytics engine. Dillon, CTO. The Inuvo platform uses behavioral targeting technology to analyze and predict fraud, rate individual publisher and advertiser trac quality, and provide targeted oer recommendations to its users.

The site oers an e-book to help clients new to aliate marketing learn the basics. Topics include important aliate marketing terms, key steps to a successful launch and how to communicate with aliates. LinkShare Park Ave. Clients can tailor LinkShares products to their needs using LinkShare Complete to let the company manage their entire aliate marketing channel or LinkShare Exchange to use the companys technology to manage their own program.

MTPX allows the companys partners to create and deploy pay-for-performance marketing campaigns. MTPXs proprietary algorithms optimize based on performance by serving ads with the highest probability to convert. Clicks are priced and routed based on real-time bids and click quality metrics.

GECOM is an aliate agency for outsourced aliate marketing management and aliate marketing program services. The agency takes a customized, comprehensive approach to each program it manages. Full outsourced management services include recruitment, activation, optimization, reporting, communication, strategy, design and launch or re-launch, brand name protection, terms and conditions development, program rules enforcement, conict resolution and relationship building.

NetX W. The Aliate Benchmarks study for advertisersthe third such study conducted by its research divisiondiscusses aliates experiences with dierent types of ad performance, site visitor demographics, technology and communication preferences, reasons for joining an aliate program, experiences with emerging technology and other issues. Main St. Tools include Pepperjam Chat, enabling publishers and merchants to communicate; Pepperjam Recruit, allowing merchants to research and partner with aliates that best t their vertical; and Pepperjam Creative Reporting Tool, which helps merchants and publishers to optimize inventory and test multiple creative links.

The companys integrated package of Internet marketing services includes usability optimization to convert web site visitors into sales, and a combination of aliate marketing, organic and sponsored search marketing to drive more qualied trac to retailers sites. ProtRank oers pay-for-performance pricing, so web retailers pay only when products or services are sold.

Schaaf-PartnerCentric Congress Ave. In , Schaaf Consulting acquired PartnerCentric, which had launched in The company works with coupon and content aliates, as well as paid search and comparison shopping engine aliates. It also recruits and activates new or emerging aliates, detects and reverses the eects of fraud and keeps it merchants informed of aliate channel trends. ShareASale 15 W. The company oers aliate program guidance and consulting options. ShareASale helps build the foundation for an aliate program, from initial recruiting to uploading product data feed.

The company will also review a retailers aliate program and nd areas for improvement. ShareASale will provide a list of high-potential aliate recruits selected for the retailers niche.

Fort Ave. The zanox network generates more than transactions per minute. Services include aliate program and campaign set-up, account management, selection of relevant publishers, payment and billing service, and quality assurance of publisher trac. Research coverage includes business intelligence, communications, customer management, enterprise applications, nancial management, global supply management, human capital management, IT infrastructure, IT security, manufacturing, product innovation and engineering, retail and banking, service management and supply chain management.

Accenture Ltd. Campbell, Group Chief Executive, Technology. The rms research helps clients enter new markets, increase revenue in existing markets, improve operational performance and deliver their products and services more eectively and eciently. Accenture also oers business transformation outsourcing. The rm provides programs in subscription-based lifestyle services and personal protection, points program management and insurance for more than 5, marketing partners worldwide.

Altman Dedicated Direct Academy St. The company helps online retailers meet a range of challenges, including merchandising, development strategy and planning, new product development, catalog and web merchandising planning, and brand identity programs. Altman oers consulting in the areas of strategy and assessment, merchandising and product development, promotion planning and execution, and customer relationship management.

Kingston, MA B2Cpartners. The rm assists web retailers with business planning, vendor scorecards, delivery management and professional stang. Petersburg, FL CatalinaMarketing. It uses transaction-level insight to help retailers and others develop customized, measurable campaigns to acquire, maximize and retain their most valuable consumers. Catalinas in-store network consists of 50, food, drug and mass merchant locations worldwide, including 26, locations in the U.

It has operations in the U. The company oers expertise in merchandise management in such areas as forecasting and merchandise classication structures. The company designs fully integrated marketing strategies with syndicated and custom applications in online audience measurement, e-commerce, advertising, search, video and mobile.

The companys clients develop and sell consumer goods across multiple channels of distribution, including e-commerce, retail, catalog and wholesale. Areas of expertise include multichannel integration, change management, product innovation and lifecycle management, process and productivity improvement, customer relationship management, software, inventory optimization, and store and e-commerce applications.

