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Contributed on Apr 10 Source: stackoverflow. Tags: match refspec shell src. Contributed on Aug 25 Contributed on Apr 17 UTF-8 fi if [!

NET and Unity. Please enter the display number. Lu IB: rb Mainly reflected in the fluency and special effects of the picture. ICEauthority” “. QB rJ. YB Bi :7j1. If you want to remove, please enter the above highlighted command. A warning about Glassdoor. The Serverless Revolution Has Stalled.

Apple tells Telegram to take down protestor channels in Belarus. We Hacked Apple for 3 Months. Show HN: I made a site where you practice typing by retyping entire novels. Missing Covid test data was caused by the ill-thought-out use of Excel. French bar owners arrested for offering free WiFi but not keeping logs. Honda quits F1, invests in carbon-free tech instead. One Guy Ruined Hacktoberfest My friend starts her job today, after learning to program in prison.

CRDTs are the future. Someone has stolen my Instagram account. Ask HN: How to learn sales? Firefox’s JIT is getting significantly faster. Epic, Spotify, and Tinder form advocacy group to push for app store changes. Firefox usage is down despite Mozilla’s top exec pay going up.

Embedded PDF viewer in Firefox 81 supports filling forms. I no longer build software. On the Use of a Life. Precursor — A mobile, open source electronics platform. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died. This electrical transmission tower has a problem. When you browse Instagram and find Tony Abbott’s passport number.

Microsoft’s underwater data centre resurfaces after two years. Super Mario Bros. Security by obscurity is underrated. Relativty — An open-source VR headset. Why I link to Wayback Machine instead of original web content. BitTorrent v2. Common color mistakes and how to avoid them.

Show HN: Linux sysadmin course, eight years on. Reddit app got 50M downloads by making mobile web experience miserable. David Graeber has died. Supporting Linux kernel development in Rust.

Level 3 Global Outage. American Academy of Sleep Medicine calls for elimination of daylight saving time. ReMarkable 2. Africa declared free of wild polio. Being OK with not being extraordinary. Persisting as a solo founder. Degoogle: Cutting Google out of your life. Telegram messaging app proves crucial to Belarus protests.

New academic journal only publishes ‘unsurprising’ research rejected by others. Ask HN: Why is Reddit on mobile so obsessed with making me use their app? Facebook account now required to login to Oculus devices. I fear App Review is getting too powerful [pdf]. Kosmonaut: web browser from scratch in Rust. Apple just kicked Fortnite off the App Store. Mozilla lays off employees while it refocuses on commercial products. Uber and Lyft ordered by California judge to classify drivers as employees.

I want to have an AWS region where everything breaks with high frequency. Apple takes legal action against small company with pear logo. Germany plans to dim lights at night to save insects. Moved a server from one building to another with zero downtime. Historical programming-language groups disappearing from Google.

One hour of slow breathing changed my life. Editorial board of Index and more than 70 staff members resign. Amazon met with startups about investing, then launched competing products. Systems Design for Advanced Beginners. Cloudflare was down. When your coworker does great work, tell their manager. Hackers take over prominent Twitter accounts in simultaneous attack.

Grant Imahara Has Died. Do not remain nameless to yourself How to Understand Things. Don’t close your MacBook with a cover over the camera. Supreme Court deems half of Oklahoma a Native American reservation.

Linux Mint drops Ubuntu Snap packages. Google offers free fabbing for nm open-source chips. The Wrong Abstraction Where Am I? NYTimes or Google? Zettlr — FOSS markdown editor for personal knowledge management and publishing.

LinkedIn is copying the contents of my clipboard on every keystroke. Oppose the Earn IT Act. The End of the Redis Adventure. Lemmy, an open-source federated Reddit alternative, gets funding for development. Santa Cruz, California bans predictive policing in U. When you type realty. I Am Deleting the Blog. Apple announces it will switch to its own processors for future Macs. Teach Yourself Computer Science. Why Figma Wins. Mozilla VPN.

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Container technologies at Coinbase: Why Kubernetes is not part of our stack. Most tech content is bullshit. SimRefinery Recovered. The Beauty of Unix Pipelines. Police attacks against journalists across the U. This Website Will Self Destruct. Ask HN: Am I the longest-serving programmer — 57 years and counting?

SpaceX successfully launches two humans into orbit. The Day AppGet Died. AWS services explained in one line each. Tell HN: Triplebyte reverses, emails apology. Product Marketing for Engineers. Tell HN: Interviewed with Triplebyte? Your profile is about to become public.

New York Times phasing out all 3rd-party advertising data. If I could bring one thing back to the internet it would be blogs. A small restaurant owner on Google, DoorDash, and Grubhub.

Convincing-looking 90s fonts in modern browsers. Write Libraries, Not Frameworks. We Chat, They Watch. Zoom Acquires Keybase. GitHub Codespaces. Bye, Amazon. Ask HN: How do you manage self-study? Medium-hard SQL interview questions.

ICANN board withholds consent for a change of control of the. Rules of thumb for a 1x developer. SSH hacks — a little sanity for remote workers. Disney claims anyone using a Twitter hashtag is agreeing to their terms of use. Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition Amazon scooped up data from its own sellers to launch competing products. Things I wished more developers knew about databases. Stripe records user movements on its customers’ websites. Shirt Without Stripes. Ask HN: I’m a software engineer going blind, how should I prepare?