Conversys Inc. Conversys proprietary software and digital toolboxe-mail, social media, mobile and shelf talkershelp web retailers leverage their print publications into online publications through the companys advanced digital publishing application.

It then distributes those assets across multiple awareness channels and segments key audiences, while rening reach. Crandall Associates Inc. Online, interactive marketing and social media positions have become an increasingly large portion of its practice.

Areas of expertise include digital, database, online, social media, interactive, directresponse TV, e-commerce, multichannel, direct response, customer relationship management and e-marketing.

Crandall Associates recruits for B2B direct marketing corporations and advertising agencies. Deloitte consultants work with web retailing clients to evaluate and resolve complex issues. The rm provides regular industry insights and analysis on a variety of topics, such as surviving retail globalization.

Services include interactive web development and content management, integrated e-commerce, enterprise application development, and targeted e-marketing services. Interactive web development services include an enterprise content management system, customized electronic customer relationship management platforms, corporate intranets and extranets, corporate dashboards and custom software applications.

The agency specializes in contingency-based manager, director, vice president, senior vice president, chief executive ocers, chief nancial ocers, chief information ocers and similar executive searches for transactional multichannel e-commerce. Clients include adidas and The Body Shop. Altgeld St. Chicago, IL e-tailing.

Analyst Lynn Pregont, Partner Afliate. The e-tailing group creates voice of the merchant marketing initiatives for web retailers and others, incorporating proprietary consumer research and merchant outreach. This includes briefs, white papers and webinars. Experian Hitwise Park Ave. Hitwise measures 25 million web users worldwide, including 10 million in the U. Products and services include Clickstream, custom data and analytics, demographics, lifestyle, rankings and search intelligence.

Clickstream reports on where trac comes from and goes to for a specic web site. Services focus on warehouse management systems; order management systems services; warehousing and distribution; contact center services and benchmarking; forecasting and inventory management; strategic, operational and nancial planning; merger and acquisition services; and freight analysis.

The company also hosts benchmarking share groups and executive forums. First Annapolis Consulting Inc. The rm oers strategic and tactical advice to nancial institutions and service providers in the retail, travel, entertainment and anity group segments. First Annapolis partners with software and service vendors, including Salesforce. FitForCommerce 40 Highland Ave. Fosina Marketing Group Kenosia Ave. Oerings include e-mail, banner site placement, two-step lead generation and co-registration, landing pages, web site design and e-commerce optimization, and ad and aliate networks management.

The agency provides the necessary data services to support retailers legally required opt-out databases. Management Eugene A. Gartner media products help web retailers and others increase response rates, generate leads and strengthen their brand, while its custom newsletter programs reach decision makers with co-branded electronic newsletters that feature objective Gartner research and the retailers messages.

Gartners monthly audio program helps clients stay up-to-date on key issues. Glenbrook Partners Alma St. The rm oers an international e-commerce payment assessment that helps web retailers learn about markets in countries in North America, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Topics include market size and demographics, and current and emerging online payment methods. Williams Group Ltd. Hubbard St. Williams Group, a global retail consulting company, oers services in strategic planning, branding, multichannel merchandising, research, technology and real estate.

Practice specialties include: strategy and concept development; market research; branding and marketing; multichannel and e-commerce; merchandise management and pricing; operations and productivity; human capital management; real estate and shopping centers; legal services; and urban marketing collaboration. Kantar Retail First St. The rm oers advice on how to avoid pitfalls and capitalize on opportunities, understand why and how shoppers act as they do and understand the implications of industry shifts for their business.

The rm specializes in user testing and user experience optimization. Key Lime Interactive conducts customer user experience research and makes recommendations to its clients. Methods include usability lab studies, eye tracking, focus groups, analytics review, competitive research and prototype testing. Kurt Salmon Peachtree St.

Retail and consumer product services include merchandising and planning, product development and sourcing, supply chain, store operations and I. Issues include productivity improvement, business growth and inventory eciency. Le Site Inc. The agency seeks to provide clients with a strategy, supported by strong technology and unique design. The strategy phase includes planning, enforcement and surveillance. Le Site builds its technology on the foundations of open source projects.

The agency makes the source code it creates available to the open-source community. Le Site combines web design with new technologies. LexisNexis Park Ave. LexisNexis provides its clients with access to billions of searchable documents and records from more than 45, legal, news and business sources.

The companys Total Solutions oering provides products and services to address specic customer needs. JM Consultants audits UPS and Federal Express invoices and helps web retailers and other clients negotiate more competitive agreements.

LJM Consultants oers a range of third-party logistics services, focused on driving down shipping costs. The rm audits UPS and Federal Express invoices with a point auditing engine, recovers refunds, identies rate improvements and negotiates better rate and accessorial discounts.

The rm charges a percentage of the money saved as a fee. Lyons Consulting Group W. Superior St. The rms e-commerce technology oerings include platform selection, search engine marketing and optimization, customer relationship management, mobile applications, enterprise resource planning and business intelligence integration. Other services include web design consultation on platform, user interface, technology, strategy, e-mail marketing, banner advertising and site analytics.

Partner Anne Brouwer, Sr. Partner Mara Devitt, Sr. The company evaluates and optimizes retail concepts, strategies and businesses, including feasibility studies of start-ups and new concepts; performance improvement for existing concepts; and due diligence activities for mergers and acquisitions. The company also develops retail concepts and formats. Molecular Inc. Watertown, MA Molecular.

Service oerings include digital strategy, experience design, engineering and project management. Digital marketing services include content management, data and analytics, emerging interactions and mobile strategies and applications.

Digital strategy applications include behavioral segmentation, and business case and roadmap development. Other areas of expertise include market research and intelligence; marketing automation; social media; and search engine marketing and optimization. Navigo Consulting Group Inc.

The companys resources, category expertise and infrastructure help clients use transportation strategically. Navigo specializes in cost reduction of parcel freight and mail services, principally through supplier contract negotiations. Its service is contingency-based with no upfront costs. Phase 2 International Alakea St. The company hosts business software from IBM and Microsoft in its data center, oering a monthly subscription plan where the client only pays for a peremployee, per-application.

The subscription includes all licenses, storage, bandwidth, and technical support and training. SR Research, a research company run by retailers for the retail industry, focuses on technology.

The company covers store operations, merchandise optimization, cross-channel and multichannel issues, and private label management. RSR Research delivers benchmark reports on the state of the industry and analysis of breaking news. RSR also oers custom research for niche markets or applications. All the companys research is available to qualied retailers and their business partners. Metropolitan Plaza, Millcreek Blvd. Graves, President Ned N.

Sedlak, VP. Other services include strategy development, distribution network optimization, workforce optimization, operations assessment and productivity improvement, and information systems selection and implementation. The organization has more than member companies and focuses on challenges such as Web 2. Sloan Center for Internet Retailing A. Management Donna L. The center includes the UCR eLab, a virtual research lab and online panel for the study of online consumer behavior; and the eLab Global Panel, a community of Internet users who participate in Sloan Center-conducted Web surveys and experiments about consumer behavior in the digital world.

SmartLogin places a retailers logo on the consumers personal computer desktop, Internet browser and quick launch toolbar. When consumers click on the retailers logo, they are automatically logged into the retailers application with no user name or password required.

It was an early adopter of visionbased three-dimensional eye-tracking systems and has, since its founding in , installed more than 4, systems worldwide. Its major elds of expertise are eye and gaze tracking systems in retailing, research and industry, high-speed image processing, and eye tracking and registration applications in ophthalmology.

Sophelle oers two proprietary testing products: Accelerator, which increases the eciency of testing many retail applications, including e-commerce and point-of-sale; and Continuous Quality, which monitors the web sites end-user experience to help uncover and resolve purchasing obstacles. Functional and user interface testing, and performance monitoring are included.

The company, founded in , operates a nationwide network of mystery shoppers who review e-commerce sites. Retailers that achieve a high level of service earn a seal to display on their web sites. Tobii Technology Inc N. Washington St. The company provides eye tracking components to e-commerce businesses and companies in health care, diagnostics, vehicle safety, gaming, and computer manufacturing. It also oers a range of products with its patented eye tracking technology to various industries.

The technology can be used to create handsfree computers. Front St. Philadelphia, PA TrinityInsight. Services include consulting on e-commerce strategic planning, search marketing and optimization, web analytics management, and multivariate and usability testing services.

Trinity helps retailers identify, prioritize and execute opportunities within the technology, marketing and usability aspects of their e-commerce store.

Trinity will dene the tests, recruit respondents, administer the test and analyze the results. Usability Sciences Corp. The company uses a proprietary rating system for the usability of rich media featuressuch as the ability to zoom in on products, and audio and videoand combines it with analytic data to generate reports and recommended actions for clients. Focus groups and eld studies also are employed. User Centric Inc. Its consulting services include usability testing, eye tracking, expert evaluations, remote user testing, user-centered design and online surveys.