The Decline of Usability. New iPhone SE. GitHub is now free for teams. Inkscape 1. Ask HN: Programs that saved you hours? John Conway has died. Apple and Google partner on Covid contact tracing technology. Apple Faceshield. Coronavirus and Credibility. Zoom rolled their own encryption scheme, transmit keys through servers in China. OBS Studio: Open-source software for video recording and live streaming.

Honda bucks industry trend by removing touchscreen controls. WireGuard 1. How to burn the most money with a single click in Azure. New Grad vs.

Senior Dev. Zoom needs to clean up its privacy act. Private client-side-only PWAs are hard, but now Apple made them impossible. Ask HN: Who is hiring right now? Technical Writing Courses. Ask HN: What projects are you working on now? Netflix to cut streaming quality in Europe for 30 days. Ask HN: Have you been laid off? Vienna Opera opened its archive for free streaming. Open letter from Italy to the international scientific community.

Linux Kernel Teaching. Covid is now officially a pandemic, WHO says. MIT moves all classes online for the rest of the semester. Do whatever you can’t stop thinking about. I have seen things. DuckDuckGo is good enough for regular use. Using Anki to remember what you read. Highest French court reclassifies Uber drivers as employees. Ask HN: Good ways to capture institutional knowledge? Freeman Dyson Has Died. Smithsonian Releases 2. Mathematics for the Adventurous Self-Learner.

Does memory leak? More bosses give four-day workweek a try. Real-time, in-camera background compositing in The Mandalorian. Larry Tesler Has Died. The dystopian world of software engineering interviews.

Signal is finally bringing its secure messaging to the masses. Microsoft begins showing an anti-Firefox ad in the Windows 10 start menu. Reasons not to become famous. My productivity app for the past 12 years has been a single. Python dicts are now ordered. Ask HN: Advice for a new and inexperienced tech lead? Wacom tablets track every app you open. Google tracks individual users per Chrome installation ID. The missing semester of CS education.

Google Maps Hacks. Writing Safe Shell Scripts My Second Year as a Solo Developer. Not everyone has an internal monologue. Web scraping is legal! US precedent. The iPad Awkwardly Turns An Update on Bradfitz: Leaving Google. Access to Wikipedia restored in Turkey after more than two and a half years.

Google backtracks on search results design. List of Twitter mute words for your timeline. Procrastination is about managing emotions, not time. Every Google result now looks like an ad. Crew Dragon launch escape demonstration. Volkswagen exec admits full self-driving cars ‘may never happen’. A Sad Day for Rust. Unofficial Apple Archive. Thank HN: You helped me get a new job. Deploy your side-projects at scale for basically nothing — Google Cloud Run. Goodbye, Clean Code. Broot — A new way to see and navigate directory trees.

How to Exit Vim. The first chosen-prefix collision for SHA Products I Wish Existed. Ask HN: I’ve been slacking off at Google for 6 years. How can I stop this? Building a BitTorrent client from the ground up in Go. Which Emoji Scissors Close? Any Predictions? Software Disenchantment What: A terminal tool to check what is taking up your bandwidth. Encoding your WiFi access point password into a QR code.

My Business Card Runs Linux. Downsides to working at a tech giant. UnDraw: Open-source illustrations for every project you can imagine and create.

Guide to Software Defined Radio. This Page is Designed to Last. Amazon, Apple, Google, and the Zigbee Alliance to develop connectivity standard. Nebraska farmers vote overwhelmingly for Right to Repair. Huginn: Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf.

Learning at work is work, and we must make space for it. ZedRipper: A core Z80 laptop. WireGuard is in net-next. The Lesson to Unlearn. The Great Cannon has been deployed again. How to fight back against Google AMP as a web user and a web developer. Fight back against Google AMP The world needs more search engines. ISOC sold the. Lessons learned building an ML trading system. Interactive Linear Algebra. Tell HN: Google should drop Quora from search results. How to recognize AI snake oil [pdf].

Writing userspace USB drivers for abandoned devices. Joplin — a note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities. Jimmy Wales has quietly launched a Facebook rival. Build Your Own React. Using Firefox for a faster, calmer and distraction-free internet.

Async-await on stable Rust. Spleeter: Extract voice, piano, drums, etc. Build Your Own X. Twitter to ban political advertising. Text Editing Hates You Too. Perfectly Cropped. Ask HN: Are there books for mathematics like Feynman’s lectures on physics? Ask HN: Successful one-person online businesses? Firefox NordVPN confirms it was hacked.

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California bans private prisons. Edward Snowden: Permanent Record. Uber lays off people. Sunsetting Python 2. Vinyl set to outsell CDs for first time since Joi Ito Resigns from M.

Everything I googled in a week as a professional software engineer. How to do a code review. Hong Kong protestors using Bridgefy’s Bluetooth-based mesh network messaging app. A deep dive into iOS Exploit chains found in the wild. Google just deleted my nearly year-old free and open-source Android app.

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My one-liner Linux Dropbox client. Why is Stack Overflow trying to start audio? Germany bans Facebook from handling WhatsApp data over privacy concerns. Google destroyed our startup by terminating our Play Developer Account. Epic, Spotify, and Tinder form advocacy group to push for app store changes.

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