User Centric uses a special monitor with infrared technology to capture the location of the eyes while looking at stimulus, oering insight into the processes involved in user interaction with computer interfaces, physical products and printed material.

Valtech N. Dallas Pkwy. Services include e-business consulting, global sourcing, I. E-commerce oerings include online marketing, search engine optimization, the development of primary applications, web sites, Internets, intranets, extranets and enterprise portals powered by a content management system.

Valtech starts with standard software, and then tailors it to its clients needs. The companys core oering is proprietary research and analytics on the attitudes, behaviors and usage patterns of mobile users. Based on this research, Yankee Group provides data insights and advice to its web retailing clients and others.

Consulting services include market and technology prioritization, customer segmentation, competitive benchmarking, market education and market services. Palm St. Features include multiple storefront templates, coupon manager, related items, quantity discounts, multiple image upload and views, advanced reporting and sales tools, export to major shopping portals, and e-marketing and promotion tools, title and Meta tags, and upload of categories and products.

Fluid Inc. Fluids products also use existing data, such as analytics, sales volume and customer reviews to automate merchandising strategies. Fry Inc. Its Open Commerce platform enables retailers to develop online stores and create or expand their e-commerce businesses. Fry provides a range of services for retailers and consumer goods manufacturers to help enhance their direct-to-consumer channels across the retail value chain, including strategic planning, creative design, technical development, managed hosting services and ongoing operational support.

The company has expertise in consumer electronics, consumer products, entertainment media such as music and video, software, telecommunications, health care and security. San Francisco, CA Scene7. The companys creative services group oers a range of production services including image authoring for dynamic rendering, dynamic image production for zoom and spin, template creation for personalization, viewer skin development, custom reporting and targeted e-mail services.

San Jose, CA Adobe. The Professional Edition is for creating and publishing interactive content for a variety of marketplaces and devices, such as the iPad, Android and BlackBerry Playbook tablets.

The companys Intelligent Internet Platform is made up of nearly , service points, deployed in 72 countries and spanning most of the networks within the Internet. The Akamai Shopper prioritization helps online retailers identify and prioritize shoppers in the purchase funnel based on customer-dened criteria, such as active login, active shopping cart or visiting history. ARS Interactive N. Smith St. RS Interactive is a full-service interactive marketing agency for retailers with online and mobile sites.

The companys services include marketing, advertising, design, technology and product content. ARS Interactive on-demand product content management technology enables retailers to create, catalog, standardize, modify, import and export content. It works with a retailers marketing sta to create information, descriptions and images for selling products. Automatic Query Guidance clusters results into relevant product groups. When buyers select a category, AQC automatically suggests further products through the clustering of complementary items.

Autonomy also creates customized customer proles based on customer interaction with the site. BlueKey Inc. Its system features web-based password protection, a robust page editor, user accounts with multiple levels of access and editorial review, and an events calendar with Google map integration. BlueKeys content management system also comes with other advanced tools, including home page content, and event and news teaser tools.

Brafton Inc. The companys editorial sta writes news, blogs and articles for business web sites, paired with in-house search engine optimization and social media marketing expertise to help customers build their brands online. Custom articles are written by in-house journalists and delivered automatically to a retailers web site daily through e-mail, social media and search engines.

CDNetworks Co. DNetworks is a Seoul, South Koreabased content delivery network. Founded in , CDNetworks has subsidiaries in the U. It provides a suite of technology for video streaming, large-volume le downloads and image caching.

The companys Web Performance Suite integrates a range of web performance tools to accelerate web content delivery and application performance. CDNetworks also oers dynamic web and network acceleration software. Morrisville, NC ChannelAdvisor. The ChannelAdvisor Webstores application oers product updating capability.

When an online retailer makes changes to a product in ChannelAdvisor, or the quantity is automatically updated based on sales in another channel, the changes are reected on their storefront more quickly, ensuring that web store shoppers are viewing the most up-to-date and accurate product information. NET Content Solutions provides products and services, including standardized and normalized product information, suggested selling products and hosted services, and professional review and ratings.

CNETs products include DataSource, comprehensive product information available for custom data sheets, rened searches, side-by-side product comparisons and other applications, and Intelligent Cross-Sell, a product that simplies the automating and optimizing of the cross-selling of accessories.

Commerce Guys Wildwood Ave. The company works with Drupal, an open source content management system. Commerce Guys developers and programmers can design web applications and modules to t retailers specic needs. It also can work with web agencies on themes and user interface, focusing on core e-commerce features, such as web site architecture.

Comosoft Inc. The companys LAGO application uses a centralized database and a set of application services to manage content product images, copy and marketing content and its relation to product attributes factual data about products and product groups and media usage information.

The LAGO applications are integrated with the retailers other systems. Its eCommerce21 modules enable retailers to design and manage online stores. Features include enterprise-wide content management that allows retailers to optimize, update and secure an online database; an inventory exchange module; an online product conguration model; a shopping cart module; and content development module.

Conduit Ltd. The Conduit Network allows publishers to create, exchange and distribute apps and to collaborate through business partnerships. The company also enables publishers to encapsulate and deploy content to browsers, web sites and all major mobile devices. Publishers can distribute and exchange their apps directly or through the Conduit App Marketplace.

Cotendo Inc. Its single-platform software includes acceleration services for dynamic web applications, static and dynamic web content, Secure Sockets Layer SSL , advanced domain name system, adaptive image compression performance monitoring and real-time reports and analytics.

Cotendo software can speed delivery of content such as specic product recommendation and special oers and promotions. CrossView Front St. Its integrated cross-channel platform oers a single view of customers, orders, inventory, products, pricing, promotions and marketing activities. Jefferson Blvd. It Cloud web content management systems is designed for non-technical users, with simple tools to enable speedy content updates.

Its web CMS software includes features like mobile content management, social media management, purpose-built templates, multilingual content management and management of multiple web sites.

It also features management of blogs and user-generated content. The company provides duty and tax content for international e-commerce. The companies provide a comprehensive trade data repository delivered via a web-based subscription, application programming interface web services or data. Digital Element Technology Pkwy. It specializes in high-end three-dimensional and two-dimensional visualization work, binary runtime environment for wireless and Java development, cross-platform and proprietary platform development, and low-bandwidth Internet projects.

The rm also creates custom software for PC, Macintosh, and mobile, and custom artwork for landscape architecture, lm and computer games. The MYO Product Selector application allows consumers to lter product attributes that are customized for a manufacturers products, including features, price, colors application and other relevant elds.

The companys technology helps web sites sell products through custom product demonstrations, congurators and product selectors.

Sierra Ave. The company also lets editors review each piece of content for accuracy and originality. Retailers can add keywords to their order and specify densities in which they want them used. Merchants also can design a unique page format via a dropand-drag approach or select from a predetermined format and let the copywriter decide what works best.

Ektron Inc. Developers can build the templates and develop functional widgets needed by marketing departments to build web pages. Users make content changes directly on the site in-context or in browser-based content authoring form. The company also oers Ektron eMobile Tools for managing mobile web content.

The commerce suite oers advanced tools for purchasing, order tracking and other e-commerce requirements. It also oers enterprise portal applications that support productivity and collaboration in critical business processes.

Enterworks PIM capabilities integrate product data from multiple sources into a central repository. EPIServer Inc. PIServer provides web content management, online social community, mobile and e-commerce platforms through a partner network of more than companies in 30 countries.

Using the EPIServer commerce platform, retailers can personalize web content based on who customers are and what is relevant to them. Groups can be dened by geo-Internet Protocol, pages visited, number of visits, time of day, referring search word from Google, user prole, recent orders, products in basket or other criteria. The EQ Network enables content owners to quickly deploy a Media Delivery Bar on their site allowing visitors to request personalized videos prepared and delivered via an Ad-Per-View Software-as-a-Service.

The Media Delivery Bar provides content owners the tools to hyper-target advertisements to individuals based on voluntary demographic information they supply. Etilize Inc. It delivers highly structured and standardized product content for e-commerce functions such as side-by-side comparison and suggestive selling. Data provided includes product data, marketing text, product images, rich product content and detailed product attributes.

Extole Inc. The companys SocialBuilder allows retailers to oer customers and their friends custom-branded sweepstakes on the retailers Facebook pages. The Software-asa-Service product includes program design, optimization, customer service, legal fulllment and other features. Extole also oers social marketing services, with features such as strategic planning.

The technology was developed by experts from diverse elds, including apparel design, anthropometrics, robotics and engineering from Tartu University and Tallinn Technical University in Estonia and Human Solutions GmbH in Germany. Shoppers are able to ip through a publication on their computercomplete with links to related web pages, embedded video, zoom features and other content.

LivePrint is designed to help retailers create a bridge between online and print, bringing a publication to life and making it easier for potential customers to learn about product online. Gigya Inc. Mountain View, CA Gigya. It allows retailers to apply friend and prole data to drive social registrations, word-of-mouth marketing and community interaction.

Gigya supports more than million users each month across more than 50, sites. The company also provides analytics, consulting and support to retailers. Group FiO Inc. The web merchandiser allows any e-commerce site owner to manage every aspect of what their customers see, including content and multiple landing pages to enrich the customers shopping experience. Group FiO also oers online storefront platforms with features such as a live, dynamic shopping cart, secure online payment gateway and built-in web analytics.

IFeelGoods Inc. The Ifeelgoods platform is a hosted application that manages retailer virtual goods promotion oers, redemption and customer service. Its Facebook Credits incentive allows retailers to oer customers Facebook credits by signing up for e-mail or enter a contest.

It oers integration with a variety of enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, content management systems, payment gateways, tax calculation services, parcel shipping carriers, rating services and cloud computing. It features advanced site search capabilities, including faceted search and a product congurator.

Integration New Media Inc. Features include full Unicode support for localizing applications, support for the AEGIA PhysX engine for advanced, real-world motion and native rendering with DirectX for creation of game environments and realistic simulations. Impressario features include PDF creation and customization. The company specializes in web sites, manuals, presentations, graphics, documentation and the issues involved in localizing them. Its teams of engineers develop customized solutions and all client translation products developed remain the property of the client.

Kaon Interactive Inc. Its Kaon 3D catalog provides realistic, interactive product models coupled with product messaging. Customers can investigate moving parts, view products from every angle, sample color options and explore unique product features. It can also deliver consistent multichannel branding and messaging. Kaon also oers 3D PDFs for sales sheets, specication and user manuals. InsiteCommerce is the leading B2B ecommerce platform for manufacturing, distribution and retail enterprises.

We provide unique functionality not found in B2C solutionsexceeding expectations while creating the ecommerce experience that shoppers have come to expect. Learn more about InsiteCommerce at www. NET development firms across the globe. SC Kreate provides visual content and software for online retailers.

It works with Beyond Imaging to oer degree rotation technology that allows customers to view online products from every angle. The platform doesnt require plug-ins and is functional with all browsers and mobile devices. By joining Beyond , KSC also will be able to oer the Kontent content management system, MerchTrack merchandise and product sample tracking software and mobile Quick Response Code applications.

Lionbridge Technologies Inc. Logoport provides a web-based translation memory technology and related linguistic production and quality assurance tools. It has more than 52, individual client translation memories and 14, individual translators. It maintains centers in 26 countries and provides services under the Lionbridge and Veri Test brands. LiquidPixels Inc. Hilburn, Lids. Spencer, CTO. Retailers use LiquidPixels for personalized products, customized e-mail, product congurators, interactive zoom, automated imaging and print production.

Its LiquiFire platform is available as a hosted service or via fully supported on-site enterprise server appliances. The company also oers consulting, support and services to help retailers implement the LiquidPixel programs.

Mirror Image Internet Inc. Andrews, COO. It provides content delivery, streaming media, and edge computing and reporting technology. Its services allow online retailers to accelerate, customize and control the delivery of content and rich media. It features a real-time trac monitor to quickly identify problems before they impact business and integrates with most analytical tools through automated delivery of industry standard web logs.

MotionPoints technologies are designed to translate and globalize retailers web sites, optimize user experiences for each target market and help drive trac to the sites. The companys translation teams are native speakers of the language into which they are translating.

They must have prior translation experience or worked in an in industry related to the eld they will translate. Nxtbook Media New Holland Ave. Open Text Corp. The company oers full-text indexing and string search technology that supports standard generalized markup language and searchers user-dened documents. It also structures site search without loss of performance. Its ECM Suite allows retailers to add social media capabilities to content.

It also features digital asset management for creating and managing rich media for the web, print, broadcast and other marketing channels. Optaros 10 Milk St. E-commerce platforms include the OCentric platform and Magento. Capabilities include application support, managed cloud application services and custom web application development.

Redwood Shores, CA Oracle. The companys WebCenter content allows retailers to publish documents and web pages as web sites. Content can be updated by content creators based on reusable templates, code and content.

Oracle acquired FatWire Software, a content management provider, in


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